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Russia using whales as weapons.

Back in the day the Russians did try and train attack dolphins. The idea was they'd be outfitted with a gun which fired compressed air darts that would inflate enemy divers until they popped.
I thought that it had been going on for years in both the US and Russia. I remember reading stuff as far back as the 60s about it. Here's a recent article:

Canines aren't the only animals who can land jobs in the military.

The US has trained bottlenose dolphins to carry out a range of military tasks, from locating underwater mines to flagging the presence of enemy swimmers for harbor defense.

The Navy Marine Mammal Program at the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (or SPAWAR) in San Diego, California trains 85 dolphins and 50 sea lions, according to SPAWAR spokesman Jim Fallin.

NBC reported in 2002 that the program got $14 million in funding a year, and that it has the Pentagon's financial backing through the year 2020.

The program first started in 1960 when the Navy studied Notty, a female Pacific white-sided dolphin. The Navy hoped to study the dolphin's biomechanics and then use its findings for developing faster torpedoes. "But quickly the focus changed to covert training," according to NBC.

Military researchers soon realized that the dolphins themselves could become a battlefield asset. "It was soon after discovered that they had excellent biological sonar, so they definitely did a lot of research on that as well," Ed Budzyna, a spokesman for SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific, told Business Insider.

The US Navy's combat dolphins are serious military assets
Well it's not like animals haven't been used in warfare since forever. Becoming redundant as technology is more reliable. Wait til fly sized drones become practically ubiquitous....
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Back in the day the Russians did try and train attack dolphins. The idea was they'd be outfitted with a gun which fired compressed air darts that would inflate enemy divers until they popped.

Think originally likesafish used to train them for the British navy, hence the name. Although I think what with all the cutbacks he was reduced to feeding his commanding officer's goldfish instead.
Hope the whale's ok. If it's been released on its own, it will need to find a pod that will accept it. Hanging around boats may mean it is more attached to humans than it should be. :(
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military dolphin trainer not used as a drunken pickup line to hide trained killer status. Or in my case heavily armed cleaning service:hmm:
But this is total bullshit. Right?

Very probably - The "evidence" was GoPro camera mounts.
The attack whales could film in a really nasty way for almost 30 minutes eaily enough time to make a savage pee pee tape.

As for this line

“If this whale comes from Russia – and there is great reason to believe it – then it is not Russian scientists, but rather the navy that has done this,” said Martin Biuw of the Institute of Marine Research in Norway.

Is anyone with a brain actually supposed to believe this damning evidence, or is it for piss heads on a Saturday night?

I'm going with this being total bollocks.
Most of the knowledge about training dolphins and keeping them in captivity cams from Russian and US military work in the 50s. I’m still trying to find a photo af a dolphin on parachute from those days which I saw a few years back.
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