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Shayler - talk in Brixton - Wed. 2nd Nov.

bristol_citizen said:
But I should ignore all this and "vote based on the policies contained in a manifesto" instead?
I also said something about the personal integrity of the candidate and so I would understand if you chose not to vote for this person.

However, for the sake of argument - what difference would any of these statements make to the Green Party policies that this person would be elected to advance?

If this person was elected to Bristol City council what exactly would these views impact upon?

When Green Party candidates are elected they are expected to implement Green Party polices, not simply pursue personal agendas.

I can't speak for Bristol Green Party but isn't it the case that this person is speaking in a personal capacity? Has any of this been presented as Green Party stuff?

I wouldn't be surprised if this came to a head soon, but the Green Party does have rules and a constitution that allow local parties a lot of independence, and I don't think it is easy for them to "shut people up" unless they are clearly breaking rules.

I don't know what GP rules these statements violate. I don't think there is a rule saying "thou shalt not be a fuckwit". I'd hope however that local members would take some kind of action themselves rather than having to rely on the national party to intervene. :(
editor said:
With the full might of the Icelandic green party behind it, who indeed?

Whereas great fucking big britain is a major international player. Fuck the iceland mob, they're just a tiny nation who should therefore not have a voice, and nor should they be intelligent. They must believe what britain says, coz britain is bigger and the view that is most prevalent is of course the fucking truth.

Finally i understand where i've gone wrong on urban re 911: my view is in the minority and therefore it must simply be wrong. Hey, at last i know how truth works.

Silly old me eh.
fela fan said:
Whereas great fucking big britain is a major international player. Fuck the iceland mob, they're just a tiny nation who should therefore not have a voice, and nor should they be intelligent. They must believe what britain says, coz britain is bigger and the view that is most prevalent is of course the fucking truth.
Yeah! Yeah! Right on! That's exactly what I said, innit?
:rolleyes: x off the scale
fela fan said:
Finally i understand where i've gone wrong on urban re 911: my view is in the minority and therefore it must simply be wrong.
I'd say it's more down to you being a grade a cock who spouts patronising "I just know I'm right" guff from your little overseas bubble of bullshit.
editor said:
Yeah! Yeah! Right on! That's exactly what I said, innit?
:rolleyes: x off the scale
I'd say it's more down to you being a grade a cock who spouts patronising "I just know I'm right" guff from your little overseas bubble of bullshit.

Heh heh, you just love the insulting game on your own boards don't you editor? Did you set them so that you could indulge in these ego games of yours? What precisely do you get out of hurling such disgusting insults my way? You like to make people feel bad do you? Since you wouldn't do it in the pub, i'd say you're just firing them off coz you're nicely protected. It doesn't cost much to display even a modicum of manners.

But no, you alway resort to filthy insults when you're losing the debate. Oh well. Enjoy your sleep, i've some work to do in my bullshit bubble of thailand life.
fela fan said:
Heh heh, you just love the insulting game on your own boards don't you editor?
Seeing as you insult my intelligence with each and every one of your puffed-up, pompous I just know best maaaan pronouncements, I'd say I've been extraordinarily polite.
editor said:
Seeing as you insult my intelligence with each and every one of your puffed-up, pompous I just know best maaaan pronouncements, I'd say I've been extraordinarily polite.

Please take this piece of positive critisicm in the spirit it's intended - for your benefit not mine. As much as I tend not to agree with many viewpoints put forward by Fela Fan, your constant retort of 'maaaan', I presume based on his use in one or two posts of phrases like, 'hey man', seems a bit like bullying to me. He says 'man' sometimes. So what. You're going for the maaaaan, not the ball, and I don't think that's fair.
shandy said:
As much as I tend not to agree with many viewpoints put forward by Fela Fan, your constant retort of 'maaaan', I presume based on his use in one or two posts of phrases like, 'hey man', seems a bit like bullying to me. He says 'man' sometimes.
You're perfectly entitled to your opinion, but I suspect I'm not alone in my opinion of fela's posts.

And, yes, I am going for the cod-hippy nonsense he constantly employs as a means of avoiding backing up his often-ridiculous claims.

It's fucking infuriating and crushes any hope of an intelligent debate ("I don't need facts or evidence, man, I just know" etc etc zzzzzzzzzzzz)
editor said:
It's fucking infuriating and crushes any hope of an intelligent debate ("I don't need facts or evidence, man, I just know" etc etc zzzzzzzzzzzz)

you're mixing up your 'instant response' buttons, ed - that's the jazzz hot key ;)
bristle-krs said:
you're mixing up your 'instant response' buttons, ed - that's the jazzz hot key ;)
Talkig of which, I wonder if he's managed to dial that hotel in Birmingham yet?
editor said:
You're perfectly entitled to your opinion, but I suspect I'm not alone in my opinion of fela's posts.

Well of course you're not. But by the same token others will agree with my opinion, and still others will have no opinion. Hey guess what, that's life!

You spend far too much time dissing those who 'fucking infuriate' you, rather than demolishing their arguments.

It's all about how YOU react to other posters, not about the topic. It's always about how YOU feel in reaction to a post. YOU never tire of telling us how YOUR emotions are at any one time.
editor said:
Seeing as you insult my intelligence with each and every one of your puffed-up, pompous I just know best maaaan pronouncements, I'd say I've been extraordinarily polite.

"I'd say it's more down to you being a grade a cock who spouts patronising "I just know I'm right" guff from your little overseas bubble of bullshit."

Extraordinarily polite??

:D :D
TeeJay said:
I also said something about the personal integrity of the candidate and so I would understand if you chose not to vote for this person.

However, for the sake of argument - what difference would any of these statements make to the Green Party policies that this person would be elected to advance?

If this person was elected to Bristol City council what exactly would these views impact upon?

When Green Party candidates are elected they are expected to implement Green Party polices, not simply pursue personal agendas.

I can't speak for Bristol Green Party but isn't it the case that this person is speaking in a personal capacity? Has any of this been presented as Green Party stuff?

I wouldn't be surprised if this came to a head soon, but the Green Party does have rules and a constitution that allow local parties a lot of independence, and I don't think it is easy for them to "shut people up" unless they are clearly breaking rules.

I don't know what GP rules these statements violate. I don't think there is a rule saying "thou shalt not be a fuckwit". I'd hope however that local members would take some kind of action themselves rather than having to rely on the national party to intervene. :(

<Deep breath>
Let me just give you a few brief facts about Bristol. I could give you more but hopefully this'll give a taste of what's actually happening here:

- We currently have the worst education system in the country. No arguments. That's fact. What this means in reality is that our working class kids are given the option between crime or working minimum wage in retail. End off. No fucking choices, no fucking hope and it's actually a situation that's demonstrably getting worse.

- Should a kid actually be bright enough to get themselves down the library to teach themselves something despite the fucking politicians and the bureaucrats, well they're wasting their time because the politicians are closing the libraries down because they can't afford the staff anymore.

- Our social services are somewhere between £10m - £17m in debt. This means we can't look after our elderly, disabled and vulnerable anymore because we've just cut all their services. We're talking critically ill 2nd world war veterans, Parkinsons sufferers, people with spina bifida etc., etc., having care withdrawn in favour of what politicians call "choice" and we call fuck all. (If you want to see the vile conditions people are being forced to live in let me know and I'll arrange some visits)

- We can't actually move around this congested, polluted shit-hole of a town without a car anymore either. Why? Because the fucking politicians have decided to take all the money given to them over the last 30 years for a sustainable transport system and spend it on a series of rival plans and arguing with each other about it.

And if I understand you correctly the self-styled "progessive" party in this country thinks they can change all this by promoting yet another total fruitloop to sit alongside the other 71 we already have courtesy of Labour, Lib-Dem and Tory?
A fruitloop who actually has nothing - whatsoever - public to say about education, transport, social services, libraries or any other service at all but is apparently a self-styled, very public, world-class expert on remote-controlled jumbo fucking jets. How useful.

And also if I understand you correctly if this fruitloop says anything at all outside of "Green Party policy" it's all right because, and I quote, "it's the case that this person is speaking in a personal capacity."

Fine. I'll join the GP, become a candidate and then maybe spend my weekends - "in a personal capacity" - dressed in an SS uniform on Corn Street, Bristol reading selected passages from 'Mein Kampf' shall I? That should be all right too. After all, "what difference would any of these statements make to the Green Party policies that I would be elected to advance?"

Progressive politics? Pah! Arse-covering, Looney Tunes party politics as usual I reckon.
fela fan said:
It's all about how YOU react to other posters, not about the topic. It's always about how YOU feel in reaction to a post. YOU never tire of telling us how YOUR emotions are at any one time.
I think you'll find that you've just released another parp from your little overseas bubble of bullshit
bristol_citizen said:
...And if I understand you correctly the self-styled "progessive" party in this country thinks they can change all this by promoting yet another total fruitloop to sit alongside the other 71 we already have courtesy of Labour, Lib-Dem and Tory?
A fruitloop who actually has nothing - whatsoever - public to say about education, transport, social services, libraries or any other service at all but is apparently a self-styled, very public, world-class expert on remote-controlled jumbo fucking jets. How useful.

And also if I understand you correctly if this fruitloop says anything at all outside of "Green Party policy" it's all right because, and I quote, "it's the case that this person is speaking in a personal capacity."

Fine. I'll join the GP, become a candidate and then maybe spend my weekends - "in a personal capacity" - dressed in an SS uniform on Corn Street, Bristol reading selected passages from 'Mein Kampf' shall I? That should be all right too. After all, "what difference would any of these statements make to the Green Party policies that I would be elected to advance?"
Advocating racist, neo-nazi shite, even in a "personal capacity" would get you kicked out of the GP extremely quickly. There is however a difference between making statements that are entirely contrary to GP policy (eg racist etc) and making personal statements (ie not as a GP statement) which aren't contrary to GP policy, but are simply "outside". For example someone supporting one football team over another isn't a GP issue - it is not GP policy or contrary to GP policy: it is simply "outside" and not connected to GP policy.

You say: "...the self-styled "progessive" party in this country thinks they can change all this by promoting yet another total fruitloop..."

I haven't seen any Green Party statements supporting this 9-11 stuff or this candidate. I am taking your claim that he is a GP Bristol candidate at face value but I don't know this person or anything about the Bristol GP.

Yes, I'd agree that it is a disaster to have conspiracy-spouting fruitloops standing as GP candidates and using this platform to bang on about their moronic pet topics. I would have problems telling people to vote for someone like this. However, the choice of candidates - for better or worse - is down to local members. The GP isn't as centralised as many parties, which allows local parties more freedom. Some of these parties suffer as a result but many others benefit - that's the risk you run when a system has more local autonomy. If you can suggest a way round this then I would be interested.

People can either give up on the GP whenever they see anything they don't like or would change, or they an engage with it in a spirit of making it better and stronger. Of course people who didn't like the GP in the first place will lay into it anyway, because they don't actually want to see it improved.
editor said:
I was drawing that conclusion from his assertion that:
(a) he's only heard police officers use the phrase and
(b) he's never heard a non-cop use the phrase

Can't see quite what it's got to do with you, mind.
you can't ask someone a question, then when they answer you suggest it's nothing to do with them. mebbe if you wanted to keep it stricktly between you and pickmans you should have used pm's, and not made a post like 399 which kind of asks for a reply. but i think i see the problem anyway, youre not realising the difference between implying something and asserting something.
For those who missed the Brixton event there's another chance to catch Mr Shayler

9/11 CONFERENCE: “The New Pearl Harbour: Exploring Conflicting Interpretations of 9/11” COMEDY CLUB 10AM-5PM

All Day pass? €20 The Truth? Priceless. (On the Door)

<editor: advert removed>
Err, since when has it been OK to post up adverts for commercial events without checking with the mod team first, sparticus?

Mind you, it looks like they got the right venue for the event - a comedy club!
neilh said:
you can't ask someone a question, then when they answer you suggest it's nothing to do with them. mebbe if you wanted to keep it stricktly between you and pickmans you should have used pm's, and not made a post like 399 which kind of asks for a reply. but i think i see the problem anyway, youre not realising the difference between implying something and asserting something.
Sorry, but you're really boring me now.
sparticus said:
For those who missed the Brixton event there's another chance to catch Mr Shayler

9/11 CONFERENCE: “The New Pearl Harbour: Exploring Conflicting Interpretations of 9/11” COMEDY CLUB 10AM-5PM

All Day pass? €20 The Truth? Priceless. (On the Door)

<editor: advert removed>

£20???!!!! It's not a money-spinning event then?
Priceless is the word.
sparticus said:
For those who missed the Brixton event there's another chance to catch Mr Shayler

9/11 CONFERENCE: “The New Pearl Harbour: Exploring Conflicting Interpretations of 9/11” COMEDY CLUB 10AM-5PM

All Day pass? €20 The Truth? Priceless. (On the Door)

<editor: advert removed>
I guess you wouldn't want to spill the secrets by telling us how the meeting went and what was said then?
butchersapron said:
I guess you wouldn't want to spill the secrets by telling us how the meeting went and what was said then?

I can do that for a special Urban75 price of just £15. PM me for more details. Remember: "the truth is lucrative."
butchersapron said:
I guess you wouldn't want to spill the secrets by telling us how the meeting went and what was said then?

it's just scientology with fewer celebrity endorsements
bristol_citizen said:
Oh dear!

I just Googled "Tony Gosling" and got this:



"Hi, I'm Tony Gosling, this website's editor, my contact details are near the bottom of this page. If you have a minute though, do check out why I believe The Bible (not the establishment church) is still the clearest guide to understanding the Godawful mess this world's in - by having a look in between..."


:eek: :confused: :oops:
TeeJay said:
Oh dear!

I just Googled "Tony Gosling" and got this:



"Hi, I'm Tony Gosling, this website's editor, my contact details are near the bottom of this page. If you have a minute though, do check out why I believe The Bible (not the establishment church) is still the clearest guide to understanding the Godawful mess this world's in - by having a look in between..."


:eek: :confused: :oops:

I rest my case.
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