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Russell Brand: rape and sexual abuse allegations, grifting and general dodginess - discussion

I get why people insist "innocent until proven guilty" but the problem is it essentially means "the women are lying until proven otherwise" which given the minuscule conviction rate for rape compared to the number actually happening is clearly bullshit. I don't know what the answer is but denying multiple women's experiences is not it.

it's also strange the way that there's a lot of people who say 'you can't call him a rapist until he's been convicted' yet have no hesitation in saying 'she made a false rape claim' the minute he's found not guilty or the case collapses on a technicality, without waiting for her to be convicted of perjury...
And this:

I get why people insist "innocent until proven guilty" but the problem is it essentially means "the women are lying until proven otherwise" which given the minuscule conviction rate for rape compared to the number actually happening is clearly bullshit. I don't know what the answer is but denying multiple women's experiences is not it.
Innocent till proven guilty is a judicial process not an excuse for not forming your own moral judgement…
police investigation under way,

guessing why it go quite for a while

he still on line ranting about shite
Looks like Brand will be appearing in court over sexual assault accusations

Russell Brand: Woman accuses comedian of sexual assault on film set

Russell Brand has been accused of sexually assaulting an extra on a film set in a civil lawsuit filed in the US. During filming for the rom-com Arthur in July 2010 the comedian is alleged to have exposed himself to the anonymous woman before following her into a bathroom and sexually assaulting her.
Qanon Anonymous is not a qanon podcast. It’s journalists monitoring the qanon and conspiracy world and reporting on them. They receive regular death threats from conspiracy folk.
Great and thanks for the link but posting up links to long audio/video pieces without comment really is not the most helpful thing to do.

This is happening more and more on U75, not just on this thread but others. It's not too much to ask (as per the board rules) for people to give at least some summary/comments on the links they are posting - especially hour long ones.
Great and thanks for the link but posting up links to long audio/video pieces without comment really is not the most helpful thing to do.

This is happening more and more on U75, not just on this thread but others. It's not too much to ask (as per the board rules) for people to give at least some summary/comments on the links they are posting - especially hour long ones.

The Qanon Anonymous episode linked to was part one of two. Here's a link to the second part on Soundcloud

or for those who prefer to download stuff here are mp3 download links to episode 251 Russell Brand part 1 and to episode 252 Russell Brand part 2, taken from an RSS feed.

Not completely on board with everything said but it's interesting IMO. YMMV.
‘I felt used and abused’ on Arthur: alleged Russell Brand victim speaks - Sunday Times (archived)

The unnamed actress stated in an affidavit filed at court that Brand first exposed himself to her in full view of some of the cast and crew of Arthur, which was filmed in New York. The woman further alleged that later the same day, Brand entered the lavatories she was in and assaulted her, “as a member of the production crew guarded the door from outside”. The woman told The Sunday Times the behaviour left her feeling “disgusting”. She said: “I felt used and abused. Disgusting is the only word. I felt like I was being used, that I was just an object for his momentary titillation.”
The sleaze continues to ooze out

The BBC has said a total of five complaints have been made about Russell Brand's behaviour while he hosted radio shows between 2006 and 2008.

Two of these complaints have been made in the last two months, since a review of his time at the BBC was launched.

It is understood those two complaints relate to his workplace conduct, and are not of a serious sexual nature.

The other three were made before he was publicly accused in September of rape and sexual assault, which he denies.

One relates to a previously reported allegation of misconduct, first made in 2019, while on BBC premises in Los Angeles in 2008.

The final two allegations were made between 2006 and 2008, when Brand was working as a radio presenter.

The BBC's director of editorial complaints and reviews, Peter Johnston, is looking into Brand's behaviour at the time, whether managers knew about ay allegations, and what action they took.
Earlier this year, the comedian and actor was accused of rape and sexual assaults between 2006 and 2013, which he strongly denies.

The original allegations formed part of an investigation by the Sunday Times, Times and Channel 4's Dispatches earlier this year.
It also included claims about his behaviour towards women and his workplace conduct over the same period.

Brand worked for BBC Radio 2 and 6 Music between 2006 and 2008. The BBC announced in September that it was "urgently looking into the issues raised" by the allegations.

One allegation was that Brand had teenage girls driven to his home via BBC cars. However, the interim update from Mr Johnston said: "Due to the passage of time the BBC's records of car bookings are no longer available.
"This means that we have not been able to identify the precise details of this or any records or details of specific journeys or bookings made for Russell Brand."

Russell Brand questioned again by police over alleged sex offences - Times (archived)

A Metropolitan Police spokesman said: “A man in his 40s attended a police station in south London for a second time on Thursday, December 14, 2023. He was interviewed under caution by detectives in relation to further non-recent sexual offences. The same man previously attended a police station on Thursday, November 16, 2023, for questioning. Inquiries continue.”
He recently appeared on Tucker Carlson’s podcast. I’m not wasting my time listening to it but Carlson describes it as thus:
“Governments colluded to shut down and destroy Russell Brand. This is his first interview since that happened. It’s one of the most brilliant explanations of the modern world you’ll ever hear.”
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