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Russell Brand: rape and sexual abuse allegations, grifting and general dodginess - discussion

OK he's converted to Christianity, all sins wiped out and he gets a second chance :)

There's a video there that I nearly watched.

i have seen his type in "spiritual" circles. they get a huge shock of narcissistic feed with the next "tradition" they suck dry, before getting a bit bored and moving on to another. glinty eyed.

as some has said, you can do this quietly, in an intensely private way. i know many spiritual/religious people who wont utter a word in that direction. it;s a private thing.


sick world we live in tbh where this guy is still platformed, still relevant, still quite powerful, still viral.
i have seen his type in "spiritual" circles. they get a huge shock of narcissistic feed with the next "tradition" they suck dry, before getting a bit bored and moving on to another. glinty eyed.

as some has said, you can do this quietly, in an intensely private way. i know many spiritual/religious people who wont utter a word in that direction. it;s a private thing.


sick world we live in tbh where this guy is still platformed, still relevant, still quite powerful, still viral.
100% spot on.
Not that any further confirmation was needed, but this sudden turn towards salvation-oriented religion is like a gold-edged certification that Brand is a scumbag. You can be a creepiest rapist on the face of the planet, but Jesus loves you and will forgive you if you repent. Oh whoops, did you do a noncery again? Repent and be forgiven once more. Rinse and repeat until death (just make sure you repent of your lifetime of sin on your deathbed). It's a fucking disgusting creed that's intended to make abusers feel better about themselves. It can't get in the bin quick enough.
Not that any further confirmation was needed, but this sudden turn towards salvation-oriented religion is like a gold-edged certification that Brand is a scumbag. You can be a creepiest rapist on the face of the planet, but Jesus loves you and will forgive you if you repent. Oh whoops, did you do a noncery again? Repent and be forgiven once more. Rinse and repeat until death (just make sure you repent of your lifetime of sin on your deathbed). It's a fucking disgusting creed that's intended to make abusers feel better about themselves. It can't get in the bin quick enough.

Well..it will not help him escape justice and an arrest warrant
Because 'your sins can be forgiven' if you confess and repent,

Thing is though, if you confess to a crime the dog-collared chap will tell you repentance can only be granted once you submit to the law of the land for your sins, only then will jeebus even consider you for a spot in heaven.

Don't see brand entering any guilty pleas, so all he's looking to rehabilitate here is his image among the terminally moronic.
repentance can only be granted once you submit to the law of the land for your sins, only then will jeebus even consider you for a spot in heaven.
Is that always done though? I thought it was mainly a couple of hail marys and you were on your way and the priest could keep mum for you. (But probably shows how much I know about the Catholic Church).
Is that always done though? I thought it was mainly a couple of hail marys and you were on your way and the priest could keep mum for you. (But probably shows how much I know about the Catholic Church).

It's not just the Catholics who do the repentance thing, and the kind of creeps who prowl around for divine forgiveness tend not to go for that particular denomination in any case.
Is that always done though? I thought it was mainly a couple of hail marys and you were on your way and the priest could keep mum for you. (But probably shows how much I know about the Catholic Church).

If you have lusted after your neighbour's ass, then yeah, but to atone for a criminal offence you must first subject yourself to the earthly punishment for that offence, so whilst a priest won't grass you for what you say in the confessional, if you're serious about it (and why would you be there if not?), you must turn yourself in, face the consequences of that and then your passage to heaven can begin. It's almost as if this load of cobblers was written by the aristos to keep the serfs in order, innit.
If you have lusted after your neighbour's ass, then yeah, but to atone for a criminal offence you must first subject yourself to the earthly punishment for that offence, so whilst a priest won't grass you for what you say in the confessional, if you're serious about it (and why would you be there if not?), you must turn yourself in, face the consequences of that and then your passage to heaven can begin. It's almost as if this load of cobblers was written by the aristos to keep the serfs in order, innit.
I met a man in brixton yard who had handed himself in for a murder no one knew about after he found god.
It's not required as a matter of doctrine, but the priest can impose a penance, and that penance may include restitution and reparation; and he will almost certainly encourage you strongly to turn yourself in. The Church is only concerned that you have cleared yourself with God. God is the ultimate authority and the courts of man are of no consequence. Jesus himself forgave sinners who should have been taken to a court of law. "...go and sin no more" Priests are still routinely tortured over their refusal to break the confessional seal, so it is up to the sinner to do what they think is right, what they feel God has told them to do.

I'm curious if the confessional seal still applies if the person is not RC. Eg, someone just really needs to get it off their chest and doesn't believe but needs to make sure it stays a secret.
compare and contrast Mr Profumo found God spent the rest of his life working with the homeless and staying out of public life Brand can't stay quiet to save his life let alone his soul.

Russell Bradn always reminded me of the villian Richer Gilt in Terry Pratchetts discworld he was so up front about his behaviour people made excuses for him.
He recently appeared on Tucker Carlson’s podcast. I’m not wasting my time listening to it but Carlson describes it as thus:
“Governments colluded to shut down and destroy Russell Brand. This is his first interview since that happened. It’s one of the most brilliant explanations of the modern world you’ll ever hear.”
Is some truth in that.. the petard he is being hoist with the system actively colluded to enable and sweep under the carpet at the time...Doesn't make him the victim though
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