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Russophobia, the Oligarchs and Russians living here etc


Got a really fucking shitty attitude
The (vile) context in which this unnecessary conflict is taking place. No black and white blah blah....

'He and his partner, Tatiana Fokina, have attended anti-war protests in London with their six-year-old daughter, Alice, and earlier this month he delivered a lorryload of medicine to Ukrainian refugees in Warsaw. He described the pain he felt for Ukraine and Russia as “like two bullets in one heart”.

But like several Russians I spoke to in Mayfair, Chichvarkin, who fled Moscow in 2008 claiming he was forced out by demands from corrupt officials to pay bribes, is perturbed by calls from some UK politicians, including government ministers, to seize oligarchs’ assets, including mansions, yachts and private jets.

“There is a lot of alarmism in the press,” he said. “People with a low education and leftwing [views] who feel jealous to see the cars, beautiful houses and yachts. [It’s] so easy to play with their feelings about equality.”

Bit in bold, no different from what the regime he claims to have fled thinks, could have been said by anybody in the current Ukrainian government, or any of ours over the last 40 years. Couldn't it?
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“People with a low education and leftwing [views] who feel jealous to see the cars, beautiful houses and yachts. [It’s] so easy to play with their feelings about equality.”

A peek into the soul of conservatives worldwide
The (vile) context in which this unnecessary conflict is taking place. No black and white blah blah....

'He and his partner, Tatiana Fokina, have attended anti-war protests in London with their six-year-old daughter, Alice, and earlier this month he delivered a lorryload of medicine to Ukrainian refugees in Warsaw. He described the pain he felt for Ukraine and Russia as “like two bullets in one heart”.

But like several Russians I spoke to in Mayfair, Chichvarkin, who fled Moscow in 2008 claiming he was forced out by demands from corrupt officials to pay bribes, is perturbed by calls from some UK politicians, including government ministers, to seize oligarchs’ assets, including mansions, yachts and private jets.

“There is a lot of alarmism in the press,” he said. “People with a low education and leftwing [views] who feel jealous to see the cars, beautiful houses and yachts. [It’s] so easy to play with their feelings about equality.”

Bit in bold, no different from what the regime he claims to have fled thinks, could have been said by anybody in the current Ukrainian government, or any of ours over the last 40 years. Couldn't it?
Speaking as someone of low education and left wing views. I CBA to read the article, but they live in Mayfair. I don't care what nationality they are, but generally I'm up for seizing the assets of anyone who owns property there.
Didn't know where else to put this, but it is related to elite Russian connections in this country. Just a wee reminder about prince Michael of Kent (who is a relative of Tsar Nicholas II)

Well all of Philips offspring and siblings are related to Catherine The Great. So that's the future Kings of England effectively.
And they used Prince Philip's DNA to identify the remains of Nicholas II and family that had been in an unmarked grave.
Philip once said in an interview
"I would like to go to Russia very much, although the bastards murdered half my family,"
I kicked it off a bit on NextDoor by calling the local elite school ‘bootlickers’ next to an article (from 2013j where some Russian government minister visited them and spoke proudly of their links - loads of the Russian gangster class sent their kids there including Lavrov. Same place is now toadying around the Chinese elite for their cash. Cue loads of the local well-off types coming to their defence, how their kids went there and met a lovely ordinary Russian family (that can afford the nearly 30 grand a year fees for each child). I can‘t be arsed diving back in for some class war invective, save It for the more hostile debates about traffic calming.
Well all of Philips offspring and siblings are related to Catherine The Great. So that's the future Kings of England effectively.
And they used Prince Philip's DNA to identify the remains of Nicholas II and family that had been in an unmarked grave.
Philip once said in an interview
"I would like to go to Russia very much, although the bastards murdered half my family,"
Sadly only half
I am, I find, thinking of Russian babushkas with long memories and an internalised concept of suffering (pushed by autocrats everywhere), seeing their grandsons dying in a war which nobody wanted. On behalf of grandmothers, I have to wonder how we have got to this position where governance is merely an edifice for self-enrichment and endless corrupt consolidation of power, Scratch a 'world leader ' - find a cunt- from Assad to Zelensky. Despairing.
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I suppose this could either go here or in the "what do we do?" thread, but anyway:

Doesn't seem to provide addresses though, which is a shame.

Also, have we had any discussion of these oligarchophobes trying to block Abramovich's yacht in Turkey?

Ukrainian sailors tried to block a Russian oligarch's yacht from docking in Turkey

When even the FT gets a snarky comment in...

Wasn't paywalled for me so hopefully won't be for you.

"It is a life for which he may not be prepared. “Will l be allowed to have a cleaner, or a driver? I don’t drive a car . . . maybe my stepdaughter will drive. We don’t understand how to survive,” he says, speaking at a table laden with fruit and snacks in his London flat, with its double-height dining room."

Sanctioned mega-rich Russian businessman Mikhail Fridman has found that the cost of living in London is actually quite expensive.

“I don’t know if I will be able to live normally in London, nor if I can invite anyone to a restaurant.”

His house cose £65 million in 2016. “I don’t know if I will be able to maintain this residence,” he said. Doesn't it make your heart bleed.
Sanctioned mega-rich Russian businessman Mikhail Fridman has found that the cost of living in London is actually quite expensive.

“I don’t know if I will be able to live normally in London, nor if I can invite anyone to a restaurant.”

His house cose £65 million in 2016. “I don’t know if I will be able to maintain this residence,” he said. Doesn't it make your heart bleed.
With apologies to Oscar Wilde, 'One must have a heart of stone to read of Mikail Fridman's money woes bollocks without laughing.'

I'm being naive I know but in the case of that bloke. If all his accounts are frozen, how actually is he supposed to buy food? Is that what the sanctions are doing freezing every account within the UK / EU whoever's jurisdiction?
I'm being naive I know but in the case of that bloke. If all his accounts are frozen, how actually is he supposed to buy food? Is that what the sanctions are doing freezing every account within the UK / EU whoever's jurisdiction?
Well hopefully he knows someone who can sub him a tenner. 🤷‍♀️
I'm being naive I know but in the case of that bloke. If all his accounts are frozen, how actually is he supposed to buy food? Is that what the sanctions are doing freezing every account within the UK / EU whoever's jurisdiction?
I'm being naive I know but in the case of that bloke. If all his accounts are frozen, how actually is he supposed to buy food? Is that what the sanctions are doing freezing every account within the UK / EU whoever's jurisdiction?
Idle curiosity?, I fucking hope so
I'm being naive I know but in the case of that bloke. If all his accounts are frozen, how actually is he supposed to buy food? Is that what the sanctions are doing freezing every account within the UK / EU whoever's jurisdiction?
He can probably get a parcel from the local food bank.
I suspect it's going to spend the next few years quietly rusting away in some obscure corner of San Diego harbour before being the subject of a long and expensive legal battle before being towed to the breakers yard.
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