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Rotherham child rape gangs: At least 1400 victims

The level of victim blaming is still extremely high and I think people underestimate just how much damage that does. The wrong response from professionals can shut down further disclosure for years after, the language around so called child prostitution, talk of young people ‘choosing’ to abscond it they are removed into care rather than recognition that they are responding to coercion, things like ‘dressing provocatively’ on CSE risk checklists, the use of CSE films which openly show graphic scenes of rape to children as ‘warnings’ which are abusive, frightening and re-traumatising for victims - why would you talk to someone whose effectively abused you further etc. That’s on top of the classism that runs throughout, because young working class girls are just not important enough and they’re lose slags with no morals so what do we expect anyway.
It's only this variation of child sexual exploitation rings that is specific to Muslim communities.

race IS an issue in this sort of case What do we know about the ethnicity of sexual abuse gangs?
According to the best available data, Asian men make up 75 per cent of “Type 1” group abusers, who target children and young women because they are vulnerable.:(:eek:

which is a bit concerning as they only make up 6% of uk population
most of the rest is as you'd assume a white thing
I really can't get my head round any even a half decent person doing as these perverts have to children.

You can waste a lot of time trying to put yourself inside the mind of people who do things like this. I sincerely doubt any of these people are able to rationalise what they do as somehow not evil, we're dealing with people for whom being evil is simply not a problem.
The level of victim blaming is still extremely high and I think people underestimate just how much damage that does. The wrong response from professionals can shut down further disclosure for years after, the language around so called child prostitution, talk of young people ‘choosing’ to abscond it they are removed into care rather than recognition that they are responding to coercion, things like ‘dressing provocatively’ on CSE risk checklists, the use of CSE films which openly show graphic scenes of rape to children as ‘warnings’ which are abusive, frightening and re-traumatising for victims - why would you talk to someone whose effectively abused you further etc. That’s on top of the classism that runs throughout, because young working class girls are just not important enough and they’re lose slags with no morals so what do we expect anyway.

The thought of anyone putting the onus on children to protect themselves is pretty horrifying.

In my job we're all required to carry ID and proof of DBS clearance at all times because we're taking kids out of school and are solely responsible for them. Some of my colleagues wear their ID on a lanyard with 'DBS checked' printed on it, which is bizarre to me. Kids should not be thinking about stuff like that, they should not have the risks facing them reinforced in their minds. They should know who they can talk to if there's a problem and beyond that safeguarding should be dealt with by adults, out of sight and out of mind. We're not protecting anyone if our version of 'protection' ends up making kids live in fear.
The thought of anyone putting the onus on children to protect themselves is pretty horrifying.

In my job we're all required to carry ID and proof of DBS clearance at all times because we're taking kids out of school and are solely responsible for them. Some of my colleagues wear their ID on a lanyard with 'DBS checked' printed on it, which is bizarre to me. Kids should not be thinking about stuff like that, they should not have the risks facing them reinforced in their minds. They should know who they can talk to if there's a problem and beyond that safeguarding should be dealt with by adults, out of sight and out of mind. We're not protecting anyone if our version of 'protection' ends up making kids live in fear.

It is horrifying but it’s the every day reality unfortunately. Jessica Eaton has some good stuff to say on this - she is doing research into victim blaming at the moment and her blog has some excellent stuff on it.
It's only this variation of child sexual exploitation rings that is specific to Muslim communities.

race IS an issue in this sort of case What do we know about the ethnicity of sexual abuse gangs?
According to the best available data, Asian men make up 75 per cent of “Type 1” group abusers, who target children and young women because they are vulnerable.:(:eek:

which is a bit concerning as they only make up 6% of uk population
most of the rest is as you'd assume a white thing

i thiink we have to be careful when looking at this - there are other factors at play that will skew the apparent results towards a cetain sector- i am not a sociologist but the economic backgrounds of the majority of offenders - low skilled/ night economy/predominantly male etc. There is likely a cultural aspect, but the whole picture needs be taken into account to avoid focusing on one aspect to the detriment of the rest of the profile - as I mentioned earlier, a taxi driver based peado sex ring existed last century in the NE i personally know about- ethnicity aside, the culprits were from a not dissimilar background- night work/ drug use / etc IYKWIM
It's only this variation of child sexual exploitation rings that is specific to Muslim communities.

race IS an issue in this sort of case What do we know about the ethnicity of sexual abuse gangs?
According to the best available data, Asian men make up 75 per cent of “Type 1” group abusers, who target children and young women because they are vulnerable.:(:eek:

which is a bit concerning as they only make up 6% of uk population
most of the rest is as you'd assume a white thing

Yep. And it’s fucking awful but I was saying this a decade ago, and that right wing cunts will capitalise on it - because the left refuse to accept it’s an actual cultural and religiously driven thing.

And I was right.
add it to the list.

Race is an issue shouts washed out old man.

Not just race, actual religious attitudes imported from nations and societies that have very backward ideas about women.

But hey, speaking of washed up, how are you?

I’m doing fucking great, my house is now worth half a million and I’ve built myself a really nice career. Still scrounging beer money off Geri or did she get sick of supporting a miserable old fart like you??
A bit like your attitude to victims of grooming, then.

And now.

Too busy claiming anti-racist credentials to support vulnerable women that are being subjected to racist sexual exploitation.

And you wonder why cunts like Britain First get supporters.
Not interested - posh mouth. Been humiliated. Grow up.
The denial of the racist/religious elements of these grooming gangs is what contributed to their proliferation.

Which is what I was saying 10 years ago on here.

And you know it too.
You’re still showboating here a decade after I got bored of message boards and decided to raise a family?

And I’M the one that needs to grow up?

what are you going to do when you get bored of raising a family, come back here full time?
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Not just race, actual religious attitudes imported from nations and societies that have very backward ideas about women.

Lucky white people's record on treatment of women is above reproach eh? Because if it wasn't you'd have just made yourself look a right nasty cunt.

If you want to lump all these abusers into a single category who you can then write off as inherently evil and destructive, the only sensible category to choose is men. But nobody wants to write off a group that's got them in it do they? The whole point of finding a 'them' to blame is that you aren't them, so you're not responsible.
Can't believe someone's come on this thread about the sexual exploitation of hundreds of girls and made it about them, who is clairvoyant and dead clever like. If only they were in charge, it wouldn't have happened.
It must feel awful to know that one turned a blind eye to the fucking obvious racist religious zealotry which was a major factor in the abuse of these children, in an attempt to be politically correct and stuff.

The left got this one completely wrong, from the very start. Largely due to the denial and the fingerpointing of idiots like Butchers that have never really travelled around the planet and seen the wider picture beyond small-time west country politics and charity shop bookshelves.
This is why Britain First attract so many numpties.
Putting fingers in ears whenever cultural/religious motives for abuse were offered gave them an open goal.

And if you also did that, ten or so years ago, then fuck you.
The left got this one completely wrong, from the very start. Largely due to the denial and the fingerpointing of idiots like Butchers that have never really travelled around the planet and seen the wider picture beyond small-time west country politics and charity shop bookshelves.
yeh only people like you who've travelled the world can see the big picture.
It must feel awful to know that one turned a blind eye to the fucking obvious racist religious zealotry which was a major factor in the abuse of these children, in an attempt to be politically correct and stuff.

We're taking their 'not wanting to be seen as racist' narrative at face value then are we? The police didn't want to be seen as racist so they did nothing. The police.
Lucky white people's record on treatment of women is above reproach eh? Because if it wasn't you'd have just made yourself look a right nasty cunt.

If you want to lump all these abusers into a single category who you can then write off as inherently evil and destructive, the only sensible category to choose is men. But nobody wants to write off a group that's got them in it do they? The whole point of finding a 'them' to blame is that you aren't them, so you're not responsible.

Seems to be a bunch of whataboutery and a lot of missing the point here.

That the ritual abuse of vulnerable non-muslim girls by a hugely disproportionate number of men from Pakistani origins is absolutely part of a jihadi ideology.

A “sexual jihad” if you will. Which was vehemently rejected by the left as being a racist myth. When it clearly wasn’t.
the police protect nonces of all descriptions, regardless of the hue of their skin.

This is true, and I’m always keen to point out to far right - the vigilante sting groups that have sprung up almost always catch right wing white “patriots” - but a failure to acknowledge basic uncomfortable truths about the toxicity of Pakistani attutudes to women, especially non-muslim women, has led to many more being enslaved and victimised.
And in light of the Telford revelations it’s time the left woke the fuck up.
That the ritual abuse of vulnerable non-muslim girls by a hugely disproportionate number of men from Pakistani origins is absolutely part of a jihadi ideology.
right. so where in the koran does it say this then? i mean, if it's part of jihad then surely it's in the koran. or you're spouting shit. my money's on the spouting shit.
Seems to be a bunch of whataboutery and a lot of missing the point here.

That the ritual abuse of vulnerable non-muslim girls by a hugely disproportionate number of men from Pakistani origins is absolutely part of a jihadi ideology.

A “sexual jihad” if you will. Which was vehemently rejected by the left as being a racist myth. When it clearly wasn’t.

Firstly I think ascribing an ideological motive to crimes such as these gives the culprits far too much credit, even if the ideology you're claiming they serve is an utterly putrid one. I think 'ritual abuse' is something you've invented, for whatever private reasons you may have, to describe the kinds of cruelty and exploitation that have never before needed a guiding moral principle but merely the absence of any morals at all.
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