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Saudi Arabia chosen to head human rights panel whilst sentencing citizen to crucifixion

I think what really annoys me about likefish and his take on the cold war is that he'll happily point to regimes where whatever iteration was tried and go 'well it didn't work' while ignoring the role his former employers played in bombing, economically freezing out and generally fucking over. It's like kicking the shit out of someone and then saying 'well, self defense is clearly bollocks because look at the state of this cunt'

I mean no endorsment of regimes by this. I just think fucking people over and then telling them their shit doesn't work because look its all fucked up and over is a bit rich
yeah it hasn't because succesive US and UK and NATO governments funded whover they could in the region to keep the commie down. In afghanistan it was the Mujahadeen fs. and look how nice thats turned out?

'Keep commie down.' Socialism via helicopter gunship wasn't well received by the country's majority rural people. It won't do to say the Kabul government (as a result of Soviet meddling in a split between Afghan Communists) was some beacon of stability and development ruined by western powers and the Mujahideen were their nasty reactionaries with little genuine support from the peasantry. After the Saur coup and the arrival of the Soviet army, the government and its pretensions to authority was based in a city many simply didn't view as being legitimate in much of the country, no matter the political colouration.

The fragmented structure of Afghan society with its regional and tribal/clan social bonds saw pre-exisitng cautious or even hostile relationships with those who held the reins to a weak state, and when these new 'rulers' began a hasty program of social reforms by force, they alienated rural people even further. Within the Communists' actual areas of solid influence there was indeed repression of political opponents and nasty counter-insurgency measures with the imported expertise of the KGB, East German MfS and Bulgarian KDS.

Don't bother liking this likesfish. You'd have cheered on the CIA-assisted terror in southern Vietnam, but not recognised it a such while condemning, context-free, the Pure Evil of the Communists.
I was hoping for a post from on why the omani insurgencey was....more complex than red vs white. But that will do ;) . I read a piece from pilger (I know) about a month ago crafting the afghan situation as just that simplicity. The goodies vs the baddies.
Nah the Phoenix program among others was all kinds of fucked up.
Mind you the bog standard US army was an atrocity machine by the simple fact of using tactics to fight ww2/Korea in Vietnam.

Bit like letting 1st armoured division lose in south armargh yes the IRA is defeated but everybody else is dead and the place is on fire :eek:
UK and Saudi Arabia 'in secret deal' over human rights council place

Britain conducted secret vote-trading deals with Saudi Arabia to ensure both states were elected to the UN human rights council (UNHRC), according to leaked diplomatic cables.

The elevation of the Saudi kingdom to one of the UN’s most influential bodies in 2013 prompted fresh international criticism of its human rights record.

This week, a new diplomatic row has erupted over a Shia activist, Ali Mohammed al-Nimr, who faces death by crucifixion after being convicted at the age of 17 of joining an anti-government demonstration....
The fact that Corbyn is highlighting this stuff changes the rules a bit, it might mean that the UK government actually has to justify its policies towards Saudi Arabia.
UK made 'secret pact' with Saudi Arabia for human rights council place

The UK made a clandestine vote-trading deal with Saudi Arabia to enable both countries to secure a place in the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), leaked Saudi diplomatic cables have revealed. The classified documents suggest David Cameron's government initiated backroom talks with Riyadh ahead of the November 2013 vote in New York to ask for support. Both countries were eventually elected to the UNHRC, which has 47 member states.

A Foreign Office spokesman refused to confirm if the vote-trading deal had taken place, saying it was "standard practice" not to reveal voting records. Saudi Arabia has one of the worst human rights records in the world, and has executed more than 130 people this year. Its recent appointment to the chair of an influential five-member UNHRC panel drew widespread criticism.

The cables, translated by the Australian newspaper, are among 61,000 files leaked from the Saudi Foreign Ministry by WikiLeaks in June. They also reveal the country spent $100,000 (£66,000; €89,000) on its campaign to secure a spot on the council.

Fuck a duck.
I keep checking the news for Ali al-nimr, not sure why, because every time I do I just want to cry. How can humans be so rubbish :(
Perhaps, no country better symbolizes 'British Values' than Saudi Arabia ... (Sir Percy Cox's finest work)
Jon Snow quizzing cameron about that whole human rights council palaver:

(jump to 5m 25s.. is there any way to embed a video & jump to a particular point?)

No surprises there then.
They want to be a party to the human rights commission, when it suits them. When it doesn't they choose to opt out of the human race and
go it alone. Bastards.

HRH in Saudi, at behest of HM Government to reinforce long standing ties between the two kingdoms.
Thats ok then, no worries.
They are just two of many British companies exporting guns to Saudi and many other corrupt regimes, but hey ho, they earn the UK a lot of money and provide a lot of jobs.
American. But it could just as easily be British. Or their shareholders at least could be from anywhere.
The BBC's take on that Telegraph piece:

Saudi relationship with UK 'at risk', warns ambassador - BBC News

An "alarming change" in Britain's attitude towards Saudi Arabia could lead to "serious repercussions", the Saudi ambassador has warned.

Writing in the Daily Telegraph, Prince Mohammed bin Nawaf bin Abdulaziz highlighted the UK's cancellation of a deal to train Saudi prison staff.

He said Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn had "breached mutual respect" by claiming to have been instrumental in the move.

Prince Mohammed said Saudi Arabia would "not be lectured to by anyone".
Did I really hear Jonathan Aitken on R4 about 30 minutes ago say that if Saudi wants to flog someone to death it's
their business and we should not judge or interfere? :eek:
Did I really hear Jonathan Aitken on R4 about 30 minutes ago say that if Saudi wants to flog someone to death it's
their business and we should not judge or interfere? :eek:

Its the sort of thing I would expect Aitken to say. Before the demise of his political career and his imprisonment, Mr Aitken made a lot of money operating as an interlocutor between Britain and Saudi Arabia.
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