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Rotherham child rape gangs: At least 1400 victims

Once again suspensions that officials on the inside although not involved directly were involved in cover ups. Why.The.Fuck would they do that? :mad:
Once again suspensions that officials on the inside although not involved directly were involved in cover ups. Why.The.Fuck would they do that? :mad:

Because oh fuck we have fucked up and jobs are on the line.:( People can be weak and cowardly, and doing the right thing on a bad day is a lot harder than passing the buck.:(:mad:.
Of course a large number of these girls probably dressed much older than their years, had low self esteem and regional accents and therefore weren't considered to be vulnerable underage teenage girls whose lives were blighted by criminal abuse, they were just "slags" who brought it upon themselves.

I could weep with frustration sometimes, I really could.
They were making "lifestyle choices".
What happened in Rotherham is unbelievable. Or it would be if it hadn’t already happened, to a greater or lesser extent, in Derby, Oxford, Rochdale and, according to many experts, in every major town and city in the UK.

At least the leader of the Council took some responsibility and has gone - not before time.

Kimber, the squirming shit, has refused to resign. His interview on the PM tonight was nothing short of a disgrace. More of the “lessons learned”, “new policies and procedures in place” crap.

It transpires that although 1,400 vulnerable children were abused, more or less under the noses of the Council, not one employee has been subject to disciplinary action, let alone dismissed. Some have gone on to bigger and better jobs elsewhere.

All Kimber could say was that the Council would be informing their new employers, and it would up to them to decide what action, if any, they are going to take. Talk about passing the buck.

He’ll have to resign sooner or later as the spotlight’s now going to be on him. Best he goes now to preserve what little dignity he has left.

I hope it’s the last job he ever gets in local government - or anywhere else for that matter.

Having said that never forget the survivors and the perpetrators. I hope the former get all the help they need, and more to deal with the difficulties they will have to face for the rest of their lives. For many it's going to be too late.

As for the latter - sorry, it’s time for the death penalty for the ringleaders. Fuck them.

For the rest, castration, incarceration and no segregation so that the rest of the prison population can let them know what they think about this type of sex offender.
Sorry kimber you were in post when this atrocity was happening you need to go.
Some people probably were afraid of being accused of being racist but thats not an excuse not on this scale.:(
Sorry kimber you were in post when this atrocity was happening you need to go.
Some people probably were afraid of being accused of being racist but thats not an excuse not on this scale.:(

Just remembered another Kimber quote from the PM interview - the classic:

"I'm part of the solution. I'm not part of the problem."

Yes. He really did say that.


From about 11 minutes in.
No your not you were on duty when this shit happened maybe not for all of it but some of it happened on your watch.

Ok your not a child protection specialist fair one but 1400 victims over 16 years I'm sorry thats indefensible anyone who was management or involved in any way needs to go and properly disciplinary procedure i's dotted t's crossed so we dont have asharon shoesmith sit where they get a 6 figure payoff.:mad:
Daily Mirror front page is highlighting 'Asian gangs' very prominently, bit surprised at them, Kevin McQuire is Executive Editor and is usually more sussed, etc then that. It is also on every front page of every U.k newspaper. its also had 800 views on here which suggests Google is noting this thread.

btw, do posters think low level social workers just lose their jobs even though they are in other cities, posts, etc now, or is it senior levels whose should face sanctions or both?
If they knew about any abuse and did nothing effective including resigning then out of the industry they go, for ever. If they were complicit, then well, just kill yourselves.

I agree but be aware social workers are under tremendous pressure, especially child protection teams,

btw, does the left(in its widest sense) have any culpability?, some of them fostered an atmosphere where you just couldn't raise certain issues?
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Kimber was appointed in 2009, however the worst failings seem to have occurred under his predecessor Mike Cuff who was in post from 2004 to 2009 - the period when reports and briefings to Councillors and senior officers made clear the scale of the child sexual abuse and the systemic failings in the Council's response, and yet they still failed to respond adequately.

If you want heads on a plates I'd suggest an even better candidate would be Shaun Wright who was Council Cabinet Member with responsibility for Children and Young People’s services between 2005 and 2010, then Vice Chairman of the South Yorkshire Police Authority and is currently the elected South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner.

However personally I don't want to see token resignations as a public relations substitute for adequate resources being devoted to dealing with sexual abuse and supporting the victims. Particularly since the Jay report makes clear that Council funding cuts are set to affect Social Services in the future.
I’m not going to use the “PC” term as it’s just a lazy way of dealing with a sensitive subject.

However, I’ve conducted, and been otherwise party to, investigations in to allegations of racism in local government and I can tell you that some employees are worried about being labelled a racist and would rather opt for a quiet life rather than speak out. For them it’s simply not worth it.

Being called a racist can be potentially career-ending, even if the allegation is unfounded. Some of the mud sticks and there is often a “no smoke without fire” attitude from both colleagues and managers, many of whom do not want risk being tarred with the same brush.

I’m in no position to say what part, if any, this played in Rotherham.

But if individual, relatively junior, social workers say that they felt under pressure, even if it was unspoken, not to address certain issues I don’t think it should be dismissed as, in my experience, it does happen.
I’m not going to use the “PC” term as it’s just a lazy way of dealing with a sensitive subject.

However, I’ve conducted, and been otherwise party to, investigations in to allegations of racism in local government and I can tell you that some employees are worried about being labelled a racist and would rather opt for a quiet life rather than speak out. For them it’s simply not worth it.

Being called a racist can be potentially career-ending, even if the allegation is unfounded. Some of the mud sticks and there is often a “no smoke without fire” attitude from both colleagues and managers, many of whom do not want risk being tarred with the same brush.

I’m in no position to say what part, if any, this played in Rotherham.

But if individual, relatively junior, social workers say that they felt under pressure, even if it was unspoken, not to address certain issues I don’t think it should be dismissed as, in my experience, it does happen.

yes, see the Unison 'three monkeys' thread, I've had experience of these 'witch hunts' and they come very close to stalinism
yes, see the Unison 'three monkeys' thread, I've had experience of these 'witch hunts' and they come very close to stalinism

Yes - and sometimes the people conducting the witch hunt are doing so because they want to be seen as being on the "right" side of the argument lest they be accused of being soft on racism, or worse.
It's not as if there was a lack of evidence of a growing problem on Rotherham's streets.
Internal reports from a decade ago revealed "links between child sexual exploitation and drugs, guns and criminality".
Schools raised the alert about children being picked up "by taxis, given presents and mobile phones and taken to meet large numbers of unknown males".


These large groups of men, they haven't been prosecuted yet, will they be?
I’m not going to use the “PC” term as it’s just a lazy way of dealing with a sensitive subject.

However, I’ve conducted, and been otherwise party to, investigations in to allegations of racism in local government and I can tell you that some employees are worried about being labelled a racist and would rather opt for a quiet life rather than speak out. For them it’s simply not worth it.

Being called a racist can be potentially career-ending, even if the allegation is unfounded. Some of the mud sticks and there is often a “no smoke without fire” attitude from both colleagues and managers, many of whom do not want risk being tarred with the same brush.

I’m in no position to say what part, if any, this played in Rotherham.

But if individual, relatively junior, social workers say that they felt under pressure, even if it was unspoken, not to address certain issues I don’t think it should be dismissed as, in my experience, it does happen.

I'd rather be, falsely, called a racist and speak out than allow this fucking awful shit to continue happen to young vulnerable girls. That people may have known about this and put themselves, their reputation and career first fucking sickness me. Anyone who knew about this and did nothing us complicit. Fuck them.
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