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Rotherham child rape gangs: At least 1400 victims

I'd rather be, falsely, called a racist and speak out than allow this fucking awful shit to continue happen to young vulnerable girls. That people may have known about this and put themselves, their reputation and career first fucking sickness me. Anyone who knew about this and did nothing us complicit. Fuck them.

I would like to think that I'd blow the whistle too. But not everyone is so strong. Employees can be bullied, threatened and manipulated by senior managers into keeping quiet. It may not be right but it happens.

You only have to look at what happens to NHS whistleblowers to understand why some people turn a blind eye.
The relevant section of the Jay report - quoted on the previous page of this thread - states clearly that the primary problem wasn't among front line staff
we found no evidence of children's social care staff being influenced by concerns about the ethnic origins of suspected perpetrators when dealing with individual child protection cases
but with senior management, Council members and the Police. As is made clear elsewhere in the report they refused to accept the nature and scale of the sexual abuse and some actively discouraged discussion of the ethnicity of offenders.

But how on earth is that the most significant aspect of this appalling situation as compared to the failure to deal with it once it had been made clear to them ? Blaming 'political correctness' is just a way of distracting attention from major management failures, set in a context in which Social Services are underfunded to a level in which failure is almost pre-determined. I'd recommend reading those sections of the report about how some victims failed to meet the threshold for being able to access Social Services support - and that was taking place before the financial crash and subsequent austerity.
I would like to think that I'd blow the whistle too. But not everyone is so strong. Employees can be bullied, threatened and manipulated by senior managers into keeping quiet. It may not be right but it happens.

You only have to look at what happens to NHS whistleblowers to understand why some people turn a blind eye.

I wasn't singling out lower level employees. Anyone who knew about this and didn't speak out has something to answer for. That might seem black and white but these people are paid to protect.
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unbelievable numbers. and yes the council has behaved in an unimaginably cowardly fashion, but tbh the fact that even here all that anyone can comment on is the inaction of social services as opposed to the clear, cultural issue with sections of the Pakistani community just falls into exactly the same trap. anyone who's lived or worked anywhere near these areas can testify to the frankly barbaric attitudes which are quite widespread. non-Muslim girls are seen, quite broadly, as subhuman. there is nothing but contempt for values which don't ascribe to a strict religious orthodoxy, which in turn has no particular concern for whatever particular depravity someone might want to engage in so long as it's not turned against one of the 'in' group.

in Rochdale you had hundreds of blokes involved from across the community, respectable Mosque-goers, local businessmen, every generation. i can't imagine it's anything different here. this is different from a paedo-ring, where fuck-ups seek eachother out and make a secret syndicate - this is collaborative activity tolerated across an entire community based upon a backwards cultural dross which has no place in the 21st century.

yes this is about social services and the council and class and everything, but it is also clearly a cultural issue too and that gets ignored at everyone's peril.
I would like to think that I'd blow the whistle too. But not everyone is so strong. Employees can be bullied, threatened and manipulated by senior managers into keeping quiet. It may not be right but it happens.

You only have to look at what happens to NHS whistleblowers to understand why some people turn a blind eye.

It wouldn't stop me. I know that's easy to say from an armchair but i would gladly lose my job and turn into a paranoid curtain twitcher. Some things come from principles and knowing I could not live with myself if I knew that kind of stuff was going on under my nose and I did nothing. Fuck that.
weepiper said:
Yeah, like those white paedo celebrities and cabinet ministers that have been abusing children for decades. It's part of their white culture.

the comparison doesn't wash - there is no real white community but there are many Pakistani communities, in a very real sense. they exist, with established hierarchies, organisations and decision making procedures and in many of these mass grooming cases there is a large degree of complicity. if this case is anything like Rochdale (which i can't imagine it not being) it was engaged in by a large section of the entire community with the complicit knowledge of much of the rest, reinforced by a culture which regarded the victims as whores for not being born and brought up a strict Muslim.

the institutional protection which money and power brings to pervert celebrities can't be ascribed to the cultural leanings of 'whites' or anyone, rather they're just privileges which come along with the social position. by contrast, in the Rochdale and Rotheram cases the perpetrators were people who were in no way particularly powerful on a social level yet were surrounded by a general culture which protected their activities. there is not a single other cultural group in the UK where these grooming gangs crop up with such regularity or scale.
It wouldn't stop me. I know that's easy to say from an armchair but i would gladly lose my job and turn into a paranoid curtain twitcher. Some things come from principles and knowing I could not live with myself if I knew that kind of stuff was going on under my nose and I did nothing. Fuck that.
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The young women were regarded as worthless, scum from the estates, by almost everyone who knew what was going on.

the victims were children.

that they were being treated as women, as though they were making adult choices to engage in sexual activity with adult men, mature enough to make those choices was part of the problem. but they wree children, who were entitled to expect society to protect them, and not, as you say, label them as worthless scum.

does bring up qyuestions of the labeling of females as adult or child, in ways that don't always seem linked to age. but this probably isn't the thread for that.
unbelievable numbers. and yes the council has behaved in an unimaginably cowardly fashion, but tbh the fact that even here all that anyone can comment on is the inaction of social services as opposed to the clear, cultural issue with sections of the Pakistani community just falls into exactly the same trap. anyone who's lived or worked anywhere near these areas can testify to the frankly barbaric attitudes which are quite widespread. non-Muslim girls are seen, quite broadly, as subhuman. there is nothing but contempt for values which don't ascribe to a strict religious orthodoxy, which in turn has no particular concern for whatever particular depravity someone might want to engage in so long as it's not turned against one of the 'in' group.

in Rochdale you had hundreds of blokes involved from across the community, respectable Mosque-goers, local businessmen, every generation. i can't imagine it's anything different here. this is different from a paedo-ring, where fuck-ups seek eachother out and make a secret syndicate - this is collaborative activity tolerated across an entire community based upon a backwards cultural dross which has no place in the 21st century.

yes this is about social services and the council and class and everything, but it is also clearly a cultural issue too and that gets ignored at everyone's peril.

Powerful and brave post DA, not sure you would have posted it a few years ago, but do you have sources for this, if that is the case then we are heading into some very difficult waters
it was all brought out on the Rochdale thread years ago... the testimony from the girls being abused claimed scores of different guys from the area using them nightly - and the final number who were prosecuted represented just about every male demographic of the local Pakistani community.
Well, on nearly every other fora I've been on tonight, progressive types are trying to hold the line its about class or bad/weak management, they are not going down well with other posters, many who are far from racists, edl types, etc. Are they making the same mistakes that helped lead to these cases, I don't know, buts it all a mess and the repercussions haven't even begun yet.
the comparison doesn't wash - there is no real white community but there are many Pakistani communities, in a very real sense. they exist, with established hierarchies, organisations and decision making procedures and in many of these mass grooming cases there is a large degree of complicity. if this case is anything like Rochdale (which i can't imagine it not being) it was engaged in by a large section of the entire community with the complicit knowledge of much of the rest, reinforced by a culture which regarded the victims as whores for not being born and brought up a strict Muslim.

There does seem to be a reluctance to consider specific cultural issues but there seem to be some problems with this simple narrative. I've not read the report but this quote from it was posted on the other thread.

There was too much reliance by agencies on traditional community leaders such as elected members and imams as being the primary conduit of communication with the Pakistani-heritage community. The Inquiry spoke to several Pakistani-heritage women who felt disenfranchised by this and thought it was a barrier to people coming forward to talk about CSE. Others believed there was wholesale denial of the problem in the Pakistani-heritage community in the same way that other forms of abuse were ignored. Representatives of women's groups were frustrated that interpretations of the Borough's problems with CSE were often based on an assumption that similar abuse did not take place in their own community and therefore concentrated mainly on young white girls.

Firstly it suggests that the abuse from people in the Pakistani community wasn't just focused on white girls. Also it seems a bit odd to claim that many of the failings of the council and social services were for political reasons but that denial or complicity of the community was due to cultural reasons. Especially when so much influence seems to have been yielded by 'community leaders' who are often the same people who run the council.
anyone who's lived or worked anywhere near these areas can testify to the frankly barbaric attitudes which are quite widespread
Really ? Having lived on a Stepney council estate in which the majority of residents are Bangladeshi for 25 years (and having lived and worked in the area for much longer) this doesn't reflect my experience. I can see a lot of cultural conservatism and a lot of social attitudes I don't much care for myself. However that conservatism doesn't extend to tolerance for sexual abuse - if anything the reverse. And while misogyny underlies a lot of attitudes and behaviours the only differences with attitudes and behaviours in white communities are differences of form not content.

Of course my experience might be untypical - but when you go on to say
there is no real white community
it's fairly obvious that you're simply talking bollocks.
lets not foget that SYP are knee deep here= they treated the children 'with contempt' and senior officers refused to believe the data. I'd go so far as to say they were enjoying the fruits of such rings. The failures here are manifold and heartbreaking but where the ultimate power to act decisively rested was in the hands of our brave lawmen and they spat upon the victims. Rotten to the core
Public sector workers in 'couldn't give a flying fuck about doing my job, as long I collect my massively inflated pension' shock.

I've had the misfortune of working for a similar organization, in my dark days. The level of contempt for the people it was supposed to be looking after was mind boggling.
Public sector workers in 'couldn't give a flying fuck about doing my job, as long I collect my massively inflated pension' shock.

Do you get your information from the Daily Mail?

If someone could direct me to my massively inflated pension I'd be thrilled. All I can find is one which means I'd still have to work to supplement it to an amount I could live on.
Do you get your information from the Daily Mail?

If someone could direct me to my massively inflated pension I'd be thrilled. All I can find is one which means I'd still have to work to supplement it to an amount I could live on.

He's smarter than that in reality, but he's just a wind-up-merchant. He's been trolling like that on here for years. Lazy trolling at that. Do you enjoy recycling cliches so bone-idly, gabi? ;)
I had already posted on this story on the other thread and as a Rotherham lad am sick to my stomach at this appalling dismissal of the children's accusations.
But once again it is SYP at the centre of it.
Just announced on radio Sheffield that Shaun Wright the PCC is expected to resign over his involvement and a senior police officer said 'this is not an historical enquiry, there are currently over 170 cases being looked at currently.'
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