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Saudi Arabia chosen to head human rights panel whilst sentencing citizen to crucifixion

The older I get the more twisted and fucked up the world from a human perspective seems. The only explanation I can see for this appointment is some kind or reverse psychology ploy... it will never work of course. Of course a similar fate awaits anyone who is gay in Saudi Arabia.
"Put up with these arseholes"?

Does that mean when can we start considering "regime change"?

The place would succumb to its own internal contradictions in its own way eventually. Encouraging the concerned parties to show restraint and engage in dialogue toward a political solution while not pouring in weapons, mercenaries and fanatics should suffice.

Would also be nice if the people of Bangladesh and other nations could find a better way to make a living then having to get involved with the likes of Saudi Fucking Arabia.
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The alternatives being the likes of IS or al-Quaeda I suppose. Trouble is they already receive support from wealthy individuals in Saudi amongst other places. Do you think that the monarchy there are to some degree keeping a lid on it? If so it's a fucking sad state of affairs.
I suspect its not simply individuals but royal money funneled through deniable sources. Anyway they are busy using all those guns and warplanes our mil/indust bods sold them on the houthi insurgency in yemen. Of course any talk of regime change would be nonsense. Sitting on that much black gold is a boot on the neck of enemy or ally.
Saudi Arabia aside, the Human Rights Council is an utter joke anyway. Was supposed to be an improvement, a way past the politicisation of human rights that had become institutionalised through the Commission. This is worse than ever.
International diplomacy much like sausages you really don't want to look too close at how they are made:(.
Saudi is a shit regime still better than most of it's rivals/neighbours unfortunately the house of saud can't be kicked into the 18th century by the lead shekih being wheeled from hospital to the Ritz while his Sandhurst educated son takes over as the UK did in Oman .
Omans not to bad a place for middle eastern autocracy's:(
as the UK did in Oman
after a 7 year clandestine SAS operation that murdered and trained the murderers of a legitimate grass roots communist insurgency. You make it sound like some vicars tea party. Your lot shot everyone red or suspected red or fuck it shoot.
They were doubly successful, defeating the communist rebels and keeping the entire operation so secret that the Labour party had no idea what was happening until they won the 1974 election.

yay democracy!

and nobody ever mentions that it happened.
Backed and funded by yemen
Which in the last twenty years has been a better place to live
Oman evil autocracy
Or peoples democracy of yemen?
Backed and funded by yemen
Which in the last twenty years has been a better place to live
Oman evil autocracy
Or peoples democracy of yemen?
we'll never know what the omani people could have made of it because the uk government hired the SAS out as mercs to the royal house for a secret war and told us fuck all about it.

trying to make out the noble british helped to modernise an autocracy and make it slightly better while not mentioning the 7 year counter insurgency war is pretty special even for you
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because communism backed by the soviet union and china has been a massive success everywhere.
oh wait it hasn't:facepalm:.
the iraninans and saudis had more troops on the ground than the UK in oman
because the russians rolling in massacring the afghan goverment was all sweentness light and kittens:facepalm:

Despite these drastic measures, by the end of 1980, out of the 80,000 soldiers strong Afghan Army, more than half had either deserted or joined the rebels
We should tell Taraki and Amin to change their tactics. They still continue to execute those people who disagree with them. They are killing nearly all of theParcham leaders, not only the highest rank, but of the middle rank, too." ”
— Kosygin speaking at a Politburo sessio

The russian invasion was a big as fuck up as the US one and was about as useful in bringing in modernity as well:facepalm:
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