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Russell Brand: rape and sexual abuse allegations, grifting and general dodginess - discussion

It was left too late with Savile - let's not just go "oh it's OK, women/girls throw themselves at celebrities, it's to be expected" again.

If he's tried and acquitted then fine, but since there are allegations he should be tried.
No dispute from me.

ETA I dare suggest we should wait for such before jumping to any strong conclusions and the community has acted as if I've suggested another holocaust.

Looking very much like lynchmob mentality to me.
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Gromit is probably the most woke right-on pc softy liberal-lefty bloke in his own social circle.

Otherwise I don’t get how he can realistically post this shit on here and think it’s reasonable.
Sadly, I don't think Gromit is out there in his thinking. Last year on jury service I caught a rape trial and it was a case of "date rape". I was quite shocked at some of the other jurors attitudes "well it seems like a case of regret on the victims part rather than rape" etc... And this was from a number of the female jurors.

I had to go through the stats about how many cases, make it to a charge and the tiny proportion that result in a conviction.

I think the only reason the case even made it to court was an exchange of text messages from the defendant and the victim where he apologised for raping her - and still there were jurors who felt sorry for the defendant.

This isn't about defending Gromits shitty attitude, but sadly he is a mirror of a large chunk of society.
Sadly, I don't think Gromit is out there in his thinking. Last year on jury service I caught a rape trial and it was a case of "date rape". I was quite shocked at some of the other jurors attitudes "well it seems like a case of regret on the victims part rather than rape" etc... And this was from a number of the female jurors.

I had to go through the stats about how many cases, make it to a charge and the tiny proportion that result in a conviction.

I think the only reason the case even made it to court was an exchange of text messages from the defendant and the victim where he apologised for raping her - and still there were jurors who felt sorry for the defendant.

This isn't about defending Gromits shitty attitude, but sadly he is a mirror of a large chunk of society.
Don't go putting words in my mouth.
Rape is rape regardless of the type of rape and I have no sympathy with proven rapists.
About 5% of the rapes reported to the police in England even get to trial. That is minuscule.
Given that, anyone saying ‘If he’s not convicted then he’s innocent’ looks a bit simpleminded at best.
I am saddened by that statistic and the legal system needs to change. Policing also needs to change.

But I also feel readily condemning people in the court of public opinion without all the facts presented (by the defense as well as the prosecutors) also needs to change.
Don't go putting words in my mouth.
Rape is rape regardless of the type of rape and I have no sympathy with proven rapists.

hmm you proven angle weird gromit

is saville less of a beast as he never had his day in court :hmm:
hmm you proven angle weird gromit

is saville less of a beast as he never had his day in court :hmm:
A lot of proof has been released.
The level of beastliness isn't disputed.
The fact he was that definitely that beast is less proven than it would be had it been fully examined. The same goes for Michael Jackson. Many of whom still dispute that he was.
We can never be 100% certain in those untried cases.
Working at the BBC at the time? Is that right?

I can see a pattern emerging

/staying the bleeding obvious
What does a baby killer look like?
View attachment 391942
This apparently. She doesn't seem like a baby killer to me. However, apparently she was. As proven by a trial.

By saying he doesn't seem the violent type I'm not categorically stating he isn't. Just commenting on appearances.

Does this guy look like a violent rapist?
View attachment 391943

For 17 years people thought yes.

All I said in my post that I'm saving my judgement until the allegations are proven.
Then speculated that he might be a wrong un though. Just speculation though.

I'm surprised at the lynch mob mentality being shown by Urban. If this was the wild west Brand would already be hanging dead from a tree strung up by you lot.

You can’t determine what someone is like based on how they look, that’s an absurd position to take.
What does a baby killer look like?
View attachment 391942
This apparently. She doesn't seem like a baby killer to me. However, apparently she was. As proven by a trial.

By saying he doesn't seem the violent type I'm not categorically stating he isn't. Just commenting on appearances.

Does this guy look like a violent rapist?
View attachment 391943

For 17 years people thought yes.

All I said in my post that I'm saving my judgement until the allegations are proven.
Then speculated that he might be a wrong un though. Just speculation though.

I'm surprised at the lynch mob mentality being shown by Urban. If this was the wild west Brand would already be hanging dead from a tree strung up by you lot.

You’ve swerved the issue. Again.
Or you’ve misunderstood.
Or you’re pretending to misunderstand.

You’re not being castigated for saying Brand may not be guilty of rape.

Everyone here knows Brand may not be guilty of rape and sexual assault (although it looks likely that he could be).
This thread is now having a look at the chatter around RB and evaluating it in the light of these allegations.

You’re not being told to fuck off because of what you said about RB..
You're being told to fuck off because of what you said about rape.

The reason you’re being taken to task is because of what you wrote, what you said. You, not RB. The things you’ve said that indicate your own attitude and opinions and feelings about rape and rape culture.

Rape is rape.
It’s not a scale from 1 to rape with “yeah well, she didn’t say no/she was drunk/... etc” somewhere between 1 and rape.

If you don’t know this then you are part of the problem. You, as well as RB.
Because even if RB is not guilty of actual rape and sexual assault he is certainly part of the problem of rape culture.

The reason Gromit that you are being told to fuck off is because you repeatedly demonstrate that you are contributing to the problem of rape culture.

Go away and think about this. Go away and talk to people, ask questions and listen to women without interrupting, read some books, look at some videos. Start from the position of assuming you’re wrong, that you’re getting it wrong, that you’re at fault. Even if you don’t believe that, just imagine it, like a thought experiment.
You really do need to have a bit of a think about this. You’re consistently pulled up by this community, a community you choose to be a part of. The reason you get told to fuck off when you say this shit isn’t because (in this instance) your opinion about RB is different to that of others, it is because your gender politics is absolutely categorically and completely at odds with those of the community.
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