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    Lazy Llama

Russell Brand on Revolution

The spgb - and you've clearly engaging in a bit of substitution here with brand sitting in for the SPGB.

Have to say after reading last nights posts the reek of sheridan off him is appalling. Not that i've never mentioned it before mind, but those links...

More coming soon and I agree. There are associations between him and PUAs going back to 2002. I think both a denunciation and honesty by him is needed. Not just 'i didn't know' bollocks.
But would the slogan be criticised if it hadn't been associated with the person we're discussing? There seems to be a lot of throwing out the baby with the bathwater going on here or is it throwing out the bathwater with the baby.

I think I've been fairly consistent in aiming my primary criticism at the role rather than the individual.

That the individual in question is at best heavily flawed, at worst dodgy as fuck, only brings matters to head more rapidly.
so no ones going to defend the PUA connection.

first I heard of it was today, can't really believe some posters are still singing his praises really,.
Since posting on this thread I've started getting David Icke recommendations from Google. Says it all really.
My youtube recommendations page is full of him (Brand not Icke). Russell on Letterman, Russell with some psychedelic weirdo, Russell yakking with Alex Jones, Russell on the BBC, Russell on a sofa with 2 young women who won a charity auction - prize - a day with Russell. Then I have a look at a list of the year's "left leaning" albums, and there he is again, getting the mention.


Revolution, the new book by British comedian-turned activist Russell Brand, covers a lot of ground that will be familiar to committed activists. What might be more surprising is his pushing of the power of meditation to bring about change, as he urges people worldwide to tune into the oneness that unites all humanity.
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Satanic power control them


A rational person considers primary sources first and foremost and dismisses personal hit pieces for the garbage that they are. It so happens on this topic, Russell Brand's The Trews is the primary source. You're saying his Trews should be ignored and only the silly personal character assassinations on this thread deserve to be discussed?

Are you not aware? Logical fallacies (e.g., ad hominems, guilt-by-association) are used by politicians and the media to divert public attention from issues that matter -- corporate fascism, media propaganda, torture, wars, water hikes, rent hikes, poverty, environmental destruction, etc. These are the issues Russell Brand is raising, and because his audience is growing (more people listen to him than to the media) he constitutes a threat, a threat that must be stopped.

Hence, to suggest that we ignore the Trews and focus on the media hit pieces and gossip it engenders here and elsewhere is to be duped by the elite into doing their bidding. They don't want people to listen to The Trews. That's exactly why people should listen, if for no other reason than to question "what is it 'they' don't want us to hear?" Listen and decide the issues for yourself. Only then will you have an INFORMED opinion on the subject worthy of consideration.

Don't be fooled. THINK.

Russell Brand is not important, the issues he raises on The Trews ARE.

shaman75 has posted a Trews interview that I suggest is more important to hear and consider than all the tabloid silliness on this thread.
Tell us more about the corporate fascism please

"Much as I disagree with most of your politics, I've always rather liked you. You do a good job of coming across as someone who might be fun to be around. Turns out, that's an illusion.
Because, you see, Russell, when you accosted me, you started speaking to me with your nose about two inches from mine. That's pretty fucking aggressive, Russell. I'm sure you're aware of the effect. Putting one's face that close to someone else's and staring into their eyes is how primates square off for a fight.
I've been thinking about this the last couple of days, Russell, and I can honestly say that the only other people ever to talk to me the way you did were school bullies. It's been nearly a quarter of a century since I had to deal with such bastards, so I was caught quite off my guard. Nice company you're keeping. Now I think about it, they used to ruin my lunchtimes too.
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These are the issues Russell Brand is raising, and because his audience is growing (more people listen to him than to the media) he constitutes a threat, a threat that must be stopped.
more people listen to russell brand than to the media? :eek:

pls tell me how this amazing thing is achieved.
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