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Should conspiracy theory threads be banned from Urban75?

Should they be banned from Urban?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 42.9%
  • No

    Votes: 16 57.1%

  • Total voters


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
I’m so fucking sick of clicking search and seeing “911, Elvis spotted talking to Bin Laden days before hijack!” or “911, facts we never need them to spout bullshit!” can’t we ban these fucking thread forever from these boards?? :mad: :mad:

I can’t help but feel that the more of these that come up the more google will pick up on it and more nutcases will travel here thinking it some conspiracy wankfest! :eek: They are all the bloody same, they serve no purpose and distract from some actual analysis and understand when it comes to politics, ban the fuckers now!:(
angry idiot said:
Was it a poll? Has any thing actually changed because of it?

It was, but Mike felt, and rightly so that the scope of a two option poll was unacceptable.

The fact is the decision lies with Mike as to whether or not anything changes, though looking at the bin it is to a point, but we have to go with whatever he feels best for the forums

I wouldn't say ban it, but create more moderation, we don't mind the intelligent debate and well though points but you get blatant liars like Dr Jazz who just want to score points over other posters and annoy the rest of us

Back up what you say, lie it out as best you can and then we can respond but don't just clip and paste, as most conspiracy types do.

The thread linked above to the original post proves the point anyway, it descended into a slanging match in the end
I don't have a problem with them, just ignore them. But if the owner of this site feels they create the wrong tone on his website, then a ban is fully justified.
I don't like bans, and the editor rightly has the freedom to delete individual threads he feels are unwanted if he should so wish.
Corax said:
I don't like bans, and the editor rightly has the freedom to delete individual threads he feels are unwanted if he should so wish.

Very true Corax but what Mike has pointed out in the other thread is that he doesn't want Urban to start attracting more of these eejits and end up being a nutjobs retirement home

I don't think any urbanite wants a ban but just a lil more moderation, you must admit, at times the entire thing is vastly over contrived
Corax said:
I don't like bans, and the editor rightly has the freedom to delete individual threads he feels are unwanted if he should so wish.
I hate agreeing with Corax but not all conspiraces are nonsense and we should enjoy the chance to challenge our government.

These constant 9/11 threads bore the shit out of me. I exercise my right not to post on them, thus hopefully those on Urban can follow suit and stop giving them the attention and oxygen of public viewing Dr Jazzz feels they deserve.
silentNate said:
I hate agreeing with Corax but not all conspiraces are nonsense and we should enjoy the chance to challenge our government.

These constant 9/11 threads bore the shit out of me. I exercise my right not to post on them, thus hopefully those on Urban can follow suit and stop giving them the attention and oxygen of public viewing Dr Jazzz feels they deserve.

Hmmmm...perhaps your right? Go to the root of the problem; ban Dr Jazz! :D :D
Rocket Romano said:
Very true Corax but what Mike has pointed out in the other thread is that he doesn't want Urban to start attracting more of these eejits and end up being a nutjobs retirement home

I don't think any urbanite wants a ban but just a lil more moderation, you must admit, at times the entire thing is vastly over contrived
There seems to have been a proliferation of 9/11 conspiracy threads of late - there's seven in the bin right now and four or five active threads too. Not totally sure why they're so popular right now, maybe cos we're coming up to the anniversary of 9/11.

But they are all the same - pointless. They get hijacked by conspiracy fans, then others come along to point out they're talking unsubstantiated shite and then the conspiracy fans start waffling on about some other of their pet theories instead.

And round and round it goes in circles.
I never ever look in politics so I'd quote like this to remain here, there must be others who dont look in on politics and who would like their say... democracy, opportunity and all that stuff :)
To be embarrassingly frank I enjoy the odd conspiracy theory- having a belief in some of the Colombine stuff I've read on Disinformation.*** and liking the stuff they've highlighted about Aspartame. The odd thread of silliness about remote control planes attacking the WTC can make me laugh. Problem is the prolification of conspiracy threads on Urban is to the sites detriment and its not the reason I choose to post :(
silentNate said:
To be embarrassingly frank I enjoy the odd conspiracy theory

Well I haven't seen you posting on any "conspiracy theory" threads. Trusts me, they're relentless and pointless because of a few conspiracy obsessives who just can't stop themselves posting up unsubstantiated shite.
Corax said:
I don't like bans, and the editor rightly has the freedom to delete individual threads he feels are unwanted if he should so wish.

Yep -- no absolute bans, but Mike has the right to sort out some of the madder, more disruptive CT lunatics, and the more firmly editoirial control is exercised with some of these loon fest threads, the happier I will be ...
Yep -- no absolute bans, but Mike has the right to sort out some of the madder, more disruptive CT lunatics, and the more firmly editoirial control is exercised with some of these loon fest threads, the happier I will be ...

'editorial control' :)
DrJazzz said:
'editorial control' :)
You're the worst offender by far DrJazzz. You can't seem to help yourself spamming these boards with your outlandish and sometimes unsavoury ideas. I'm thinking Huntley for example. You've never apologised for your Huntley thread, have you?
Loki said:
You're the worst offender by far DrJazzz. You can't seem to help yourself spamming these boards with your outlandish and sometimes unsavoury ideas. I'm thinking Huntley for example. You've never apologised for your Huntley thread, have you?
oh not this again. I hate having to repeat myself. I did apologise for one of the threads, which I released in the general forum and which created a massive kerfuffle, and where I had agreed that the premise of the thread was incorrect (BBC commits perjury). As soon as Huntley's previous form was released I remarked that I thought him genuinely guilty although there was much that puzzled me about the case. Of course other urbanites will know all this already.

I don't expect to have to repeat it again. Of course I am well aware that when people can't debate the topic at hand they will often resort to going on about Huntley and I am sure this will continue. :rolleyes:
DrJazzz said:
'editorial control'
Yes. It's that 'editorial control' that has resulted in urban75 growing and attracting a membership of 10,000+ people while bonkers fruitloop conspiracy sites like yours ended up with an audience of about five nutcases.
DrJazzz said:
As soon as Huntley's previous form was released I remarked that I thought him genuinely guilty although there was much that puzzled me about the case.
Like what exactly?

Do you think that there was some injustice or conspiracy in the case?
Well like the things I mentioned at the time, such as American servicemen allowed in to the school when they would have been able to plant the clothes and Huntley's defence making nothing of it whatsoever. Likewise the fact that anyone could have got hold of identical Man Utd shirts, and again Huntley's defence not arguing the line. Just a couple of things. Maybe the system just made sure that they put the right guy away.

I'd rather not go over all that again, though, and I'm sure few other posters would wish me to.
DrJazzz said:
Well like the things I mentioned at the time, such as American servicemen allowed in to the school when they would have been able to plant the clothes and Huntley's defence making nothing of it whatsoever
Fuck off with your offensive bullshit, DrJ.

Lots of people would have been 'allowed' into that school, but only a complete, anti-American, conspiracy-cunt like your pal Vialls would concoct an offensive defence of a evil child killer on the basis of it.

And you swallowed every last word of it, just like you continue to swallow the bullshit spouted from fuckwits.
editor said:
Fuck off with your offensive bullshit, DrJ.

Lots of people would have been 'allowed' into that school, but only a complete, anti-American, conspiracy-cunt like your pal Vialls would concoct an offensive defence of a evil child killer on the basis of it.

And you swallowed every last word of it, just like you continue to swallow the bullshit spouted from fuckwits.

Calm down editor. As you know, a defence team is required by law to properly fight the case on behalf of their client. The question of who had access to crucial evidence is certainly a question a defence counsel should be asking.

But as I said, I really don't want to over all that again.
DrJazzz said:
But as I said, I really don't want to over all that again.
Me neither.

And I'll tell you what - I'm not going to put up with it either,

Every new post you slap up here with yet another link to a conspiracy-tastic site that you've already referenced endless times will be deleted on sight.
Oh relax mate. Did you have a good night at the Ritzy? I know how stressful running nights can be, I've done it meself. :)
DrJazzz said:
Oh relax mate. Did you have a good night at the Ritzy? I know how stressful running nights can be, I've done it meself.
Partonising me like a total smug twat isn't going to change my mind one bit.

You're not long for these boards.
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