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Russell Brand: rape and sexual abuse allegations, grifting and general dodginess - discussion

And women consciously know that they will probably get cat called and hassled every time they go out. So they shouldn't complain about it if they make the decision to leave their homes.


No, absolutely not.

There is a nicer version of you, who doesn't say this basic, angry, incel bollocks all the time, somewhere inside you. Find him. Or fuck off.

I’m not an angry incel, and I detest how Brand has carried himself and the culture in which he has thrived.

But to say that Jordan hasn’t used this culture to her own financial benefit. Or that former lads mag starlets aren’t bad hypocrites for now deciding to be on twitter inciting hatred against school teachers for (allegedly) teaching kids about masturbation is a bit myopic.

Yeah this culture is that nudge nudge wink wink wahey macho bollocks, manifest. But at some point there became women involved in all this stuff that were role-models for kids:


I’m at a loss to see why I should be fair-game for abuse just to point this out.

This looks to me like you are going for a "she asked for it" position.
Is that actually what you want to be doing, or would you like to take a step back from that?

I’m not trying to go for that twisted maxim at all, but where Jordan is concerned it can’t be discounted that she was an absolute tour-de-force on UK culture in the 2010s. And anytime I ever saw her speak she was nothing but unashamed about it. She even monetised her own child and his absentee footballer father. She totally fed into all of this for her own gain.
No, absolutely not.

I’m not an angry incel, and I detest how Brand has carried himself and the culture in which he has thrived.

But to say that Jordan hasn’t used this culture to her own financial benefit. Or that former lads mag starlets aren’t bad hypocrites for now deciding to be on twitter inciting hatred against school teachers for (allegedly) teaching kids about masturbation is a bit myopic.

Yeah this culture is that nudge nudge wink wink wahey macho bollocks, manifest. But at some point there became women involved in all this stuff that were role-models for kids:

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I’m at a loss to see why I should be fair-game for abuse just to point this out.

I’m not trying to go for that twisted maxim at all, but where Jordan is concerned it can’t be discounted that she was an absolute tour-de-force on UK culture in the 2010s. And anytime I ever saw her speak she was nothing but unashamed about it. She even monetised her own child and his absentee footballer father. She totally fed into all of this for her own gain.
Is this what's called doubling down?

Various posters have tried to get to re-think your posting Joe/Jay, but you keep coming out with this shit and get angry when it's pointed out to you.

If you carry on like this, you'll only have yourself to blame when you get kicked off Urban permanently.
No, absolutely not.

I’m not an angry incel, and I detest how Brand has carried himself and the culture in which he has thrived.

But to say that Jordan hasn’t used this culture to her own financial benefit. Or that former lads mag starlets aren’t bad hypocrites for now deciding to be on twitter inciting hatred against school teachers for (allegedly) teaching kids about masturbation is a bit myopic.

Yeah this culture is that nudge nudge wink wink wahey macho bollocks, manifest. But at some point there became women involved in all this stuff that were role-models for kids:

View attachment 393354

I’m at a loss to see why I should be fair-game for abuse just to point this out.

I’m not trying to go for that twisted maxim at all, but where Jordan is concerned it can’t be discounted that she was an absolute tour-de-force on UK culture in the 2010s. And anytime I ever saw her speak she was nothing but unashamed about it. She even monetised her own child and his absentee footballer father. She totally fed into all of this for her own gain.
Are you a not angry but disappointed incel?
Is this what's called doubling down?

Various posters have tried to get to re-think your posting Joe/Jay, but you keep coming out with this shit and get angry when it's pointed out to you.

If you carry on like this, you'll only have yourself to blame when you get kicked off Urban permanently.

I’m not angry.

I’d almost half-forgotten Russel Brand existed besides some ripping some cranks I know irl for posting his bollocks on facebook.

I find the whole thing utterly depressing. As someone mentioned on one of these threads, there must be loads of this stuff that is still hidden. I find it all so utterly overwhelming.

Are you a not angry but disappointed incel?

I’m a married man. I’ve often been excluded from groups of male friends or left after a barney with them for being rapey macho twats.

If anything I’m a misandrist…
Fuck's sake,
No, absolutely not.

I’m not an angry incel, and I detest how Brand has carried himself and the culture in which he has thrived.

But to say that Jordan hasn’t used this culture to her own financial benefit. Or that former lads mag starlets aren’t bad hypocrites for now deciding to be on twitter inciting hatred against school teachers for (allegedly) teaching kids about masturbation is a bit myopic.

Yeah this culture is that nudge nudge wink wink wahey macho bollocks, manifest. But at some point there became women involved in all this stuff that were role-models for kids:

View attachment 393354

I’m at a loss to see why I should be fair-game for abuse just to point this out.

I’m not trying to go for that twisted maxim at all, but where Jordan is concerned it can’t be discounted that she was an absolute tour-de-force on UK culture in the 2010s. And anytime I ever saw her speak she was nothing but unashamed about it. She even monetised her own child and his absentee footballer father. She totally fed into all of this for her own gain.

If you really can't work out the serious problems with this stuff you're coming out with, and refuse to acknowledge you might have some terrible positions on this despite many posters telling you, I suggest you fuck off for a bit and do some serious reflection on your position and why it's misogynist.
I guarantee that SWP guy who does poetry for kids hasn't, can't remember his name now. Lovely bloke.
michael rosen was a swappy? had him down as a crunchy anarcho type. found a letter of his in one of the libertarian education magazines from the 70s when doing some cataloging recently.
you can tell a lot about a man from the company he'd like to keep

You have no idea what real life is like then if you think you can be attached to a group of friends and have a consensus on what will be discussed down the pub, and in what way.

We can’t all be like you , Mr. Vanguard , and forge ourselves a role as a bastion of the left. Some of us grew-up in shitholes where - to use just one example - you’d get a kicking down the boozer for wearing a scarf in the winter.
You have no idea what real life is like then if you think you can be attached to a group of friends and have a consensus on what will be discussed down the pub, and in what way.

We can’t all be like you , Mr. Vanguard , and forge ourselves a role as a bastion of the left. Some of us grew-up in shitholes where - to use just one example - you’d get a kicking down the boozer for wearing a scarf in the winter.
you know nothing of me (and nothing of the left, for that matter) if you think i've anything to do with vanguardism. the friends i've had over the years haven't been the sort of rapey misogynist pigs you seem sad about being excluded from. maybe i've been lucky - if so i have been lucky a long long time. how many times did you get a kicking for wearing a scarf? and was it perhaps something to do with what was on the scarf than scarfs (scarves?) in general. i know if you walk into a celtic pub wearing a huns scarf you'd likely get a hiding, and rightly so.
you know nothing of me (and nothing of the left, for that matter) if you think i've anything to do with vanguardism. the friends i've had over the years haven't been the sort of rapey misogynist pigs you seem sad about being excluded from. maybe i've been lucky - if so i have been lucky a long long time. how many times did you get a kicking for wearing a scarf? and was it perhaps something to do with what was on the scarf than scarfs (scarves?) in general. i know if you walk into a celtic pub wearing a huns scarf you'd likely get a hiding, and rightly so.

Choo Choo 🚊

All aboard Pickman’s Pendilino whilst he railroads me into arguing for his embellishments.

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so do we think he will end up broke and in jail any time soon? or will he just quietly keep making his money on whatever horrible platform will host him. I fear the latter.
so do we think he will end up broke and in jail any time soon? or will he just quietly keep making his money on whatever horrible platform will host him. I fear the latter.
no. for one thing it's taking so long to get cases listed now that he might reasonably expect to appear in front of a judge in 2025 if charged now.
no. for one thing it's taking so long to get cases listed now that he might reasonably expect to appear in front of a judge in 2025 if charged now.

If he wins, Trump's first act in power will be the dissolution of the judiciary and then he'll appoint himself President for Life...
Walliams' children's books are also utter shit, in all sorts of ways - not just tedious, unpleasant and sneery but full of hideous stereotypes. They make me depressed and angry every time I see them in shops, libraries, schools. The type of book that is limiting for children to read.
Why is he so successful?

Are kids clamouring for his pulp crap, as I clamoured for Enid Blyton's school stories and Famous 5, also full of hideous stereotypes, or are Little Britain fans, now parents, buying them for their kids?
michael rosen was a swappy? had him down as a crunchy anarcho type. found a letter of his in one of the libertarian education magazines from the 70s when doing some cataloging recently.
As others have indicated i believe M Rosen was a 'traveller' of the SWP rather than a member. It took some time, but i think he eventually lost faith in 'The Party' around the cmde Delta crisis. Not sure of his current status, or value to Callinicos and co who remain firmly entrenched on the cc.
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