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So the Furedi cult got 300,000 dollars from the Koch brothers. Rather funny to see them ranting about conspiracism and McCarthyism when their position on everything from climate change to BDS is conspiracist and their guru has revealed himself as a friend of the Soros-obsessive-right in both Spiked and the Telegraph...

I don't know the history properly, but these guys were apparently Marxists too.

they were such weird 'Marxists' as well, no one trusted them then either ( pro Nuke / anti Miners strike lines (iirc?) didnt help ).... + the bomber jacket / black polo combo was well overrated ( aka : standard, slightly out of date 'Wag smoothy' look )
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they were such weird 'Marxists' as well, no one trusted them then either ( pro Nuke / anti Miners strike lines (iirc?) didnt help ).... + the bomber jacket / black polo combo was well overrated ( aka : standard, slightly out of date 'Wag smoothy' look )

Basically sounds like a bunch of chancers in waiting to join whichever side looks like its winning.
I remember in the 90s many militant types and swappies arguing that the RCP were funded by mi5. I dont think its that bonkers. We know that undercovers were infiltrating pretty much every radical political group that ever met upstairs in a pub once a week. ideological shit stirring may well have been part of their brief. Maybe their arguments won over the like of ferudi? Who knows?
OK, suppose for the sake of argument - and only for the sake of argument - that the Fabulous Furedi Freak Brothers really are an MI5 pseudo-gang. What does their pro-Brexit position indicate about the British deep state and the Brexit business?
they were such weird 'Marxists' as well, no one trusted them then either ( pro Nuke / anti Miners strike lines (iirc?) didnt help ).... + the bomber jacket / black polo combo was well overrated ( aka : standard, slightly out of date 'Wag smoothy' look )

They weren't against the miners' strike.

They wanted the NUM to hold a national ballot for the strike. They argued that Scargill was wrong to circumvent the NUM rule book.The rules required a national ballot to hold a national strike. Scargill didn't want to risk losing a ballot. He, and much of the left in his support, claimed that it was wrong to have a ballot since this could involve some miners voting others out of their jobs. Solidarity was owed to those defending their jobs without a ballot, they said.

We will never know for certain whether a national ballot would have gone in favour of the strike, but it seems likely. We will never know whether a national ballot going in favour of a national strike would have persuaded the miners in Nottinghamshire that they had to join the strike. Divisions soon became very entrenched. Perhaps the only chance would have been to follow the rule book and have the ballot at the start.

Anyway, to say the RCP were anti-strike is very inaccurate.
OK, suppose for the sake of argument - and only for the sake of argument - that the Fabulous Furedi Freak Brothers really are an MI5 pseudo-gang. What does their pro-Brexit position indicate about the British deep state and the Brexit business?

well i wasn't actually arguing that - more that its not impossible that the spooks were involved in divisive ideological shit stirring within the far left and that the likes of furedi may have been influenced by that and/or his own particular brand of wank may have even have been actively promoted by said spooks. TBH - its of little import now. Him and his cult are shit spouting tossrags with out without the backing of sundry factions within Mi5.
They weren't against the miners' strike.

They wanted the NUM to hold a national ballot for the strike. They argued that Scargill was wrong to circumvent the NUM rule book.The rules required a national ballot to hold a national strike. Scargill didn't want to risk losing a ballot. He, and much of the left in his support, claimed that it was wrong to have a ballot since this could involve some miners voting others out of their jobs. Solidarity was owed to those defending their jobs without a ballot, they said.

We will never know for certain whether a national ballot would have gone in favour of the strike, but it seems likely. We will never know whether a national ballot going in favour of a national strike would have persuaded the miners in Nottinghamshire that they had to join the strike. Divisions soon became very entrenched. Perhaps the only chance would have been to follow the rule book and have the ballot at the start.

Anyway, to say the RCP were anti-strike is very inaccurate.

The dispute was triggered when the closure of Cortonwood colliery was announced. After 850 miners had been transferred there from the doomed Elescar pit on the promise of five years further work, just weeks previously, feelings were running high. Cortonwood voted to strike, sought permission to do so, from the Yorkshire Area Council, as per their rule book, which was then granted. The rest of Yorkshire, Scotland, South Wales, Kent, most of the North East and parts of Lancashire quickly followed, as per Rule 41 entirely in accord with both the NUM’s constitution and the law at the time.

At the NUM Special Delegates’ Conference of April 19th, 1984, Delegates from every pit in the UK voted democratically not to have a national ballot as they were already on strike – actually a series of Area strikes – and saw no need for a ballot as they had already voted with their feet. Scargill, by contrast, actually expected the majority to vote for a national ballot and had prepared for such an outcome with posters, ballot papers and leaflets, fully expecting to have to campaign for a ‘Yes’ vote.

There were decent Notts miners, sure, but they were strikers; principled men like Keith Stanley, Eric Eaton, Les Dennis, Kevin Parkin, Nobby Lawton, Maurice Wake and a few hundred more, who were arrested, sacked and beaten as they fought to save their jobs, their industry and their communities. On the other hand, the leading Notts scabs formed themselves into the Notts Working Miners’ Committee and appealed to the Conservatives for funds to break the strike. They colluded with shadowy intelligence types and their leading figure, Chris Butcher, AKA ‘Silver Birch’ was later unmasked as a Special Branch informant. They had such respect for democracy that they flouted their Union’s Rule 30 which rendered any Area subordinate to the National Rule Book when any conflict arose. Later, their leader, Roy Lynk, stitched up his own members in secret deals with Tory Energy Minister, Tim Eggar, and then accepted a lucrative directorship of British Coal from a grateful Tory establishment. Along with his OBE, of course. In reality, the Nottinghamshire strike-breakers’ only commitment was to pound notes and the results of their betrayal are evident today; three pits left from a 174 at the start of the strike, devastated communities, crime, drugs and mass unemployment.


In King Arthur's own words: Arthur Scargill: 'We could surrender - or stand and fight'
For some unknown reason, he said wryly, O'Neill turned up in this NYT piece from last year about Ireland's abortion referendum where he claimed to be "a huge believer in women's rights". The male vote was 66-34 in favour, no thanks to his creepy intervention.

“There is concern about how men will vote,” said Brendan O’Neill, an abortion rights supporter and the editor of Spiked, which he described as a libertarian online magazine. “I am a huge believer in women’s rights, but there is a trend toward women pushing men to stay in their lane.” With polls showing a tight vote, however, he said wryly, “you really need the manpower.”
Another old RCPer has announced on Facebook that he has been selected as a Brexit Party candidate. James Heartfield will be contesting Yorkshire and Humber.

No jokes about 'From Red Front to Red and Black Front', please.
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