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Riot going on now in Bristol - Stokes Croft

I'm gutted I live so far away. The rioteers of Bristol are doing us proud.

1 tactic to try in a riot situation is to to pick out one particular copper. All verbal and physical attacks heads their way. Just keep attacking that one. I learnt this in Greece.
Is it this Saturday the bookfair? I expect I'll be in the bar for it.

Yeah, 10:30 till 5 or 6. Purchase some crap from Bristol IWW, not that we're ransacking our own homes to try and earn some money, oh no...

Here's Stephen Williams on the Don't Snitch poster:

"Obviously, this is grossly irresponsible and further evidence that some people have been latching on to what at the start was a legitimate community concern about Tesco and turned it into a criminal episode. It is also further evidence that some people involved in the trouble were simply spoiling for a fight with the police, or 'the state', as they see it. Some of these people have been playing a very dangerous game."

It's nothing of the sort you useless idiot, it's solidarity work to preempt people getting fitted up and stitched up. Enjoy having fewer councillors on Friday morning, dipshit
Do you need any merch for the IWW stall? If I can come down I can always bring some, as well as the brand spanking new 450 leaflets and general leaflets
Actually, I think we could do with some - we were trying to get hold of Brum but not heard owt...

Drop us a PM :)
I was in Briz at the weekend, and Stokes Croft had about 5 bizzies (well, PCSOs...) mooching about there on saturday night, first time for everything i guess! Never really seen many police 'on patrol' round that area before, but then I don't live there, and i'm sure they're out in force still after their excitement of the month...
I also didn't make it. I have a feeling quite a few people went to a Anarchist book fair with the sole idea of making money,to me money grabbing bastards.There's one at £150 now of which a fiver went to the squatters and the defence fund.Whoever was dealing with it should have brought the lot ,£10,000,and put them on ebay average say £125 =£250,000,then give that to the squatters/defence fund.But that's just me.
it's going to PRSC and 'associates' which bookfair collective understood to be the legal defence fund, anarchist black cross, and bristol housing action movement. No 100% as this is what will pan out but its what is hoped for.
it's going to PRSC and 'associates' which bookfair collective understood to be the legal defence fund, anarchist black cross, and bristol housing action movement. No 100% as this is what will pan out but its what is hoped for.

Will the defence fund assist everyone who was arrested during the riots? If not, what criteria will be used to decide if someone is to be helped?
Will the defence fund assist everyone who was arrested during the riots? If not, what criteria will be used to decide if someone is to be helped?

I am sure the defendants and the legal support campaign would greatly welcome you volunteering your undoubtedly valuable time and expertise given the unwavering interest you have shown in what other people do and your acute analysis of how everyone else is doing it wrong/you think Stokes Croft and St. Paul's are shitholes/some crustie looked at you funny in 1993/etc.
Some updates (all from a perusal of Bristol Indymedia, been a bit preoccupied with other stuff to look anywhere else)

Bristol East Labour MP Kerry McCarthy has requested in the Commons that Bristol pig division receive extra funding to help tackle disorder in the city. Presumably the money will be spent on state of the art "community engagement" truncheons. Despite the cops having incited both riots with heavy-handed and deliberately provocative policing tactics, and despite lack of funds for basic services nationwide, policing minister Nick Herbert said he would consider the request.

So far the police response to the disturbances over the past few weeks has been a string of questionable arrests and vitriolic press releases. There appears to be no council-run community response. Stokes Croft is being demonised and hung out to dry. No prizes for guessing what happens next.

Arrestee support campaign:

Were you arrested at or after the recent unrest in Stokes Croft? Or do you have friends in trouble?

If you're arrested and/or charged, you don't have to face it alone.

Bristol Arrestee Support is a group of local people committed to offering support & help to anyone arrested or facing charges.

FWIW, I'm completely behind supporting anyone arrested in connection with this. No discrimination based on any criteria because we can be certain the law won't discriminate

email: [email protected]
I am sure the defendants and the legal support campaign would greatly welcome you volunteering your undoubtedly valuable time and expertise given the unwavering interest you have shown in what other people do and your acute analysis of how everyone else is doing it wrong/you think Stokes Croft and St. Paul's are shitholes/some crustie looked at you funny in 1993/etc.

I was unsure whether to dignify your petty post with a response. However, I am pretty sure I have never referred to either St Pauls or Stokes Croft as a shithole, but if you can provide some evidence of that please post it up.

As it happens, I have been visiting Stokes Croft since I was knee high to a grasshopper and we used to get the bus into Bristol from Pill so my dad could buy tropical fish in a shop where the Blue Mountain is now. As a teenager I used to go to Full Marks bookshop and meetings of the Bristol Animal Rights Group in the Bristol Tavern (now a restaurant). When I moved to Bristol in 1987 I always lived on or around Gloucester Road, and Stokes Croft/Montpelier was the place we chose to go drinking/clubbing - The Old England, The Bell, The Brewhouse, The Bristol Tavern, The Moon Club/Lakota, The Tropic Club. The Blue Mountain and the Malap (where the closed down Tesco is now) so I have very fond memories of the area. However, I have also worked in King Square for over 10 years so I am aware of the seedy side and see things going on away from the main drag, mostly from people living in the hostels. I do not claim to be an expert or have special knowledge, but I am just as much a "resident" of Stokes Croft as Chris Chalkley or Claire Milne, neither of whom live there as I understand.

Much as it pains you, you need to acknowledge that not everyone in the area is opposed to Tesco nor do they think riots are a good thing.

As for my position on the rioters, it's relatively straightforward. I think they are idiots but I do not think they deserve to have their lives ruined because hey got carried away in the heat of the moment. The reason I asked the question was because one of the people charged as a result of the riot is also charged with racially aggravated harrassment due to an incident at the mosque in Wade Street, where it is alleged that he skewered pieces of pork onto the railings. I was wondering if people involved in a defence fund had any qualms about defending people like this (although I am aware he is innocent until proven guilty etc). I personally would feel uncomfortable about it.
Is the Tesco store still closed & boarded-up?

Yep :D

I don't have any qualms defending people regardless of 'previous'. A defence campaign simply can't pick and choose, it has to be everyone. I agree not everyone's opposed to Tesco or in favour of riots. I'm not in favour of riots, I'm glad the police appear to have stopped starting them.
I can't see them opening for a while - let things die down and then try again in a couple of months maybe.

And yes, not all about Tesco, I wish the focus could be widened a little, at least on 'our' side - the concentration on the one issue by left commenters on here and elsewhere is frustrating
spot on post Geri

how is meaningless , patronising guff about rioters ' getting carrtied away in the heat of the moment' in any way 'spot on' ? Is that what riots, from Peterloo to Tahir Square to Stowes Croft are about , people getting 'carried away ' ? very silly .
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