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Russell Brand: rape and sexual abuse allegations, grifting and general dodginess - discussion

Sadly, I don't think Gromit is out there in his thinking. Last year on jury service I caught a rape trial and it was a case of "date rape". I was quite shocked at some of the other jurors attitudes "well it seems like a case of regret on the victims part rather than rape" etc... And this was from a number of the female jurors.

I had to go through the stats about how many cases, make it to a charge and the tiny proportion that result in a conviction.

I think the only reason the case even made it to court was an exchange of text messages from the defendant and the victim where he apologised for raping her - and still there were jurors who felt sorry for the defendant.

This isn't about defending Gromits shitty attitude, but sadly he is a mirror of a large chunk of society.

That’s kinda my point.

He thinks he’s more considered than those pricks when in fact he’s just as bad.
Haven't watched it but the Times article was damning. :(

Will be interesting to see what develops from this point, if anything. If he fucked off never to be heard of again that would at least be something.
It’s been mostly the same so far with added clips of his stand up and interviews. “In Plain Sight” seems a fairly apt title :(
Shrewd cunt realsied his whole schtick would get himself "cancelled" eventually even for what that was so sought the anti-cancel culture audience so when he did ( and now his alledged crimes) come out he has support and a narrative to hide behind.

Dangerous cunt
Unfortunately there's a lot of mileage/money in playing the victim of being cancelled card

This is the thing really isn't it, he's not fucking cancelled, I've heard more about him in the last 2 days than I have in the last 5 years.

Now the ancient Egyptians knew how to cancel someone, they literally went out with chisels and carved peoples' names and images out of any reliefs.

Hopefully the passage of time will similarly erase the memory of some of these fuckwits, but for them to suggest they are being cancelled when they are all over the internet and telly is nonsense.
Brilliant. Heeeere's Johnny.

Just saying. We've been arguing about it for the past hour. She's not watching the programme. She says she's not particularly a Brand fan. He does seem to wield some charm over people. Like I gave him the benefit of the doubt for a bit, but even outside the new allegations, he's an obvious narcissist who has gotten off on humiliating people, no? 🤷🏻‍♂️
I remember very clearly at the time, his whole schtick was being sleazy and promiscuous. It seemed everyone thought it was hilarious. He was a modern Don Juan and women "loved him" for it. He was paid to act outrageously. The more people laughed the further he went. It seems absurd that he got away with that behaviour but back then it was "edgy" and it looked like the women were in on the joke too.

Well, the joke is on him now. He's not making money for them anymore. He's no longer protected and his past has come back to haunt him. I bet there'll be groveling apologies from him next. He will say he thought it was all consensual blah blah forgive my sins I'm a changed man etc.
I remember very clearly at the time, his whole schtick was being sleazy and promiscuous. It seemed everyone thought it was hilarious. He was a modern Don Juan and women "loved him" for it. He was paid to act outrageously. The more people laughed the further he went. It seems absurd that he got away with that behaviour but back then it was "edgy" and it looked like the women were in the joke too.

Well, the joke is on him now. He's not making money for them anymore. He's no longer protected and his past has come back to haunt him. I bet there'll be groveling apologies from him next. He will say he thought it was all consensual blah blah forgive my sins I'm a changed man etc.

The thing is, even in his new spiritual guise, it's all still very narcissistic (even if he has reigned in the sexual behaviour) and Messiah complex.
I remember very clearly at the time, his whole schtick was being sleazy and promiscuous. It seemed everyone thought it was hilarious. He was a modern Don Juan and women "loved him" for it. He was paid to act outrageously. The more people laughed the further he went. It seems absurd that he got away with that behaviour but back then it was "edgy" and it looked like the women were in the joke too.

Well, the joke is on him now. He's not making money for them anymore. He's no longer protected and his past has come back to haunt him. I bet there'll be groveling apologies from him next. He will say he thought it was all consensual blah blah forgive my sins I'm a changed man etc.

he doing a show tonight think it will be more

this is what happens when you stand up the establishment than an apology

he disappear up his up arse again with right wing conspiracy bullshit during COVID

and think he try to make it appear the allegations are helping him get his message out
There is nothing wrong with being sexually active or "promiscuous" (I hate that word but using it as how it is often framed).
What is wrong is trying to describe what appear to be non-consensual situations as just him liking sex a bit too much, oh he's a sex addict, getting a little bit carried away sometimes, he's a bit of a shambles and a bit of a scoundrel like it's somehow OK and a bit of a joke, maybe it went too far sometimes - which seems to be what has been going on for years.

This is how these sorts of behaviours become normalised - and honestly entertainment media has been normalising this and covering up for it for decades now.
There doesn't seem to be any suggestion of police involvement atm (?).

historical rape allegations are a fucking nightmare to prosecute

sadly only 5 percent of rapes that happen and are reported shortly after they happen even end up with prosecution

it a shitty consequence of the legal.system

has been keeping women quiet for a long time
historical rape allegations are a fucking nightmare to prosecute

sadly only 5 percent of rapes that happen and are reported shortly after they happen even end up with prosecution

it a shitty consequence of the legal.system

has been keeping women quiet for a long time

But it could happen, given the number of women making allegations?
I think the most disturbing aspect of this whole thing (I watched Dispatches) was when the 16 year old girl attempted to blow the whistle and was basically told she was doing it to make money (when she contacted Russel's agent(?) iirc) - even though she never even mentioned any money, she was aggressively shut down, is it any wonder women don't come forward? She tried and she was made to feel like she was a liar and was wasting her time. She was made to feel powerless.

Well, them chickens have come home to roost now :thumbs:

The call with Saville was despicable too. Unfortunately it does feel like he can't be prosecuted, however, it being out there is better than nothing. It'll make power drunk men think twice in the future, hopefully.
I was expecting more from this programme than scary-sounding music over clips of Brand being Brand on the telly. (I’m not that far in tbf)
still find it hard to believe that anyone watching brand over the last decade or so

with him bragging about being a sex pest / addict

finding it out that he puts women in awkward situations . dear dog who could of thunk it

jesus he did a movie called "get him to the Greek" about being a sex pest with Johan hill, looks like he was just being himself during filming
still find it hard to believe that anyone watching brand over the last decade or so

with him bragging about being a sex pest / addict

finding it out that he puts women in awkward situations . dear dog who could of thunk it

jesus he did a movie called "get him to the Greek" about being a sex pest with Johan hill, looks like he was just being himself during filming

Remember him in that 'shaft grasper' clip from way back?
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jesus he did a movie called "get him to the Greek" about being a sex pest with Johan hill, looks like he was just being himself during filming

It’s worse than when Anthony Hopkins ate those people. :(

Pay attention to the red flags, people! :mad:
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