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Russell Brand: rape and sexual abuse allegations, grifting and general dodginess - discussion

Why is he so successful?

Are kids clamouring for his pulp crap, as I clamoured for Enid Blyton's school stories and Famous 5, also full of hideous stereotypes, or are Little Britain fans, now parents, buying them for their kids?
I think a lot of parents are either unaware/disbelieving or don't care what a cunt he is.
His quite a big celebrity in a British Saturday night TV kind of way.
I've tried to explain to my sister but she thinks I'm making a fuss about nothing.
Thankfully oldest niece doesn't actually have any of his books and me and my mum buy her loads of books so hopefully she won't find time for them 🤞
MY BRANES! :facepalm:

I'm responsible for expanding this thread, via Keith Lemon, Shooting Stars and on to Vegas. Somehow had it in my head that this had become the all purpose 'abuse in the entertainment industry' thread, whereas that still exists:

That's all a bit :oops: .

Anyway, I think it still makes sense to keep some of those cases in view when discussing Brand. The Vegas case seems particularly relevant, vile as it was, because it was an assault carried on as part of a performance. I don't remember specific instances with Brand, but I get the impression he has imposed himself on women within his performance (landed in their lap and worse). The discussion around the Vegas case, that I've mentioned (a very long discussion in the Guardian comments) was also quite telling in that he had his defenders. Ditto people like Lemon, getting away with abusive behaviour. Suppose my point is that none of this was part of some wild liberatory experimental comedy (to say the least). It was sexist and worse and firmly rooted in misogyny. Nasty stuff in modern clothes. an alliance between neoliberal culture and gender inequality.
Just catching up with this thread. Fucking hell, that Jonny Vagus thing.
:eek: :(
Different times though weren't it, 2008
I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have approved of that incident at the time, I didnt hear anything about it when it happened although I was overseas for most of 2008. I feel pretty sick after reading that article and take back anything positive I ever said about the guy. Fucking awful stuff.
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I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have approved of that incident at the time, I didnt hear anything about it when it happened although I was overseas for most of 2008. I feel pretty sick after reading that article and take back anything positive I ever said about the guy. Fucking awful stuff.
I know I'm repeating myself now, but it was astonishing that there was (longstanding) debate about it at the time. And 2008 isn't that long ago. A sexual assault carried out on stage, with members of the audience co-opted to help.

At one level I'm not that surprised, given the amount of sexual violence and harassment that women still face. But it's at a moment like this that you see how much of it has also been sat there on full display in TV/comedy/entertainment. This - and this being these extremes right through to all the verbal stuff - isn't an aberration, it's the actual product. Vegas might have been an unravelling drunken mess, but that's what the various programmes and promoters were booking. Ditto Brand.
There’s a story in the ST today - an extremely unpleasant expose of Hamish Ogston - a man apparently of great means accused of abusing trafficked women in the worst ways while making great donations to women’s education charities. More smokescreen behaviour. Seems Brand is just one in a series of such stories. 🙁
Times is a paywall but here’s another link

You can access the Times story here

If you define philanthropy in the modern meaning of giving money away, he's a philanthropist.

If you want to get all etymological and say that it's someone who loves humanity, I don't think there are many such people out there. Although many would claim to be.
From the story you link I notice that his 'philanthropy' looks to involve self aggrandising projects, many of which simply add to privilege:
From the story you link I notice that his 'philanthropy' looks to involve self aggrandising projects, many of which simply add to privilege:
Seems all those self-aggrandising links are now "private".
Has damage limitation set in?
Good job I downloaded the vintage cars - though it will taint my appreciation of "Genevieve" for life!
The whole site seems to be private now, although it wasn't when I looked at it maybe an hour or so ago.

Edit: no, I was wrong. Or maybe, in my defence, it was for a bit, but is back now.
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