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Scoffing too much meat and eggs is ‘just as bad as smoking’, claim scientists

Not quite accurate. He also believed that a strong volk was a product of a strong agrarian peasant culture. In Germany at that time (and in the preceding century) that meant a lot more grain farming and horticulture than large-scale livestock production.
Well yes, there was a whole "ecosystem" of ideas that eating less meat was a part of.

Agreed and thanks for the expansion.
It's nothing to do with 'rights'.
because you say so sonny? :facepalm:
Unfortunately, under present capitalism, for some people (particularly poor urban-dwellers), a diet with no recourse to animal protein is unaffordable, and for some of us, also medically-unadvisable. Back in the day, we poor folks used to keep chickens, or a communal piggy. Nowadays, cheap meaty supermarket pabulum has taken its' place.
yes that is why i added those caveats very early on and believe i repeated them
Don't be an even bigger bellend.

I'd have let it slide if you were just mildly opposed to meat production, or just didn't care to think about it. But the fervour with which you've argued against meat, followed by the revelation that you're a meat-muncher yourself makes you something of an unprincipled wanker in my book.
"I'd have let it slide"! charly bog potatoes mod mad
I think some measure of projection has leaked into your arguments, though. Others are not as conflicted about eating meat as you appear to be.
no, they have been arguing a point, just because you don't agree with or able to get your head around it it does not mean it is projection
no, they have been arguing a point, just because you don't agree with or able to get your head around it it does not mean it is projection
you have no idea which bit I'm referring to, do you? More than once, herbz referred to people wilfully distancing themselves from the reality of meat production to ease their consciences. He addressed that to, among others, me and spymaster, two posters who have said that we have killed animals and ate them and had no problem doing so.

Mate, you criticise my posting style, yet your passive aggression is still oozing out uncontrollably.

And your prophesy on page one has not come true. The only people whose eating habits have been criticised are the omnivores. The only poster whose criticism has even been coherent is Jeff r.
you have no idea which bit I'm referring to, do you? More than once, herbz referred to people wilfully distancing themselves from the reality of meat production to ease their consciences. He addressed that to, among others, me and spymaster, two posters who have said that we have killed animals and ate them and had no problem doing so.

I'm sorry, I forget where I addressed that to you. Could you point out on the thread where the bad man touched you, so I know what context it was in and how to avoid it next time?
I'm sorry, I forget where I addressed that to you. Could you point out on the thread where the bad man touched you, so I know what context it was in and how to avoid it next time?
ddraig at least has the virtue of honestly believing the stuff he's coming out with. You? You're just boring.
Playing devil's advocate on here is an arrogant thing to do. You're simply not that clever or interesting.

There is a reason why people generally ask permission to do so. 'May I play devil's advocate for a moment' is the kind of thing people say. It is asking people to indulge you. It's the polite thing to do.
Playing devil's advocate on here is an arrogant thing to do. You're simply not that clever or interesting.

There is a reason why people generally ask permission to do so. 'May I play devil's advocate for a moment' is the kind of thing people say. It is asking people to indulge you. It's the polite thing to do.

I was neither playing devil's advocate, nor am I confused. I know exactly where I stand, it just seems that you two don't have the mental capacity to deal with it... not my problem.
Feel free to argue amongst yourselves or pat each other on the back.
Whining isn't a good look for trolls, though. The likes of dwyer at least recognise that.

I don't think playing devil's advocate is trolling in itself. Maybe if you've chosen anti-semitism or something as your topic, but it was a debate with two opposing views and neither is one I think most would find offensive. Plus, he could just be a bit conflicted. I think I'm a bit conflicted about eating meat, at least when it comes to mammals.
Just to add this thread.

Dr Joy, a leading advocate of treating (all) animals with respect.

I especially like the bit where she talks about 'carnism' being justified by the 'dominant culture' and then in the next breath has a pop at Neanderthals. :D
I don't think playing devil's advocate is trolling in itself. Maybe if you've chosen anti-semitism or something as your topic, but it was a debate with two opposing views and neither is one I think most would find offensive. Plus, he could just be a bit conflicted. I think I'm a bit conflicted about eating meat, at least when it comes to mammals.

I also smoke cigarrettes, although I know they are bad for me and I believe the sale of tobacco products should be banned.*

*runs for cover and waits for LBJ's head to explode because he can't make sense of it.

So is this the truth or is the post where you said you were playing devil's advocate the truth?

I'll stop poking the troll now. Should have done so a while ago.

Again, you seem to be making things up as you go. Could you point out where I stated I was playing devil's advocate? Not where you thought I said it but where I actually said it?
I also smoke cigarrettes, although I know they are bad for me and I believe the sale of tobacco products should be banned.*

Yeah, I drink too much, so I'm calling on the Government to ban alcohol.
The petition isn't going too well...
Then why mention your tag?

It's what you meant and you know it. You disingenuous scrote.

I mentioned tags so I could point out that you are indeed a Cockney Wanker... simples.

Again, if you don't have the mental capacity to fathom something so simple... not my problem, and maybe you shouldn't be entering into a debate if you feel the need to personally attack someone when you can't come up with anything constructive to add to the debate... Sad little boy.
Of course you did. ;)

This backpedaling is fooling nobody.

I made my stance crystal clear from my first post and throughout the thread. If you can't see that, again, not my problem.

The fact that you feel the need to question the sincerity of my stance, and use this as your final rebuttal, speaks volumes.
Ah, you didn't totally flunk troll school, then. Get caught, so deflect, move the focus away from your fuck-up.

It never works, you know. To think that it might is to show a disdainful disregard for other posters' abilities.
Ah, you didn't totally flunk troll school, then. Get caught, so deflect, move the focus away from your fuck-up.

It never works, you know. To think that it might is to show a disdainful disregard for other posters' abilities.

You do realise that accusing someone of trolling when they aren't/weren't, in fact, trolling, just makes you look like a cunt?
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