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Russell Brand: rape and sexual abuse allegations, grifting and general dodginess - discussion

'obsessed'? 'hate'? :confused:

Who made the thread all about Brand? The thread titled 'Russell Brand: End the war on drugs (bbc doc)' :D

Ah? Its the name of the programme and I posted it in the Drugs forum. Would you have preferred me to have renamed it 'BBC: End the war of drugs' to cause less offence?

Up to anything nice this weekend?
Ah? Its the name of the programme and I posted it in the Drugs forum. Would you have preferred me to have renamed it 'BBC: End the war of drugs' to cause less offence?
That's exactly the point though isn't it? His name is a distraction. I wouldn't have preferred you to rename it, I would've preferred him not to have his name all over it in the first place. People saying 'you're not discussing the issue' when the issue gets second billing to Brand is odd. We've (the DF & urban generally) discussed prohibition in depth many, many times over the last decade or so; I don't see what's new here bar Brand is now saying it.

Btw, I'm not 'offended' just as I'm not 'obsessed' and nor do I 'hate' him. I'm happy to talk about this but please stop putting words in my mouth.

Up to anything nice this weekend?
Yeh mate, off on hols tomorrow. Bags packed & shopping done (note to self - tonight is not the night to test everything).
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That's exactly the point though isn't it? His name is a distraction. I wouldn't have preferred you to rename it, I would've preferred him not to have his name all over it in the first place. People saying 'you're not discussing the issue' when the issue gets second billing to Brand is odd. We've (the DF & urban generally) discussed prohibition in depth many, many times over the last decade or so; I don't see what's new here bar Brand is now saying it.

Btw, I'm not 'offended' just as I'm not 'obsessed' and nor do I 'hate' him. I'm happy to talk about this but please stop putting words in my mouth.

Yeh mate, off on hols for 2 weeks. Bags packed & shopping done (note to self - tonight is not the night to test everything).

Fair enough. I think his profile, on this occasion, is advantageous as it probably means this doc gets more publicity than if say...Prof David Nutt (round of applause) were to make a similar film.

He was following up on stories from his first film from 2 years ago about drug use and the law plus he is more qualified than most to have a view on this having been an addict himself (his empathy towards the girl arrested seemed sincere to me). On this occasion I think he was the perfect candidate to make this particular documentary but appreciate his current media exposure is grating and it does get difficult to take whatever he says seriously at time purely because of the way he says it.

Have a good holiday.
Just got round to watching this. I have severe reservations about RB, but I thought it was a really good programme. His take isn't exactly mine in that the programme didn't spell out that each and every drug requires a different approach and there also needs to be a different approach to recreational and addictive use of any drug (neither of which should make a criminal of the user). I think people have an actual right to non-problematically take other drugs as an alternative to alcohol, and that should be one of the things underpinning drugs policy.

I also think Nick Clegg did very well in this. I helped them into their wee bit of power and subsequently felt guilty about it, but now actually feel if they were the sole govt that could be one of the best things for the UK. :cool:
Just got round to watching this. I have severe reservations about RB, but I thought it was a really good programme. His take isn't exactly mine in that the programme didn't spell out that each and every drug requires a different approach and there also needs to be a different approach to recreational and addictive use of any drug (neither of which should make a criminal of the user). I think people have an actual right to non-problematically take other drugs as an alternative to alcohol, and that should be one of the things underpinning drugs policy.

I also think Nick Clegg did very well in this. I helped them into their wee bit of power and subsequently felt guilty about it, but now actually feel if they were the sole govt that could be one of the best things for the UK. :cool:
He didn't really talk about recreational use at all iirc, this was all about problem users, who do get the really shitty end of the shit stick of prohibition. Be good to make a documentary with transform about what legalisation might look like though.

I have no faith the lib dems would do anything about drugs if they were in power alone, not going to derail the thread with discussion of other things but what politicians stick to their promises, lib dems worst of all with the tuition fees vote, they've just identified a group of single issue currently non voters they think they can pick up.
I have no faith the lib dems would do anything about drugs if they were in power alone, not going to derail the thread with discussion of other things but what politicians stick to their promises, lib dems worst of all with the tuition fees vote, they've just identified a group of single issue currently non voters they think they can pick up.

Well, Clegg's now done a telly interview; I don't think he could have been any more forceful in what he said and the Lib Dems have been active in trying to get drugs policy discussed. I'm sure they would do something if they got into power, but that's not going to happen... :D Only the Lib Dems and the Greens (AFAIK) of all the UK parties have a progressive attitude towards drug policy, which is utterly ridiculous when you think of the movement in other parts of the globe.

I don't really see it as 'single issue'. When you know where someone stands on drug policy, you can probably predict their stance on other things.
Well, Clegg's now done a telly interview; I don't think he could have been any more forceful in what he said and the Lib Dems have been active in trying to get drugs policy discussed. I'm sure they would do something if they got into power, but that's not going to happen... :D Only the Lib Dems and the Greens (AFAIK) of all the UK parties have a progressive attitude towards drug policy, which is utterly ridiculous when you think of the movement in other parts of the globe.

I don't really see it as 'single issue'. When you know where someone stands on drug policy, you can probably predict their stance on other things.

What I mean by single issue is that there's people who don't vote who might vote for someone purely because of their drugs policy. Cameron said cannabis should be decriminalised in 2007 iirc from that doco, but what's happened? nothing. Clegg did an interview on a bbc3 doco, that's not going to matter to him once politics comes into play, but as you say we won't be finding out :D
I didn't find it very convincing.

If it was trying to explore the extent of the harm caused by the war on drugs, and the potential benefits of decriminalisation, it barely scratched the surface.

I can't imagine anyone changing their stance on drugs after watching it.
Just listen the pompous dick.

Brand added: “I’m aware that you guys have been saying in the comments for a while, watch out, Russell. They’re coming from you. You’re getting too close to the truth. Russell Brand did not kill himself. I know that a year ago there was a spate of articles.

“Russell Brand’s a conspiracy theorist, Russell Brand’s right wing. I’m aware of news media making phone calls, sending letters to people I know for ages and ages.

“It’s being clear to me, or at least it feels to me like there’s a serious and concerted agenda to control these kind of spaces and these kind of voices. And I mean, my voice along with your voice. I don’t mind them using my books and my standout to talk about my promiscuous consensual conduct in the past.”
Just listen the pompous dick.

Yeah, he's a bit of a prat hey :D

So much has changed here in Australia since he made this video, I'd say that the Brand , Hari etc crew have been a little influential in some of this changing of hearts & minds.

And although the papers and media outlets are still being wankers about the way they report on drugs, it doesn't seem to have held back a strong shift towards the health and human rights of pwud here.

I'm not really sure what people want to stop him talking about now. Why's he about to be accused of something serious, and what serious thing will it be. Obviously not drugs - unless it turns out he's Mr big or something. I don't think we're allowed to speculate are we ?

He's just always pissed me off with his abstinence narrative, more than anything.

Apologies to editor for posting this in the feedback forum first, I just did a search for his name and didn't check which forum the thread was in 🙂
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There have also been several ableist aspects to his live stand up comedy to the point of humiliating disabled people in the audience.
Used to find him amusing and always watchable when he used to freak out American current affairs media. Like when Galloway went to the States, it was fun to see interviewers and pundits squirm.

Can't stand either of them now.

If the brand gets tarnished, that's a good thing given the influence he wields on some people. He's irresponsible, at the very very least.
A cynic might say that after years of espousing predictably left wing politics a shift to the alt right conspiracy world attracting that type of follower would be the perfect escape pod for someone who knew something nasty was likely to surface. Your new 'fans' are far less likely to believe or care.
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There have also been several ableist aspects to his live stand up comedy to the point of humiliating disabled people in the audience.
He’s still doing this. Heard about his festival this summer from somebody who was there, there was some sort of men’s group event supposed to be a supportive therapeutic thing , so a guy goes on stage and talks openly about his problems with not being able to do erections & sex and Russel brand stands there and makes jokes to the audience at that man’s expense. my friend said it was one of the cruellest weirdest things she’d ever seen.
I'm not really sure what people want to stop him talking about now. Why's he about to be accused of something serious, and what serious thing will it be. Obviously not drugs - unless it turns out he's Mr big or something. I don't think we're allowed to speculate are we ?

He practically says what he's going to be accused of in the video clip posted.
Yeah, he's a bit of a prat hey :D

So much has changed here in Australia since he made this video, I'd say that the Brand , Hari etc crew have been a little influential in some of this changing of hearts & minds.

And although the papers and media outlets are still being wankers about the way they report on drugs, it doesn't seem to have held back a strong shift towards the health and human rights of pwud here.

I'm not really sure what people want to stop him talking about now. Why's he about to be accused of something serious, and what serious thing will it be. Obviously not drugs - unless it turns out he's Mr big or something. I don't think we're allowed to speculate are we ?

He's just always pissed me off with his abstinence narrative, more than anything.

Apologies to editor for posting this in the feedback forum first, I just did a search for his name and didn't check which forum the thread was in 🙂
He's got all into conspiracy theories so "they" want to stop him from spreading "the truth" and obviously any allegations as such will be contrived with crisis actors accusing him of what will presumably be sexual assault/rape/grooming allegations.
Oh and also even though they are crisis actors making it up, they are also real people who had fully consensual encounters with brand and are doing this for the money (even though there's no financial outcomes for them in the UK).
There's plenty who will say that they always thought so and so was dodgy etc, but before all the right wing shite, had heard from a co-worker of his that he was vain and selfish. That was the extent of the exclusive on him.

There's another comedian who makes quite a few people uneasy. Wonder will he crop up as well.
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