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Russell Brand: rape and sexual abuse allegations, grifting and general dodginess - discussion

I still can’t get my head round the fact that an alleged serial sex offender can still be viral and he has sympathisers and supporters and income streams. I mean even philandering bill clinton took his foot of the pedal once caught. Rolf harris barely seen. Gary glitter. It’s the fact that he’s celebrity is barely tinged at all according to some and that he can just prance around the internet as if the cloud above his head is not there at all. It’s very weird. I know men have always got away with this shite and still remain in positions of power etc but this feels even more grim, grotesque. I guess threads like this are part of the problem. Fuck brand amd his linen yoga pants.
I still can’t get my head round the fact that an alleged serial sex offender can still be viral and he has sympathisers and supporters and income streams. I mean even philandering bill clinton took his foot of the pedal once caught. Rolf harris barely seen. Gary glitter. It’s the fact that he’s celebrity is barely tinged at all according to some and that he can just prance around the internet as if the cloud above his head is not there at all. It’s very weird. I know men have always got away with this shite and still remain in positions of power etc but this feels even more grim, grotesque. I guess threads like this are part of the problem. Fuck brand amd his linen yoga pants.

Is he still a celebrity? I’d figured he’d probably fallen off most people’s celebdar by now and is just another internet conspiracy theorist. Aside from whatever else he is, obv.
It’s not like any of you have atoned is it? It’s all very well cussing off a famous person because it allows your sins to be forgotten. Amirite lads 🖐️ cos you are all well squeaky clean innit. Although by your glee at pointing fingers I probably guess you ain’t.
It’s not like any of you have atoned is it? It’s all very well cussing off a famous person because it allows your sins to be forgotten. Amirite lads 🖐️ cos you are all well squeaky clean innit. Although by your glee at pointing fingers I probably guess you ain’t.
I wouldn’t be pointing fingers if the creepy twat wasn’t all over my feed.
It’s not like any of you have atoned is it? It’s all very well cussing off a famous person because it allows your sins to be forgotten. Amirite lads 🖐️ cos you are all well squeaky clean innit. Although by your glee at pointing fingers I probably guess you ain’t.

Amen!! Hear ye the preacherman cometh!
It’s not like any of you have atoned is it? It’s all very well cussing off a famous person because it allows your sins to be forgotten. Amirite lads 🖐️ cos you are all well squeaky clean innit. Although by your glee at pointing fingers I probably guess you ain’t.

Nobody's perfect, but is anyone commenting in this thread facing accusations of sexual assault? I'd dare say there's a world of difference between regular human foibles and being a sweaty sex pest. So unless you've got some pretty serious revelations to share, what was your point exactly?
Nobody's perfect, but is anyone commenting in this thread facing accusations of sexual assault? I'd dare say there's a world of difference between regular human foibles and being a sweaty sex pest. So unless you've got some pretty serious revelations to share, what was your point exactly?
Nobody's perfect, but is anyone commenting in this thread facing accusations of sexual assault? I'd dare say there's a world of difference between regular human foibles and being a sweaty sex pest. So unless you've got some pretty serious revelations to share, what was your point exactly?
My point was I’m not going to use those allegations to cast judgement on a man I’ve never met. I can pass judgement on his grating presentation style that makes any subject he talks about a wacky conspiracy. He’s not an asset in that regard. The thing that’ll sit with me was the timing, who was behind it and why.
My point was I’m not going to use those allegations to cast judgement on a man I’ve never met. I can pass judgement on his grating presentation style that makes any subject he talks about a wacky conspiracy. He’s not an asset in that regard. The thing that’ll sit with me was the timing, who was behind it and why.
Why would meeting him help you believe the numerous women that have come forward to say he assaulted them? Do you think you can just tell based on how much you like him in person?
who was behind it and why.

Who would you say was responsible for Russell Brand's behaviour?

Who for example was behind him enjoying
making a 16-year-old girl cry by choking her with his penis?
Is this kind of thing OK in your world? Isn't it the kind of thing women might be well-advised to flag up for each other, maybe even publicly?

What's so special about RB that he should be able to get away with this kind of behaviour without eventually being shamed for it?
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Russel Brand is responsible for his behavior.
I suppose that’s the other side of celebrity worship. They often turn out to be cunts. Maybe that’s what upsets people the most. They invest all their energy into people they’ve never met. Good or bad.
And fuck off with your straw man arguments. As if I am suggesting that rape and sexual assault are a good thing.
My point was I’m not going to use those allegations to cast judgement on a man I’ve never met. I can pass judgement on his grating presentation style that makes any subject he talks about a wacky conspiracy. He’s not an asset in that regard. The thing that’ll sit with me was the timing, who was behind it and why.

It's not just the allegations that raise a warning sign, at least not for me. It's the fact that his chosen response to them has been to appeal to the kind of people who'll accept any excuses of a man accused of such things. Followed by his turn to the kind of religious salvation sought out by bad people who want some big kahuna to tell them everything is OK. If he's done nothing wrong, then why is he so obviously seeking that kind of absolution?
Russel Brand is responsible for his behavior.
I suppose that’s the other side of celebrity worship. They often turn out to be cunts. Maybe that’s what upsets people the most. They invest all their energy into people they’ve never met. Good or bad.
And fuck off with your straw man arguments. As if I am suggesting that rape and sexual assault are a good thing.

I'm not saying that, but you seem to be saying (or at least to believe) that he isn't on the hook now for being a rapey abusive scumbag, but because (((someone))) has decided to bring him down.

Which to me looks like either denying or excusing his filthy behaviour. As if that weren't the thing that did for him, as if it were his youtube revelations or something political instead.

So are you denying his behaviour? Are you saying it wasn't that bad? Are you saying his current shaming has nothing to do with that? What (((more))) is there, in your view?
Maybe I’m not invested in the whole celebrity thing. I didn’t read the allegations at the time because I wasn’t in the Uk. I never watched his videos cos he’s really fucking annoying. But yeah I’m aware there’s horrible people out there. Another celebrity is not a surprise.
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