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Russell Brand: rape and sexual abuse allegations, grifting and general dodginess - discussion

Been reading various Brand supporters and 'truthseekers' asking of his (alleged) victims: "why didn't they go to the police? Why go to the media?"

One easy response is that Harvey Weinstein's trial and conviction were preceded by the New York Times and New Yorker investigations, and that after their findings were published, more victims came forward to strengthen the police's / prosecution's case.

Another response to the sceptics is this graph below (taken from the Graun, and 10 years old, but quite honestly after Wayne Couzens and David Carrick, I wouldn't be surprised if the number of women - or men - contacting the police to report being raped may now be even lower :snarl:).

My maths was never great. but I make it that if 15,670 reported cases result in only 1,070 convictions, that's a 6.8 per cent success rate.

Also very telling is the estimated number of rape crimes compared with the number that result in convictions (because so few are reported): between 1.13 and 1.78 per cent.

So it's completely unsurprising that rape victims would be reluctant to go to the police, and would have more faith in a sympathetic journalist.

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The Weinstein case is an especially good example of where the media can make a big difference, because there one victim (Ambra Gutierrez) did exactly "what a victim should do" according to these people - she went straight to the NYPD after being assaulted, got them to believe her and then wore a wire the next day, capturing him on tape repeatedly admitting he had assaulted her.

Her reward for doing "what a victim should do" was to see the DA drop the charges for lack of evidence, she got blacklisted from modelling jobs and various heroes of the press took it upon themselves to claim she was blackmailing him, had been an escort, was referred to as "grope girl" etc etc.
I think I might have done the same thing, tbh. If the woman does contact the police, then the existence of some other piece of evidence might make the difference between her complaint being progressed or not.

Although, otoh, I'd be surprised if the police handle these thing well enough to be able to connect phonecall a to phonecall b.
That was 100% my motivation, not to “stick up for all the women folk”. I just thought if she was inspired to report with what is going on it then it might help her in a small way. I hadn’t identified her, reported it on her behalf, or gave much details other than “I had heard about this” …-the motivation was the tiny chance it might help with any investigation. Perhaps here not the best place to have posted anwyay.
I posted a link to the thread they were demanding to see and they appeared not to notice, for ages. kept demanding to see it. That is all.
How did we get to this on this thread where i thought everybody was quite on the same page idk.
So you accused cesare of posting drunk for no good reason instead of simply reposting the link. We've all missed things here. But rather than just going, oh you missed it, here it is again, you thought that acting like a tosser was a better course of action. You ought to reflect on your behaviour, it does you no credit
I posted a link to the thread they were demanding to see and they appeared not to notice, for ages. Kept demanding to see it. That is all.
How did we get to this on this thread where i thought everybody was quite on the same page idk. What a waste of time.

thread should come with a trigger warning really

crossed wires on a heavy subject is not uncommon or unexpected. but the you are pissed like was a bit out of order. I'd apologise for that..

withstanding that the stuff from other comics about how he swiveled his output is quite damning to brand himself
That was 100% my motivation, not to “stick up for all the women folk”. I just thought if she was inspired to report with what is going on it then it might help her in a small way. I hadn’t identified her, reported it on her behalf, or gave much details other than “I had heard about this” …-the motivation was the tiny chance it might help with any investigation. Perhaps here not the best place to have posted anwyay.
How will they connect your report (which tbf is hearsay) to hers if she does make a report though?

I accept it may have been done with the best of intentions, but it's at best pointless, and at worst breaking a confidence about something said to you long ago.

If she reports it, she can say in her report "I was going out with Bigmoaner at the time and he can corroborate", in which case you might potentially be useful (assuming it's not dismissed as hearsay). But it should come from her, not you.
How will they connect your report (which tbf is hearsay) to hers if she does make a report though?

I accept it may have been done with the best of intentions, but it's at best pointless, and at worst breaking a confidence about something said to you long ago.

If she reports it, she can say in her report "I was going out with Bigmoaner at the time and he can corroborate", in which case you might potentially be useful (assuming it's not dismissed as hearsay). But it should come from her, not you.
My reasoning was that the more is learned about this man’s past the better by the police. The only reason I reported it is because i DIDNT know her second name. I can’t identify her in any way. I would never report on her behalf. Anyway perhaps not the place.
My reasoning was that the more is learned about this man’s past the better by the police. The only reason I reported it is because i DIDNT know her second name. I can’t identify her in any way. I would never report on her behalf. Anyway perhaps not the place.

In which case you're just wasting police time. :facepalm: A case cannot be built on this sort of thing.

(I mean in a lot of cases I don't mind their time being wasted, but there's no-one else who's going to prosecute historical rape/sexual abuse so you have to work with what's available).
You ought to reflect on your behaviour, it does you no credit
What do you get out of posting stuff like this ? I have no qualms about anything i said today, and i've been told 'fuck you', which you 'liked'.
This place I want to think of it as somewhere i can work out my ideas with other people to think things through with, but this sort of thing, your input here, that i've had to spend time reading, what is your motivation?
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Well I'm just going to come out and say it: I used to quite fancy him. At the start he was actually quite self-deprecating and a bit camp and very clever. People seem to have forgotten that. Lots of people, mainly men, have been able to pick him out as a wrong 'un in the same way as I can often identlfy a wrong 'un when she's female, and I do understand the whole forehead-slapping 'but why do they fall for it?!' thing. But yeah. Could I identify someone as a potential threat? Probably not tbf. That's why he (and others) are so dangerous.

Yep. I’ve never liked him. An ex-girlfriend went to his show and met him. To me, he always came across as a stage School attention seeking gobshite. I’ve not paid him much attention except when it comes up on discussions on here.
So you accused cesare of posting drunk for no good reason instead of simply reposting the link. We've all missed things here. But rather than just going, oh you missed it, here it is again, you thought that acting like a tosser was a better course of action. You ought to reflect on your behaviour, it does you no credit

This is fucking rich from you.
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Marina Hyde is worth reading, as always: The brave victims of Russell Brand’s misogyny deserve full support. This time, let’s get it right | Marina Hyde Not least because she can criticise herself.
i dont like this article at all - a well paid media columnist regrets that she didn't have enough sympathy with a victim in all this, so decides to write another column in which everything is dredged up along with some juicy offensive details accompanied with a massive picture of the victim and details about her life.

Including ...."in which she said the media maelstrom had sent her “insane”, subsequently telling the Guardian she was “a tart with a heart, a nice girl”. I am mortified to see I reacted to this by saying she should stop banging on about the whole thing."

so now the columnist is going to bang on about it for the sake of a paid column, whipping up the media maelstrom one more time and proving she still has no empathy for this woman.

(also at the start of the article she says Russel Brand would've likely been a bully at school - he wasn't - he was a depressed teenager who had also been sexually abused and brought up in a very weird family ... in fact he was diagnosed as bipolar as an adult amongst his other psychological problems)

nice work if you can get it
So you accused cesare of posting drunk for no good reason instead of simply reposting the link. We've all missed things here. But rather than just going, oh you missed it, here it is again, you thought that acting like a tosser was a better course of action. You ought to reflect on your behaviour, it does you no credit
Take a night off, you tedious fucking bully.
Not ignored; one post did a bit of victim blaming, the other reply told them to shut up about it.

There are so many clips of him clearly putting the lie to 'it was all consensual'; him dropping his trousers and sitting on someone's lap on a BB show; the end of the Liz Hayes interview:

I'd have socked him in his bloody mouth if he tried that on me.
What a monumental shit
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Don't know if anyone's seen this yet. There's a cut in Brand's video between the words 'always' and 'consensual'. The audio is not cut.

It's brought up at 04:50.

Also strange that he'd say "they were absolutely always consensual" but then go on to add "I was always transparent about that then, almost too transparent ..." that sounds like an admission of something - not to back up that they were all consensual.
It's all a bit grimey. That cut's a bit weird though. Specially around the language used when it happened. I agreed with the host about if he was Brand, and trying to play to the court of public opinion, he'd have reshot the whole bit.
How come everyone and their dog knows what Brand has been banging on about for years but somehow he also been silenced all these years?
exactly. The deep state must be pretty fucking rubbish tbh when all you have to do is fart online and it will hit some seething mass of conspiracy bollocks
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