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Rotherham child rape gangs: At least 1400 victims

There is no comparison to the scale of co-ordinated abuses - upon as many as 100,000 girls - committed against muslim children as compared to white non-muslim children.

I think all but three victims were white British in one of the largest cases.
Could you show the working for this 100,000 claim pls
Where did you get the idea that muslim girls don't get abused? My understanding is that Muslim girls are less likely to speak out especially when the abusers are within the family or their own communities.

Ed: removed link to Peter McLoughlin who writes books with Tommy Robinson
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It is of course worth noting that the tory pigfucker Jacob Reece-Mogg would be opposed to these child victims obtaining an abortion.
I wonder if he would feel that way if the Telford kebab house boys took his daughter...
It is a specific culture that allows these types of gangs to exist if it was normal nonce behavior 90% of scum done for this would be white.
I wouldn't accept the underlined bit, certainly as you put it. However, again, it's worth keeping the overall pattern in view. White men are slightly over-represented in abuse per se and Asian men in collective abuse (and, fwiw, I have a vague memory that white men are over represented in downloading child porn). From that you can certainly say there are different patterns between groups in the way they do abuse, but that itself doesn't lend itself to crude generalisations about religions, cultures or ethnicities. From that there's a messy discussion to be had about why the minority of Asians/Muslims who abuse do in different ways to the minority of white men who abuse - and I think that frames the discussion correctly, keeping the abuse centre stage rather than starting with ethnicity. But the only unambiguous thing you can say is about the victims - working class, female and often vulnerable. That's the dynamic - in terms of who the victims are and why they were dismissed.
There is no comparison to the scale of co-ordinated abuses - upon as many as 100,000 girls - committed against muslim children as compared to white non-muslim children.

I think all but three victims were white British in one of the largest cases.

Asian and muslim girls are getting abused by grooming gangs. They are less likely to speak out because of cultural issues and they are less likely to have it picked up by social services, gps etc. It's simply not true that it's only white girls getting targeted.

I was going to sit down and watch babylon berlin, but this thread is diverting me. Its like all the worst daily mail articles combined with the execption of Dementia and house prices
True. But given the co-ordinated nature of the gangs, the sheer number of victims - apparently as many as 100,000, it seems this is more of a systematic approach. And victims being constantly told they are worth less as a result of their status as non-muslims, not a million miles from the caste systems that prevail in the abusers’ countries of origin.

And even if there were no grooming gangs preying on non-muslim children, the attitudes to all women are plainly abhorrent and against all that those with a progressive mindset want to see.
I see you've not taken on board Thimble Queen 's point about there not being a generic British Muslim position. But anyway, as I'm not an adherent of top down state multiculturalism/liberalism, I'm happy to say I don't share attitudes of many Muslim groups towards women, or more to the point, in as much as they have solidified with forms of secular power in many countries. And yes, I don't share those of many other religions. :) But as has been said to you, the men carrying out the abuse are not simply products of the Mosque - anything but in terms of their wider behaviour. This is just reductionist crap.
I was going to sit down and watch babylon berlin, but this thread is diverting me. Its like all the worst daily mail articles combined with the execption of Dementia and house prices
I've been meaning to watch that but I've succomed to watching David Ickes's DJ barking at car exhausts
...as has been said to you, the men carrying out the abuse are not simply products of the Mosque - anything but in terms of their wider behaviour. This is just reductionist crap.

No. The men are products of the worst excesses of backward Pakistani culture, with added wahaabist militancy thrown into the mix.

Nowhere in Europe can I imagine this example of sanctioned “revenge rape” happening:
Pakistan teenager suffers 'revenge rape'
That's fucking grim.

Of course it’s fucking grim, nobody would turn a blind eye to it then - like they did in Oxford, Telford, Rotherham, Rochdale...

Fact is, majority white British police and social services knew about these paedophile networks and turned a blind eye, for fear of being labelled racist.

Backward South Asian attitudes towards women have taken root in the UK, and the hugely disproportionate amount of white victims (muslim victims of this type of paedophilia/grooming gang activity likely account for less than 1%) means it’s time to kick the can over and examine the backward attitudes without fear of being accused of racism.

And start locking up members of South Yorkshire police? At least that’s something the Left can get behind...
No. The men are products of the worst excesses of backward Pakistani culture, with added wahaabist militancy thrown into the mix.

Nowhere in Europe can I imagine this example of sanctioned “revenge rape” happening:
Pakistan teenager suffers 'revenge rape'
Well, look, if you want me to say Wahaabi is shit, I'm with you. But if you're happy to pin grooming gangs down to a single unambiguous cause like this, I'll have to go with 'why or why does the Church of England force individual white men to rape children? Why does the C of E create 90% of all nonces'? Doesn't get you very far does it?
I am slightly uneasy about the undercurrent of rape is a tool of war themes going on here. "they're raping our women" has been an oft used trope designed to further a political positon. This doesnt mean however that it isnt true. Sanctioned rape is well documented from WW2, through to Bosnia and East Africa of late. To suggest that this is any kind of semi-organised or ordained programme - which is what I am getting here- is seemingly mostly anecdotal.
I am slightly uneasy about the undercurrent of rape is a tool of war themes going on here. "they're raping our women" has been an oft used trope designed to further a political positon. This doesnt mean however that it isnt true. Sanctioned rape is well documented from WW2, through to Bosnia and East Africa of late. To suggest that this is any kind of semi-organised or ordained programme - which is what I am getting here- is seemingly mostly anecdotal.

Rape has long been a tool of war especially in Pakistan.

During the Bangladesh Liberation War, it is estimated that between 400,000 and 600,000 women and girls were sexually assaulted by the Pakistan armed forces and the Al-Badr ("the moon") and the Al-Shams ("the sun") militias that supported them.

Child sexual abuse is widespread in Pakistani Islamic schools.
In a study of child sexual abuse in Rawalpindi and Islamabad, out of a sample of 300 children 17% claimed to have been abused and in 1997 one child a day was reported as raped, gang raped or kidnapped for sexual gratification.
In September 2014, the British Channel 4 broadcast a documentary called Pakistan's Hidden Shame, directed by Mohammed Naqvi and produced by Jamie Doran, which highlighted the problem of sexual abuse of street children in particular, an estimated 90 percent of whom have been sexually abused.
No. If a senior MP's daughter was abused, the papers would be all over it because of the wealth, power and status of the parent. Which takes us right back to the class (and gender) of the victims.

There are class issues at play, for sure.
And comparisons could be made with upper class tory and other politicians raping children from care homes.
The difference being, these grooming gangs appear to have been able to carry out such vile crimes under the knowledge of police and social services with impunity.

And it’s still happening now. And the Mercedes and BMW cars with underaged white children in them being driven around cities and towns right now are still not being stopped.

Start by crushing the cars that ferry these underage groomed girls around. Then seize business premises & properties that are owned by the perpetrators. Then, after jail (and full sentences, not 22 years commuted to 5 as we are now seeing) deport them back to where their backward ideas originated.
Why Especially Pakistan ? What about the Congo for example- sexual abuse on a mammoth scale isnt a particularly unique trait to Pakistan.

Because 4.5 percent of the UK is from Pakistan, not the Congo.

Because 90% of the child grooming gang members are from Pakistan, not the Congo.
There are class issues at play, for sure.
And comparisons could be made with upper class tory and other politicians raping children from care homes.
The difference being, these grooming gangs appear to have been able to carry out such vile crimes under the knowledge of police and social services with impunity.
Have a feeling the various political nonces have been getting away for a few years also.
Have a feeling the various political nonces have been getting away for a few years also.

I would agree. And my opinion remains unchanged - paedophiles need to be put to death.
Perhaps not state sanctioned, because the state cannot be entrusted, but certainly if there were circumstances where parents of victims faced no charges for arranging or committing the murder of their child’s attacker - that would be something I would approve of.
I would agree. And my opinion remains unchanged - paedophiles need to be put to death.
Perhaps not state sanctioned, because the state cannot be entrusted, but certainly if there were circumstances where parents of victims faced no charges for arranging or committing the murder of their child’s attacker - that would be something I would approve of.
That policy would decimate the ranks of the light entertainment industry (it's in their culture you know :().
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