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Shayler - talk in Brixton - Wed. 2nd Nov.

TeeJay said:
Oh dear!

I just Googled "Tony Gosling" and got this:

so, what, you just ignored all the warnings (often backed up with links and references) about gosling that various people have posted here in the past?


<bangs head against wall>
Oh dear! :confused:

I have to admit, I wouldn't really be able to honestly suggest that anyone should vote for that guy - based on the utter rubbish on his website.

(butchers - you are pulling my leg about 30 years ago tho' :p - that's a PC running windows :D )


I have just had a look at Bristol Green Party, and hardly saw any mention of TG. His name only appears once as one local election candidate out of 31 candidates in the west, south and east bristol parties, and I can't see his name on any of the events, press releases, letters to local papers, events or any other Bristol Green Party stuff.

Furthermore, the Bristol Green Party website lists their local policies as:

* Create a Rubbish-free Bristol by 2020
* Pedestrianise the city centre
* Free pre-school childcare for 3 & 4 year-olds.
* Introduce a city congestion charge ASAP
* Council Tax reductions for businesses that provide free crèche facilities.
* Promote solar power in all areas.
* Global warming is a local issue.
* Too Yellow to be Green - The environmental pretensions of the Liberal Democrats
* Education. The Labour party have proved themselves to be: “Tough on education, tough on the causes of education”.
* Promote home zones throughout Bristol.
* Promote light rail.
* Promote the suburban rail network - see our Rail strategy green paper.

...and I can't find any mention of any weird or wacky conspiracy thyeories anywhere on the Bristol GP website.

I therefore think that you are misrepresenting Bristol Green Party by pointing to this guy.

Bristol Green Party website
bristle-krs said:
so, what, you just ignored all the warnings (often backed up with links and references) about gosling that various people have posted here in the past?


<bangs head against wall>
Why should I be paying them any attention?

I don't live in Bristol so I don't see why it should concern me in particular. I do recall hearing the name before but I didn't realise he was in the Green Party - and in any case, what am I meant to do about it? I am not even a member any more, let alone a Bristol GP member! :confused:
I don't think BC ever said it was local GP policy, just that this was the sort of stuff that hadn't dissuaded the local GP from endorsing him as a candidate (and believe me, you don't know half of the stuff about this bloke). But that fact itself might say something about them.
From my experience, in local elections the GP is still at the point where it has to persuade people to stand rather than there being several people fighting over who should be the candidate in each ward.

The exception to this in local elections would probably be in wards where the GP had previously won a very high Green vote and stood a good chance of being elected.

There is far more competition for slots in regional, european and general elections (the former due to a higher chance of election, and the latter due to the high profile of the contest).

All GP members have the right to seek to be candidates in elections, and if noone else put their name forward for that ward I don't really see what rules could be used to stop him standing.

I don't think there is much chance at all of him being selected for a target ward, regional, euro or general election tho', nor of his wierd beliefs having much impact at all on Bristol GP policies.
You've just said that you have no idea of what's going on in the Bristol GP. Now you're confidently predicting what they'll do in the future? That's one steep learning curve.
butchersapron said:
You've just said that you have no idea of what's going on in the Bristol GP. Now you're confidently predicting what they'll do in the future? That's one steep learning curve.
I know about GP rules and policies, and I have now had a look around the Bristol GP website, which gives me a very different impression from that implied by other people on this thread.

People will be able to make their own minds up about whether TG and all his CT stuff has any impact or influence on them by looking at their website for themselves:

TeeJay said:
I know about GP rules and policies, and I have now had a look around the Bristol GP website, which gives me a very different impression from that implied by other people on this thread.

People will be able to make their own minds up about whether TG and all his CT stuff has any impact or influence on them by looking at their website for themselves:

And those of us actually in Bristol? Are we free to make our minds up and understand what a joke the local GP is? You know, based on our own experience rather than google and cardboard constitutions?
bristle-krs said:
the stuff about gosling has been discussed lot on urban. you get around a lot of urban.
But I never made the connection between TG (a name that I have heard) and the Bristol GP.

It seems he is a member there and has stood in a local election, but he doesn't really appear anywhere else on their website at all, and their website doesn't mention anything about 9-11, bildenburg (or whatever that crap is), UFOs, MI5/6, the illuminatii and so forth.

I can't therefore see why people should be that concerned about the Bristol Green Party, other than that they haven't thrown him out (not something the GP do unless they have actually broken rules etc) or 'gagged' him from running his own personal fruit'n'nut website (again - 'rules' etc).
TeeJay said:
It seems he is a member there and has stood in a local election, but he doesn't really appear anywhere else on their website at all, and their website doesn't mention anything about 9-11, bildenburg (or whatever that crap is), UFOs, MI5/6, the illuminatii and so forth.
You don't even know what beanburger is and yet you're mocking it? Shame on you Teej.
that's nice teejay :)

still, tbf, i couldn't give two shits who the green party candidate is.
butchersapron said:
And those of us actually in Bristol? Are we free to make our minds up and understand what a joke the local GP is? You know, based on our own experience rather than google and cardboard constitutions?
You are a class-struggle anarchist/member of the Anarchist Federation, so I don't see why you would support the Green Party or any political party in any case.

Apart from the fact that TG hasn't be thrown out, would you like to explain to everyone why you think Bristol GP is a "joke"?

For what its worth:

Local election results:

"We stood in 19 of the 23 wards that had elections, and received 9,652 votes. This gave us an average of 9.7% of the vote where we stood, with an average of 11.5% across all the wards in Bristol West constituency. This represents a substantial increase on the previous elections in these seats.

The star result was in Ashley, where we received 1233 votes, 22.6% of the vote. Other high scoring results in Bristol West were Cotham, with 16.1%; Redland, with 14.3% and Bishopston, with 13.4%.

In Bristol East, our star result was in Easton, where we received 16.0% of the vote."

...and the general elections results were as follows:

Bristol S. 5% (up 72% on 2001)
Bristol E. 3.8% (up 43%)
Bristol W. 3.8% (up 10%)
Northavon 1.6% (didn't contest 2001)
butchersapron said:
You don't even know what beanburger is and yet you're mocking it? Shame on you Teej.
I didn't know how to *spell* it and couldn't be bothered checking.
bristle-krs said:
that's nice teejay :)

still, tbf, i couldn't give two shits who the green party candidate is.
Sorry, I fail to follow your argument.

I thought you were saying that it is a bad thing that TG is a GP candidate? :confused:
TeeJay said:
I didn't know how to *spell* it and couldn't be bothered checking.
**double whoosh**

"would you like to explain to everyone why you think Bristol GP is a "joke""

I think you've already done that teeJ.
butchersapron said:
**double whoosh**

"would you like to explain to everyone why you think Bristol GP is a "joke""

I think you've already done that teeJ.
Well "buTchY" :rolleyes: its friday night and you are on a wind up.

I'm not going to bother pretending it is worth arguing with you.

I've provided the links for people to have a look for themselves, and I'll leave it at that for now.
TeeJay said:
I know about GP rules and policies, and I have now had a look around the Bristol GP website, which gives me a very different impression from that implied by other people on this thread.

People will be able to make their own minds up about whether TG and all his CT stuff has any impact or influence on them by looking at their website for themselves:


I had a really quick look and I found them promoting this chap who recommends this site:


So I did a search on 911

And it produced this as a first result

He also has a personal website (I've not read): http://www.krishna-das.com/arjuna/index.html
God lad Teej. It was, however, you, that brought this picture and its association with the local Greens up

teejay, you've already demonstrated you'd rather stick up for bgp than criticise their support and legitimation of gosling. 'wilful ignorance' seems to be your defence.

"i didn't realise!" is the cry.

well, now you do.
bristle-krs said:
teejay, you've already demonstrated you'd rather stick up for bgp than criticise their support and legitimation of gosling.
"Support and legitimation"?

What are other GP members meant to do about it exactly?

Are they meant to go round trying to get anyone with views they don't like thrown out of the party, banned from standing as candidates or prohibited from talking about various subjects?

If someone was spouting racism, sexism, homophobia then you would have a point, or if they were violent.

But I can't see how the GP are meant to go about prohibiting its members from spouting conspiracy theories, professing to be religious or talking rubbish on the internet.

Members can choose not to vote for these people when they are asked to choose general election candidates and they can make sure that none of these views are adopted as Green Party policy - again by arguing and if necessary voting on them.

Are you saying that the GP should "purge" all and any idiots, and if so, how do they go about deciding who should be purged and who shouldn't?

In my opinion the only approach to take is to seek to attract more 'mainstream' and 'normal' people (something that seems to be happening) and rely on the weight of numbers. I think this is better than trying to "purge" people you consider to be oddballs etc.
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