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Russell Brand: rape and sexual abuse allegations, grifting and general dodginess - discussion

The whole site seems to be private now, although it wasn't when I looked at it maybe an hour or so ago.

Edit: no, I was wrong. Or maybe, in my defence, it was for a bit, but is back now.
All bar one are showing as private for me - I can only see the ogsden buildings one.
Ugh. How fucking grim. Sounds very Epstein-ish, I agree.

What's the betting this bloke's en route to somewhere with no extradition treaty right now? Seems like the police have given him enough warning. :rolleyes:
There’s some really interesting coverage of one aspect of Brand’s schtick as a wellness gurucharlatan on the Conspirituality podcast.
They point out how his bullshit is mostly incoherent and content-free, as well as possibly algorithmically generated. But the main thrust is that him using latest incarnation as a smokescreen to obscure his evildoing is nothing new and he’s just ripping off creepy yoga dudes who’ve sexually exploited their fans.
He’s a thief as well as a sex case then.
Shouldn’t be surprised - his demeanour on stage is completely ripped off Paul Foot, who once toured as his support act.
There’s some really interesting coverage of one aspect of Brand’s schtick as a wellness gurucharlatan on the Conspirituality podcast.
They point out how his bullshit is mostly incoherent and content-free, as well as possibly algorithmically generated. But the main thrust is that him using latest incarnation as a smokescreen to obscure his evildoing is nothing new and he’s just ripping off creepy yoga dudes who’ve sexually exploited their fans.
He’s a thief as well as a sex case then.
Shouldn’t be surprised - his demeanour on stage is completely ripped off Paul Foot, who once toured as his support act.
Ah never heard of that podcast, will check it out. Someone I know has started down the Buddhists/ wellness/ spirituality/ yoga path and they're looking susceptible to falling into this nonsense.
There’s some really interesting coverage of one aspect of Brand’s schtick as a wellness gurucharlatan on the Conspirituality podcast.
They point out how his bullshit is mostly incoherent and content-free, as well as possibly algorithmically generated. But the main thrust is that him using latest incarnation as a smokescreen to obscure his evildoing is nothing new and he’s just ripping off creepy yoga dudes who’ve sexually exploited their fans.
He’s a thief as well as a sex case then.
Shouldn’t be surprised - his demeanour on stage is completely ripped off Paul Foot, who once toured as his support act.
I can't be assed to listen to a blog - there is a book of the blog but WoB seems to only have full price new ones at the moment

Amazon currently offer it at £18.80 (£12.99 Kindle). Probably free delivery - not sure.

Editted to add the Amazon info
I can't be assed to listen to a blog - there is a book of the blog but WoB seems to only have full price new ones at the moment

Amazon currently offer it at £18.80 (£12.99 Kindle). Probably free delivery - not sure.

Editted to add the Amazon info
Er…the pod is about 40mins long, but the book would take much longer to read, so not sure how it’s an easier undertaking than listening to that particular episode
I can't be assed to listen to a blog - there is a book of the blog but WoB seems to only have full price new ones at the moment

Amazon currently offer it at £18.80 (£12.99 Kindle). Probably free delivery - not sure.

Editted to add the Amazon info
An 'evaluation' copy can be downloaded from here.

(Amongst many other things it explains how the term 'conspirituality' itself was originally coined over a decade ago by a very unpleasant conspiraloon and then attempts to reclaim it).

The conspirituality episode about Brand can be heard on many podcast platforms but here's one link.
Er…the pod is about 40mins long, but the book would take much longer to read, so not sure how it’s an easier undertaking than listening to that particular episode
Different people have different accessibility and input needs. I’d much rather read an article than watch a YouTube video any day. Even bad brain fog days. But I’m well aware others will be the reverse. Your preference won’t be everyone’s.
Different people have different accessibility and input needs. I’d much rather read an article than watch a YouTube video any day. Even bad brain fog days. But I’m well aware others will be the reverse. Your preference won’t be everyone’s.
Horses for courses of course. I would often prefer to scan over a text document and identify what seems of use. On the other hand, sometimes one advantage of listening to a podcast can be in getting a sense of who is speaking, attempting to situate them and from that making a judgement about what they mean by the words they use and how they deliver them. (The sort of 'reading' in fact that this podcast applies to Russell Brand's 'performance style').

Anyhow, I gave a link above to that episode of the Conspirituality podcast. It's been pointed out to me that the main page for the podcast also provides background notes and links
97: Brand Awareness — Conspirituality

For those who prefer to download stuff here's a page of links to episodes generated from an RSS feed
Different people have different accessibility and input needs. I’d much rather read an article than watch a YouTube video any day. Even bad brain fog days. But I’m well aware others will be the reverse. Your preference won’t be everyone’s.
I agree actually, it’s just YouTube videos that I can’t get along with. With audio only at least I can do something else while I’m listening, which I can’t do while reading. Can’t just sit there and listen to audio though, which I can if I’m reading.
There’s some really interesting coverage of one aspect of Brand’s schtick as a wellness gurucharlatan on the Conspirituality podcast.
They point out how his bullshit is mostly incoherent and content-free, as well as possibly algorithmically generated. But the main thrust is that him using latest incarnation as a smokescreen to obscure his evildoing is nothing new and he’s just ripping off creepy yoga dudes who’ve sexually exploited their fans.
He’s a thief as well as a sex case then.
Shouldn’t be surprised - his demeanour on stage is completely ripped off Paul Foot, who once toured as his support act.

I was listening to that last night as it happens. I didn’t think they meant his content was algorithmically generated so much as targeted at whatever happened to be trending, and composed in such a way as to be friendly to YouTube and other search algorithms (hence throwing it into as many eligible searches as possible).

Equally cynical either way, anyhow.
That whole “wellness world”, is a right cesspit. :(

I can’t see any resemblance to Paul Foot’s act, myself. Maybe there’s something there and I can’t get past the monstrous ego.
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I was listening to that last night as it happens. I didn’t think they meant his content was algorithmically generated so much as targeted at whatever happened to be trending, and composed in such a way as to be friendly to YouTube and other search algorithms (hence throwing it into as many eligible searches as possible).
yes, hence my assertion that his concerns are generated not by his own curiosity but by what the internet thinks will get him attention.
He gets his concerns from what is trending and what is trending is algorithmically generated
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Not the hair? Not the clothes? Not the stage deportment? Not the ‘greetings!’ welcome?

Only the last one, really.
I’ve seen Paul Foot live a couple of times and only seen bits of Brand on the telly, but I can’t see it.

Brand has changed his hair and style at various points, but I don’t recall this:


That said, maybe if you know both comedians’ stuff much better it’s easier to see the links.
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Not that surprising the whole wellness thing is riddled with narcissistic creeps. I don’t mean people who are just into yoga for fitness and whatnot but the lifestyle yoga people. Literally advertising the fact they are narcissistic scum.
they are spiritual. You know. Don’t need no vaccine. Live outside the mainstream. Check my Insta. Worse than vegans. These people. They will tell you they are into yoga. Before anything else.
Not that surprising the whole wellness thing is riddled with narcissistic creeps. I don’t mean people who are just into yoga for fitness and whatnot but the lifestyle yoga people. Literally advertising the fact they are narcissistic scum.
Could you outline the lifestyle yoga thing a bit more? Ah, I see you have
Could you outline the lifestyle yoga thing a bit more? Ah, I see you have

Yep, you know the type. The do your own research, always have a some health issue that is sold but it’s obscure diet, don’t trust science, don’t read actual proper books, look down on anyone that might go to the doctor. And will make that whole thing a plank of their self identity. but not quietly.
yes, hence my assertion that his concerns are generated not my his one curiosity but by what the internet thinks will get him attention.
He gets his concerns from what is trending and what is trending is algorithmically generated
Ah the beating heart of grifting
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