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Russell Brand: rape and sexual abuse allegations, grifting and general dodginess - discussion

Still, I don't know he has it .. it was just something I saw somewhere .. don't recall where
He is also highly intelligent and knows that medication can help avoid the extremes of bipolarity.
If he does have bipolar..then he has the wealth and intelligence to be able to control that. I don't believe he deserves a "get out of jail" card because of it.
Many people who are bipolar are far less fortunate than him and really struggle and do not go around using and abusing others.
Deacon Cosplay on GBNews.
There's probably a generation of kids growing up now who play ‘GB News’ on the school playground at break and even they baulk at him.

‘I don't wanna be Deacon Cosplay, he's rubbish!’
‘Well I had to be Deacon Cosplay last time, sno way I'm doing it again!’
‘But I wanna be Dewbs!’
‘You can't be Dewbs, but if you really don't wanna be Deacon Cosplay, you can be Catfish Kiwi’
‘Well I guess you're Deacon Cosplay after all, then...’
Think i read the same somewhere. His live show is called "Bipolarisation".
Yes - here is what is says about the Bipolarisation show on the Wembley website:

"Rules and rule breaking! Democracy and freedom! We reach conclusions from mass confusion by polling the live audience. We want to hear YOUR opinion. After amassing a movement of 25 million people across his digital channels, the Community festival and the live show Stay Free; the cultural and political commentator and award-winning British comedian is back on stage. " Russell Brand: Bipolarisation

Not sure if this is current useage in the Uk but here is example of 'bipolarisation' in a sentence from the USA
The 1986 regional elections, characterized by a strong bipolarisation, were a failure for the party which won only 1.51%.
Retrieved from Wikipedia

Ironically this sense of Bipolarisation could be thought to be the root of many of our current political problems - and the flight to conspiracies - including Russell Brands..

As for Brand having Bipolar disorder - I think if people feel this is a mitigation for his grossness it's a shame. There are people around who are bipolar, and /or have addictions who at least try to explain themselves and what they are doing about it.
There’s still agency, though, isn’t there in an episode? It’s not a psychotic break, is it? To be honest, I don’t know

Surely his behaviour would be seen in the context of the rest of his behaviour? If he could manage to do radio shows etc then that suggests a hella lot of agency
There’s still agency, though, isn’t there in an episode? It’s not a psychotic break, is it? To be honest, I don’t know

Surely his behaviour would be seen in the context of the rest of his behaviour? If he could manage to do radio shows etc then that suggests a hella lot of agency
He has claimed addictions. Obviously people do things which finish their career on drink. Seems common with MPs?
MPs get held to account. Russell doesn't like this.
One of the symptoms is disinhibited behaviour.. Isn't that exactly what Russell Brand does?

Can we just not please. This isn't some single incident in the middle of a mental health crisis that he felt terrible about and did everything he could to ensure it never happened again. It's a consistent pattern of abusive and predatory behaviour that he hasn't show any remorse for and if anything has previously seemed quite proud of it.
I didn't miss anything, and like many of us, and as I made clear in my post, I do remember how things were at the time. But my post, whether effectively or not, was a brief attempt to put it into context. I wasn't expressing my worldview.
In fairness, my context was walking into my primary school as an 8 or 9 yr old the morning after he made a joke about throwing in a "Pakis wife and kids if he's drowning in a river" and having to hear that joke all fucking day.
And no one giving a fuck about kids screaming Paki in the playground
And the sleaze keeps on coming:

Russell Brand was reportedly questioned by police in 2014 over claims he sexually assaulted a masseuse after she was hired to give him a £500 birthday massage.
The alleged victim reportedly told police she was 'touched in a sexual way' by Brand, 48, at a £5million mansion in Oxfordshire, which she said traumatised her.
It comes as Brand's old school has put out an appeal for former students to come forward with allegations after a classmate at central London's Italia Conti Performing Arts School accused the comedian of groping female pupils under a 'cloak of love'.

Was just checking out his Rumble channel - 1.59M
compare with Alex Jones Infowars - 256k
Steve Bannon Patriot News - 67.8k
David Icke - 86.2k

Russell Brand seem a soar-away Rumble sensation, for this?
One of the symptoms is disinhibited behaviour.. Isn't that exactly what Russell Brand does?
That would be putting it mildly. But what he does feels predatory; that clip from his bbc show where he's ibjectifying the news reader (to put it mildly)?

I'm not a psychologist. I don't know what his issues are, just that he shouldn't be listened to as a guru or truth teller nor should he be able to prey on people.
Was just checking out his Rumble channel - 1.59M
compare with Alex Jones Infowars - 256k
Steve Bannon Patriot News - 67.8k
David Icke - 86.2k

Russell Brand seem a soar-away Rumble sensation, for this?

Brand is a really engaging communicator in a way someone like Alex Jones isn't. That's why some people got excited when he was briefly left wing ish and why he's popular on these channels. I don't think there's much point pretending that's not true just because he's also a complete shithead tbh.
Those of us who don't click on DM links could do with a summary...
The Mail article has been archived here.

It draws from a 2020 episode of a podcast series called Blethered, hosted by a guy called Sean McDonald, featuring Matt Morgan. That episode is online here as an mp3. https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/3atn5z/Comedy_Writer_Matt_Morgan8fode.mp3

It's 1h20m long. The anecdote the Mail features concerns an unbroadcast episode of the 2002 TV series RE:Brand. The section about RE:Brand starts at about 28 minutes in. The bit about this unbroadcast episode starts about 32m20s.

I think the whole podcast is very interesting. It's provides a very clear picture of the world view of the people producing and consuming the kind of stuff which made Brand a "legend".

The world's best sports masseur in the world wouldn't charge £500 per hour. Clearly a call girl

Is touching a call girl now becoming a police matter ?!

Holy fuck this is ridiculous


What's obviously going on is that everyone goes full confirmation bias and posts anything with the words sex + Brand. Can't people apply some critical thought per accusation?
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