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Russell Brand: rape and sexual abuse allegations, grifting and general dodginess - discussion

Surprised the deep state has the time to silence Brand, given they also have responsibility for the 5G mind control vaccines to make you sheeple, 15 minute neighbourhoods to stop you leaving your neighbourhood, fluoride in the water to stop your teeth from rotting, auto enrolment pensions so you have retirement savings, driver and passenger safety belts to save your life in a car accident, universal suffrage so you can decide which party is fucking you, the national health service to keep you healthy and happy and alive, providing state education up to age 18 so you know about the world you live in, and the administering of pensions and benefits for those who need them, and so much more… it really must use up most of the time of the shadowy forces that watch over us. No wonder so many of those who work for the evil eye of the illuminati-wati are signed off with work related stressy-wess. They must be rebelling against the conspiracy the only way they know how…

I can only assume that there are wheels within wheels controlling the mainstream media, probably working on a pro bono basis, to silence the truth

A lot of it is done by retired people who tell their friends and family that they’re playing golf that day, or going to Weight Watchers or a knitting group, or who need to spend a long time in the shed for some reason.
Don’t disagree with your sentiment but who the fuck is he and why should we care? I mean 33 likes it’s not a big crowd puller is he.
Big voice in the pro-car lobby & now anti net-zero measures & gets a lot of attention from the media.
Pest in German means plague.
pestilence...no doubt pest comes from that too
I mean maybe I am too much of a sheeple, but I just don't get the paranoia, the "hidden shadowy forces" behind everything that is the implication of what he is saying. I mean we know that - it's the movement of capital, the power that capital brings as it solidifies and exerts, lobbying, etc - but these "grand shadowy collusions", I just don't buy - and that's what he is suggesting, isn't he? All I see is x amount of victims, making x amount of claims, and journalists using their stories to make a program. Why the perpetual paranoia? But that's what the conspiratorial/trump right is all about, isn;t it? Sandcastles in the air. They think they are performing some Watergate level of deep diving, when really they are just clutching at things and shouting into a mic. It's a career in drawing the wrong conclusions.

If the deep state is only concerned with "proteching legacy media" then they reallly can't be much of a deep state. If there was a true "deep state (translation: jews and marxists) then youtube etc probably wouldn't even exist in the first place.
The bigger narrative is based on reality... Cashless society, state surveillance with china as a model, limitations on movement and rights as trialled with COVID passports, big pharma etc etc.
Main steam media is full of shit too, makes it hard to argue with
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Mr Freeman looks like he wears expensive clothes and I bet he has an expensive car and house. If he assumed some responsibility for his possessions, he would never be mugged or have things stolen. Prosecutions will only utilise valuable police and CPS resources that should be prioritised elsewhere.
I can't believe I listened to that whole little mope of his, I'm really far too engaged with all this just now. Anyway at about 2m30ish he actually has the gall to talk about how "big pharma" are managing to avoid scrutiny and accountability (not linking to it because prick moping but wtf)

Obviously he won't be talking about the widespread emotional manipulation, sex abuse and rape committed by wealthy, powerful individuals on hopeful young people because ... err well hmm
hmm not sure rumble will kind the got the bet sort of advertising available for their platform yesterday

look a world government is trying to silence us

the loons will lap it up no end
What kind of phone is it?


hmm if you an alt right version of YouTube , having anyone in a government body trying to silence one of your channels is a good advertisement that your fight the powers that be no :hmm:
Dame Caroline Dinenage isn't in a government body she's head of a Select Committee...Her husband however, heads 77Brigade
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