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Russell Brand: rape and sexual abuse allegations, grifting and general dodginess - discussion

I cant remember who it was but one philosopher saying the truth, political truth, is painful, depressing, bleak. Depresses you rather than uplifts you. These guys are the opposite, it’s glint in the eye gratification
I mean maybe I am too much of a sheeple, but I just don't get the paranoia, the "hidden shadowy forces" behind everything that is the implication of what he is saying. I mean we know that - it's the movement of capital, the power that capital brings as it solidifies and exerts, lobbying, etc - but these "grand shadowy collusions", I just don't buy - and that's what he is suggesting, isn't he? All I see is x amount of victims, making x amount of claims, and journalists using their stories to make a program. Why the perpetual paranoia? But that's what the conspiratorial/trump right is all about, isn;t it? Sandcastles in the air. They think they are performing some Watergate level of deep diving, when really they are just clutching at things and shouting into a mic. It's a career in drawing the wrong conclusions.

If the deep state is only concerned with "proteching legacy media" then they reallly can't be much of a deep state. If there was a true "deep state (translation: jews and marxists) then youtube etc probably wouldn't even exist in the first place.

As someone else said earlier if you have narcissistic tendencies, everything that moves against that appears as a conspiracy. It’s just noise. Noise from a corrupt machine.
I mean maybe I am too much of a sheeple, but I just don't get the paranoia, the "hidden shadowy forces" behind everything that is the implication of what he is saying. I mean we know that - it's the movement of capital, the power that capital brings as it solidifies and exerts, lobbying, etc - but these "grand shadowy collusions", I just don't buy - and that's what he is suggesting, isn't he? All I see is x amount of victims, making x amount of claims, and journalists using their stories to make a program. Why the perpetual paranoia? But that's what the conspiratorial/trump right is all about, isn;t it? Sandcastles in the air. They think they are performing some Watergate level of deep diving, when really they are just clutching at things and shouting into a mic. It's a career in drawing the wrong conclusions.

If the deep state is only concerned with "proteching legacy media" then they reallly can't be much of a deep state. If there was a true "deep state (translation: jews and marxists) then youtube etc probably wouldn't even exist in the first place.
Thing is, the "hidden shadowy forces" (of capital) are there in plain sight and not at all hidden or in any way shadowy. They're just what's "normal", the way the system works. And these "forces" quite like conspiraloon grifters like Brand and his ilk... until they get outed as (in this instance) an alleged sex case.
Thing is, the "hidden shadowy forces" (of capital) are there in plain sight and not at all hidden or in any way shadowy. They're just what's "normal", the way the system works. And these "forces" quite like conspiraloon grifters like Brand and his ilk... until they get outed as (in this instance) an alleged sex case.
The implications of what he is saying too is that the victims are somehow in collusion with the "deep state". It's disgusting really the presentation of his defence in this. What are you saying, Brand, about their testimony? That their testomony is not real somehow, that it's manipulated by shadowy men in black suits? And if you are not saying that, then surely you deserve court.

It’s not worth analysing. everyone’s got an internal justification for the things they’ve done heinous or otherwise. It doesn’t matter it’s just noise. A nimble mind wil ilconstruct some reasonable account of why they did XYZ. as much as I dislike Brand, he does have a nimble mind, improvise.
It’s not worth analysing. everyone’s got an internal justification for the things they’ve done heinous or otherwise. It doesn’t matter it’s just noise. And then will mind construct some reasonable account of why they did XYZ. as much as I dislike Brandon, he does have a nimble mind, improvise.
There’s another way though that strikes humans occasionally. Introspection, remorse, accountability, personal responsibility. It’s a beautiful quality in someone. Rare. It happens though.
Don’t disagree with your sentiment but who the fuck is he and why should we care? I mean 33 likes it’s not a big crowd puller is he.
He's a lawyer specialising in getting celebrities off speeding and parking fines. His high water-mark is preventing Alex Ferguson getting a driving ban by saying he needed a wee really badly and so naturally had to go home at 90 mph.
By the way, I dictate a lot of my messages. In case people are wondering why names and words come out wrong. It is too painful and slow to type on a phone. it irks me as much as it looks weird to you. :D
He's a lawyer specialising in getting celebrities off speeding and parking fines. His high water-mark is preventing Alex Ferguson getting a driving ban by saying he needed a wee really badly and needed to go home at 90 mph.

Oh well, scumbag lawyer. Another one for the bin.
There’s another way though that strikes humans occasionally. Introspection, remorse, accountability, personal responsibility. It’s a beautiful quality in someone. Rare. It happens though.

Of course. But then if you were capable of all of that probably aren’t committing offences of this alleged nature. Alleged offences. I mean everyone fucks up now and then, overstepped the mark or whatever. But this isn’t that.
He's a lawyer specialising in getting celebrities off speeding and parking fines. His high water-mark is preventing Alex Ferguson getting a driving ban by saying he needed a wee really badly and so naturally had to go home at 90 mph.
That was the best take down I’ve seen in a while and not one explietative 😂
Another thing I have noticed a lot of these conspiracy grifters do is throw bones to the left: “corporate power”, “anti war” etc. if you’re not sharp enough you may think he’s some “enlightened centrist” and get sucked in. When what the implicit meanings of what he is saying is definitely far right and deranged.
He's a lawyer specialising in getting celebrities off speeding and parking fines. His high water-mark is preventing Alex Ferguson getting a driving ban by saying he needed a wee really badly and so naturally had to go home at 90 mph.

Well, we’ve all done that, haven’t we?
Another thing I have noticed a lot of these conspiracy grifters do is throw bones to the left: “corporate power”, “anti war” etc. if you’re not sharp enough you may think he’s some “enlightened centrist” and get sucked in. When what the implicit meanings of what he is saying is definitely far right and deranged.

If you can spiel fluently apparently your're a winner/trustworthy, like salesmen. :hmm:
His voice seems to have dropped in pitch, and he's speaking more slowly and less frenetically. I think he's getting voice training.
You don’t think maybe he’s just laid off the coke a bit?

E2A: joking aside, I'm not sure that we can assign drug use/abuse (or the lack of it) to his presentation. I think he's trying to come across as a different person and to distance himself from previous versions.
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Surprised the deep state has the time to silence Brand, given they also have responsibility for the 5G mind control vaccines to make you sheeple, 15 minute neighbourhoods to stop you leaving your neighbourhood, fluoride in the water to stop your teeth from rotting, auto enrolment pensions so you have retirement savings, driver and passenger safety belts to save your life in a car accident, universal suffrage so you can decide which party is fucking you, the national health service to keep you healthy and happy and alive, providing state education up to age 18 so you know about the world you live in, and the administering of pensions and benefits for those who need them, and so much more… it really must use up most of the time of the shadowy forces that watch over us. No wonder so many of those who work for the evil eye of the illuminati-wati are signed off with work related stressy-wess. They must be rebelling against the conspiracy the only way they know how…

I can only assume that there are wheels within wheels controlling the mainstream media, probably working on a pro bono basis, to silence the truth
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