seventh bullet
I've worked in retail for 20 yrs. Given the cost of living crisis (when has it not been a crisis for poor people?) if I see someone shoplifting, especially food, then no I didn't. I saw a young woman stealing toy figures once. I saw her, she saw me, then I smiled and carried on walking. If she wants to treat her kid or somebody else's, I think the shareholders will surivive.that's my issue with 'victimless crime' bollocks. some guy/girl on average wage is being made to feel stupid, threatened and generally like shit every day - so there's your victim.
Some colleagues are a bit sad, with so much effort in defending the profits of a company that regularly commits wage theft against its employees, including them. Abusive behaviour from customers towards staff is different, though. Your entitled middle class types can be the worst for that. It's not just the lads who look like they fell into the final reductions rack of a TK Maxx.