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Russell Brand: rape and sexual abuse allegations, grifting and general dodginess - discussion

I'm very much a believer of innocent until proven guilty.

There's something about Brand that makes me think that although he doesn't seem to be the type to violently rape a woman...

... That he seems the sort that wouldn't take no for an answer. He'd take it as a slight to his enormous ego and would put horrendous undue pressure to get what he felt was his due. Date rape.

So my innocent until guilty stance is written in pencil right now.
Never have I wanted to type FUCK OFF GROMIT more than right now
I'm very much a believer of innocent until proven guilty.

There's something about Brand that makes me think that although he doesn't seem to be the type to violently rape a woman...

... That he seems the sort that wouldn't take no for an answer. He'd take it as a slight to his enormous ego and would put horrendous undue pressure to get what he felt was his due. Date rape.

So my innocent until guilty stance is written in pencil right now.
Fuck off
I'm very much a believer of innocent until proven guilty.

There's something about Brand that makes me think that although he doesn't seem to be the type to violently rape a woman...

... That he seems the sort that wouldn't take no for an answer. He'd take it as a slight to his enormous ego and would put horrendous undue pressure to get what he felt was his due. Date rape.

So my innocent until guilty stance is written in pencil right now.
What a vile little man you are
The Times also have a written copy of Brand's statement for those who don't fancy sitting through the video:
Particularly when we’ve seen co-ordinated media attacks before, like with Joe Rogan, when he dared to take a medicine that the mainstream media didn’t approve of, and we saw a spate of headlines from media outlets across the world, using the same language.
Martyred for our sins like Joe Rogan was.
I'm very much a believer of innocent until proven guilty.

There's something about Brand that makes me think that although he doesn't seem to be the type to violently rape a woman...

... That he seems the sort that wouldn't take no for an answer. He'd take it as a slight to his enormous ego and would put horrendous undue pressure to get what he felt was his due. Date rape.

So my innocent until guilty stance is written in pencil right now.

ffs Gromit.. trolling attempt about rape

find another way of finding entertainment ya plank
I saw him in 2012 I think, and he was roaming about chatting to the audience and he picked out this girl, and asked her a question which I can't remember what her answer was, because then she dropped this bombshell "don't you remember me? We slept together!" And he just looked shifty as fuck and tried to shrug it off, and made a joke of it, and made her look a bit stalkery, it was weird. I always thought he was a bit of a dick, but OH wanted to go so we did, my opinion didn't really sway.

I suspect he did all that he is accused of, and probably a lot more that is yet to come out. I read the Times article and my back teeth now ache from gritting them.
So that Dispatches programme is now called Russell Brand: In Plain Sight

Sorry, just looked at the schedule and realised they have actually changed the name of it.

It makes all the GB News presenters getting sweaty and begging their viewers not to watch Dispatches tonight make you wonder what else is going on.
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Also have to say I liked Russell Brand when he first was coming to prominence - seemed a bit chaotic but with a bit of a lefty/anarchist slant at heart.
That soon dissipated however and it's been fairly apparent since that (even if not able to say for sure whether he might have at that point done anything criminal/non-consensual having no evidence myself and not wanting to get Urban into trouble), he's long been a sleazy fuck who talks about sex and women in disparaging ways, and the thing with Ross was abysmal, I don't know why his career didn't collapse at that point.
more than likely shitting that it was going to about Dan Wootton

Well that was what GB News Twitter (I don't look at it but it was on "trending" earlier) seemed to be worried about - him and one other GB News person
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Interesting to read in the times article that they gave him 8 days notice about all this, 8 days advance warning and included in their communication to him all the details of the allegations.
And what he did was to carry on completely as normal for a week (he puts out a video every day), business as usual vids about biden and bill gates and whatever.
Then today he does the one that doesn't really engage with any of the substance instead just asks his followers to have faith in him, demands their loyalty basically. Such a strange way to behave.
the lolita shite is very very damning

31 year old with a 16 years old is weird enough but get her to read lolita

woncky nonecy stuff
I'm very much a believer of innocent until proven guilty.

There's something about Brand that makes me think that although he doesn't seem to be the type to violently rape a woman...

... That he seems the sort that wouldn't take no for an answer. He'd take it as a slight to his enormous ego and would put horrendous undue pressure to get what he felt was his due. Date rape.

So my innocent until guilty stance is written in pencil right now.
Fuck me but you're a dodgy bastard. You've been here so long and posted so much offensive misogynist bullshit but then over the years I kind of forgot (probably because I'm a bloke and you don't pose a threat to me; something I probably need to think about tbh).

Some time ago, when you whined about the 'fuck off Gromit' posts on the bandwidth thread (iirc), I kind of felt sorry for you a bit. It felt maybe like bullying and not allowing someone to change, like perhaps you'd realised how much of a dickhead you'd been and wanted to leave that behind.

As it turns out, you're still a massive wanker. You really should just fuck off. You're not needed. If you haven't got it by now, you never will.

"doesn't seem the type" "date rape"

No doubt you've got some dark shit in your past, you dangerous fucking weirdo.
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What does the type of man who does ‘violently’ rape women look like exactly? Asking so I can spot in a crowd to avoid, it being well documented that women can prevent our own rape like. 🙄
What does a baby killer look like?
This apparently. She doesn't seem like a baby killer to me. However, apparently she was. As proven by a trial.

By saying he doesn't seem the violent type I'm not categorically stating he isn't. Just commenting on appearances.

Does this guy look like a violent rapist?

For 17 years people thought yes.

All I said in my post that I'm saving my judgement until the allegations are proven.
Then speculated that he might be a wrong un though. Just speculation though.

I'm surprised at the lynch mob mentality being shown by Urban. If this was the wild west Brand would already be hanging dead from a tree strung up by you lot.
No-one has said they want him lynched, ffs.

Put on trial and if convicted do time for it, yes.

But these things around the entertainment industry can take a long time to come to light, and the fact there is an investigation into allegations is a good thing, not a bad thing.
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