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Saudi Arabia chosen to head human rights panel whilst sentencing citizen to crucifixion

Just think, one or two more unfavourable observations might have actually prompted him to leave. Then we could have said 'don't let the door hit your arse on the way out'. An opportunity missed. Oh well, hopefully there will be others.
It's Ok, we have our dear leader running after him or that nice Phil chap already out there waitng for him :mad:
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the thing is saudi have to sell their oil anyway without it they can't afford coke and hookers.
they are scared of iran and all those uppity shia's in iraq as well so its not like they can cut the west off.
the saudis couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag most of their military is maintained by foreigners.
Would it be too much to hope that it blows up in their faces in the not too distant future?

I know there's been one or two articles recently predicting the downfall of the house of Saud but things do actually look a bit flakey in places.

#SueMeSaudi: Twitter users taunt Saudi Arabia | Middle East | DW.COM | 30.11.2015

The hashtag #SueMeSaudi is soaring after a source at the Saudi Arabian justice ministry reportedly said he would sue a Twitter user who compared Saudi Arabia to the terror group 'Islamic State.'

The justice ministry official was quoted by the government-aligned Al Riyadh newspaper as saying "The justice ministry will sue the person who described ... the sentencing of a man to death for apostasy as being 'ISIS-like,'" Reuters reports.

The official did not define who the Twitter user was or what the potential punishment would be, but he did succeed in accidentally creating two hashtags: #SaudiArabiaIsISIS and #SueMeSaudi.
"The death sentences are retribution against Shia protesters, some of whom were peaceful and some of whom may not have been," says Mr Coogle.

That could prove interesting when you consider whats happening elsewhere.
Saudi Arabia carrying out 'unprecedented wave' of executions - BBC News

Could prove bad for the Shias more than anything I reckon. I don't think Iran is likely to step in to support them, or it hasn't so far. So any protest, any mark of dissent or any shift in Yemen or between Saudi and Iran in general makes them a greater and easier target.

Wouldn't take much to move from these 'legal' executions to a more casual and pervasive reaction I suspect.

e2a: Highest Shi'a population is around 50% in some oil rich areas too. If Iran did start supporting or protests did wratchet up there's be some horrific reprisals no doubt.
Instead of spending billions and billions in military muscle to safeguard our oil supplies imagine if we did something really crazy and spent all that money on developing renewable energy resources so we wouldn't have to kowtow to vile barbaric nations like Saudi Arabia?

Yes I know. Crazy idea.
Instead of spending billions and billions in military muscle to safeguard our oil supplies imagine if we did something really crazy and spent all that money on developing renewable energy resources so we wouldn't have to kowtow to vile barbaric nations like Saudi Arabia?
Just invade Saudi. Nick the fucking oil, kick out the Al Sauds and redistribute their wealth.
I bet the royal family are shitting themselves with their personal fortune of around 1.5 Trillion dollars.
Well yes, quite but it's much the same by degrees wherever you look. The rich always look after themselves. Still it could all blow up in their faces. There is speculation on Twitter that the Shiite cleric amongst those executed was to send a message to anyone thinking of stepping out of line and nothing good will come of it
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