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Russell Brand: rape and sexual abuse allegations, grifting and general dodginess - discussion

Yes quite. I mean if you posted something insightful about Brand and structural misogyny in the entertainment industry in 2013 then great, let's see it. But 'I don't like him I think he's a cunt/wanker/smug' - ok so what?

I called him a made for TV wanker. All my other posts on Brand threads have related to the power of the industry and why it encourages and produces and protects Russell Brands. The whole culture of stardom is flawed. It is not good to have everyone say yes to you all the time.

To paraphrase all my other posts. Everyone you see on TV is a cunt.

I wasn't here in 2013. But that's irrelevant.
If wrong 'uns, and abusive men in particular, came with a useful sign on them, that any discerning right thinking person could spot a mile off, that'd be great wouldn't it. But they really don't.
Brand did, though. When I first saw him on telly, whenever that was, he was already boasting of the hundreds of women he'd shagged. He actually kept count, whether accurately or not. Just that fact marked him out as perverse. Every woman was a sexual conquest, another notch on his todger, so to speak. OK, other men do that as well, or talk the talk, but the sheer scale of his supposed exploits was a warning that he cared nothing about them whatsoever.
If wrong 'uns, and abusive men in particular, came with a useful sign on them, that any discerning right thinking person could spot a mile off, that'd be great wouldn't it. But they really don't.
I agree with this but wonder why that seems to be exactly what you and LDC are doing.
Brand did, though. When I first saw him on telly, whenever that was, he was already boasting of the hundreds of women he'd shagged. He actually kept count, whether accurately or not. Just that fact marked him out as perverse. Every woman was a sexual conquest, another notch on his todger, so to speak. OK, other men do that as well, or talk the talk, but the sheer scale of his supposed exploits was a warning that he cared nothing about them whatsoever.
Underlying assumptions in there. Plenty women might have been well aware of all that and had no problem with it, still gladly had a meaningless encounter with him, not expecting to be 'cared for' as you put it at all. But the accusations are not about that , he's not being pulled up for too many 1 night stands he is accused of rape and abuse. Shagging around isnt the issue that's buying into his version, as already said by others.
There's a video in this article of Brand on American morning television from 2013. He seems to enjoy undermining the confidence of and humiliating the woman presenter. Aggressive like.

*(rather than link to one of his YouTube fans describing how he 'owned her')
I really don't think there's much to be gained from trawling through decades-old posts about Brand. I can't even remember what I thought of him them - I don't recall ever being a fan - but he's a totally different character now and it's what people think now that matters.
I'm not sure what you're getting at with "he's a totally different character now" than in 2013 or 2003. What, reformed? Worse? How is he a totally different character now than he was at the times the alleged incidents occurred?
What are you convinced of here? You're being really weird.
You are the one being weird. Bimble and LDC are asserting that old style urban was horrendous/rapey and you're agreeing with them . If any of you can link to something specific to support what you're saying, please do. There seems to be a thread that Bimble's referring to and that you know about. Let's see it please.
You are the one being weird. Bimble and LDC are asserting that old style urban was horrendous/rapey and you're agreeing with them . If any of you can link to something specific to support what you're saying, please do. There seems to be a thread that Bimble's referring to and that you know about. Let's see it please.
for the sake of fuck drop it please. Or sober up and read the links provided.
You are the one being weird. Bimble and LDC are asserting that old style urban was horrendous/rapey and you're agreeing with them . If any of you can link to something specific to support what you're saying, please do. There seems to be a thread that Bimble's referring to and that you know about. Let's see it please.

From following their quotes back it appears to be this one (not read it yet)..

You are the one being weird. Bimble and LDC are asserting that old style urban was horrendous/rapey and you're agreeing with them . If any of you can link to something specific to support what you're saying, please do. There seems to be a thread that Bimble's referring to and that you know about. Let's see it please.

Sigh. You've misunderstood something bimble meant - which wasn't referring to rapey but certainly to misogyny - of Urban past, a thread that I was very new to here too, and she was remarking how things have improved.

Here's the thread.

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yes, it was a thread about hundreds of women reporting to the police that they had been sexually assaulted, and the experience of posting on that thread was that most people engaging with it at the time were inclined to believe, for righteous reasons, that those reports were lies. And it was horrible, posting on that thread. It was really bad. And I dont think that would have gone the same way now. I think it would be less bad.
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yes, it was a thread about hundreds of women reporting to the police that they had been sexually assaulted, and the experience of posting on that thread was that most people engaging with it at the time were inclined to believe, for righteous reasons, that those reports were lies. And it was horrible, posting on that thread. It was really bad. And I dont think that would have gone the same way now. I think it would be less bad.
Which is all valid re the wider society but I'm failing to see how it applies to how old skool urban reacted to Russell Brand at the time
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