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Sheridan perjury trial opens on Monday

So if a woman isn't particularly chaste then she must be a liar and a back-stabber.

That's the misogyny.

For me you are scum for an additional reason. Tommy Sheridan's defence involves character assassination of his former comrades. It's no doubt his best strategy legally speaking, but it's ugly stuff. It's the fact that you are so gleeful in your support of Sheridan's tactics that makes you scum. At least the CWI apparchiks are embarrassed by the whole thing.
Trolle was held up to be better than Sheridan in the original case a few years ago with some saying it was disgraceful for him to drag her through it....a decent married woman. The allegation being that he is morally worse than her..

She was not married.
I'm just trying to establish what she did that was so wrong in your eyes. She shouldn't have been shagging around? She should have refused to say anything in court? She shouldn't be defending herself against allegations of perjury? What?

There's only one person who blew a stupid irrelevant little NoTW story out of proportion. How has she done anything worse than that? It's hard to escape the conclusion that you are: a massive prude, a massive misogynist, or simply clutching at straws.
Trolle was held up to be better than Sheridan in the original case a few years ago with some saying it was disgraceful for him to drag her through it....a decent married woman. The allegation being that he is morally worse than her.

You've made the mistake of getting me to check the archives. You said some pretty vindictive things about KT. It looks like it wasn't a product of the heat of the moment either.


I don't know which is worse. The sheer spite or the vomit inducing Tommy worship.

I don't see anybody making claims about KT's virtues as a "decent married woman" though.
You've made the mistake of getting me to check the archives. You said some pretty vindictive things about KT. It looks like it wasn't a product of the heat of the moment either.


I don't know which is worse. The sheer spite or the vomit inducing Tommy worship.

I don't see anybody making claims about KT's virtues as a "decent married woman" though.
I'll quote that post here...so people can see my vomit inducing tommy worshipping and vindictive ...ness.
This wasn't the SSP, this was a clique. The SSP were not to be informed until after the deed was done.

And if they can't take on Murdoch, win or lose, what fucking good are they?

justuname...she fled the country because she felt 'humiliated'? Diddums. :rolleyes:
13/08/06 that was.

Diddums. Sheer spite and vomit inducing tommy worship.


Yep - that was your reaction to a woman who has had her sex-life paraded all over every tabloid newspaper in Scotland, been cross-examined by her (alleged) former lover in court, lost her boyfriend, her career and had to flee the country that she made home because of the humiliation.

Sheridan took on this case because he considered that a story that alleged he had had an affair harmed his reputation. He was so concerned to preserve this reputation as a faithful husband and father to be that against the advice of friends and comrades that had worked with him for close to 30 years he sued the NoTW. Now - true or not - its not v. nice to see the details of your initimate relations paraded through the tabloid press in lurid detail, but that is exactly what has happened to Katrine.

Why not diddums for Tommy?

The NoTW story was exactly that - a story - some would believe it, most would be eating their chips from it the next day. Katrine however has been questioned in person under oath by her alleged former lover about details of her marriage, her sex life and her sexual relationships in open court with the tabloids printing every lurid detail. Its disgusting and its abusive.

...and now she's going through it all again.
Yep - that was your reaction to a woman who has had her sex-life paraded all over every tabloid newspaper in Scotland, been cross-examined by her (alleged) former lover in court, lost her boyfriend, her career and had to flee the country that she made home because of the humiliation.

Sheridan took on this case because he considered that a story that alleged he had had an affair harmed his reputation. He was so concerned to preserve this reputation as a faithful husband and father to be that against the advice of friends and comrades that had worked with him for close to 30 years he sued the NoTW. Now - true or not - its not v. nice to see the details of your initimate relations paraded through the tabloid press in lurid detail, but that is exactly what has happened to Katrine.

Why not diddums for Tommy?

The NoTW story was exactly that - a story - some would believe it, most would be eating their chips from it the next day. Katrine however has been questioned in person under oath by her alleged former lover about details of her marriage, her sex life and her sexual relationships in open court with the tabloids printing every lurid detail. Its disgusting and its abusive.

...and now she's going through it all again.
You've obviously read nothing of these posts. My overriding concern was for the future and status of the left in Scotland and how the murdoch press had been consistently attacking it over the years with no effective counter-attack from the Scots (or the left in other parts of the UK).

The original case was a perfect tool to make an effective stand - the winning of the notw case was a stunning victory that was quickly pissed away by fools.

I voiced my outrage that, instead of coming together and acting as a unit in this, petty internecine squabbles took over and they destroyed their own party. They're a joke now.

I posted about how the whole thing had made me decide that voting for them, as I'd done in the past, was now pointless as they would have almost no public support. I shifted my preference to the SNP.

Then, as now, the discussion was forced around to Trolle and how she was the most honourable and worst damaged person in the whole thing. That had nothing at all to do with my posts. Others with an agenda did not want to discuss the internal fracture of the party involved, preferring only to argue about who's better and who's worse.

They're all worse, as I've said. Because they are a bunch of pathetic back-stabbing losers who'd sell each other, tape each other, sneak to the papers about each other.

They, and their supporters (currently here calling me scum), have shown themselves to be entirely unworthy of political consideration.

Hope that's plain enough.

If you want to discuss it on an adult level, I'm happy to have my point of view challenged and to contend with you.
They, and their supporters (currently here calling me scum), have shown themselves to be entirely unworthy of political consideration.

I have no current connections with the SSP. I'm not involved. I have no agenda. I call you scum because you are scum.

Then, as now, the discussion was forced around to Trolle and how she was the most honourable and worst damaged person in the whole thing. That had nothing at all to do with my posts. Others with an agenda did not want to discuss the internal fracture of the party involved, preferring only to argue about who's better and who's worse.

Now I get what you're saying - "She's No Better Than She Ought To Be"
The original case was a perfect tool to make an effective stand - the winning of the notw case was a stunning victory that was quickly pissed away by fools.

I voiced my outrage that, instead of coming together and acting as a unit in this, petty internecine squabbles took over and they destroyed their own party. They're a joke now.

A 'stunning victory' that was based on lies and deceit? Don't see how you can blame anyone but Tommy for destroying the party, given he brought the case in the first place because of his ego. Your views on Katrine Trolle are also pretty disgusting -- can't see where you denounce Tommy or his brother-in-law or any of the others who were shagging around, just her. Could it be because she's a woman?
An Observer columnist claims to have counted a ninesome at one point in the evidence. :D
Now I get what you're saying - "She's No Better Than She Ought To Be"

You're still implying singular criticism of trolle...and using made up quotes.
have shown themselves to be entirely unworthy of political consideration.
they destroyed their own party
And if they can't take on Murdoch, win or lose, what fucking good are they?
I've not seen any paragons of virtue on the stand yet.
The original case was a perfect tool to make an effective stand

You're just not getting it are you? This isnt some parlour game, these are people's lives - Katrine has had her life wrecked, Alan's been to gaol, Tommy and Gail are looking at prison sentances, another five have been charged, are facing a trial and possible prison, while numerous people have been stressed out of their box.

And for what - not some great political principle, but so that Sheridan could maintain reputation as a fine upstanding family man and get £200K in the process.

In the process a v. sucessful political party was destroyed. With hindsight maybe it was fundamentally flawed - based on Sheridan's celebrity, overly electorally focussed and contained the SWP. The SSP now is a different animal from the SSP of 2004, a smaller, but a much better one. It would have been nice however if we could have made the necessary changes without this charade.
I seem to remember the rest of the party doing quite well principally because of Sheridan's celebrity. Sheridan won against Murdoch and that should have strengthened them no end with a vulpine smirk of excellent one-upmanship. And they fucked it up.

Talking about their personal lives? A monstrous distraction from the fact that many Scots had empowered these people to represent us in politics. We didn't ask them to fill in a questionnaire on threesomes, swingers bars or being arseholes. We wanted fucking effective representation. That means you take what chances come your way, especially if you're minnows.

And they fucked that up. And with this second trial - they have destroyed it entirely for most likely a minimum of 3 terms.
Sorry, who fucked it up? Who took their sex life into a court-room?
I seem to remember the rest of the party doing quite well principally because of Sheridan's celebrity.

Can you not read? That was exactly the problem. It wasn't sustainable success, just a reflection of the celebrity status of this ludicrous man.
Sorry, who fucked it up? Who took their sex life into a court-room?
ymu...dear lady of maths and poker - not sure what you're asking, there are varying levels of knowledge in this case (not saying I have most knowledge) and, apparently, some strong and irrational feelings.

If you could rephrase that, it's a bit undefined in a thing that's been going on for years..
Can you not read? That was exactly the problem. It wasn't sustainable success, just a reflection of the celebrity status of this ludicrous man.

Sheridan has no doubt lost his way, but I think calling him a 'ludicrous man' is a bit rough. He earnt his earlier reputation by being an excellent class fighter for quite a long time. Whatever has gone on since, he deserves credit for that.
If you could rephrase that, it's a bit undefined in a thing that's been going on for years..
Sheridan brought sex into the courtroom by denying the NOTW story and bringing it to court. Stupid man. I don't give a monkey's about who he's shagged and in what combination. But why deny it??? He's worse than a gay MP voting for clause 28.
It was a politically motivated attack to chip at his creditability. The jury found for him and not the notw, no-one ever said this was because of the evidence. The party took this win and quickly turned it into a big bucket of shit thrown over each and every one of them. notw...job done for them. Your clause 28 analogy is daft, I don't recall Sheridan voting on swingers, 3-somes or the like.
Dexter, are you saying that the first victory against the NOTW was a success for the SSP and worth a majority of SSP leading members and officials being viewed as liars in the courts, and that they should have accepted that and then got in behind TS and the line he took in court and carried on from there happily ever after?
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