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Privileged people calling less privileged people "stupid" doesn't seem to be working...

Does it?

How many more "shock results" are we going to need to get this?
There was a brilliant one the guardian feed a bit ago
A drunken student who refused to give his name started ranting about the south and the “rest of America”.

“The rest of America can fuck itself. I hope they lose all their jobs and get addicted to meth,” he said.
Don't forget how the those of us who didn't like either candidate but preferred Hilary over sexual predator Trump will be criticised as liberals and therefore; stupid.

Anyway; the people have spoken. We must respect the result. All hail the rise of the right.
You can judge how stupid or not they were when they wave their children off to war or die in a 'race' riot.

The result continues to tell us the old order doesn't deliver and the forces of the right can lie as to why that is so. It's the Muslims!
Cause of course that wouldn't happen under Clinton just as it didn't under Obama? Right?

Less or more?

I'm pleased you have the consolation of slagging off liberals and soft lefties.

Those bigoted feminists and Hispanic people who think it is stupid to vote in a racist and misogynist. What are they like?
What you have to remember is that the distribution of intelligence level in a population, statistically, follows the "normal distribution" curve. Thus the median has (approximately) as many above as below that point. In this case, "average intelligence" ... so, at least statistically, there are as many "stupid" as there are "bright" people.
So the "stupid" tail of the distribution is a relatively small number, but is disproportionally visible to those on the other areas of the spectrum. And most people actually over-estimate the "average" intelligence level, and where they sit on that spectrum - thus, sometimes and unconsciously, stigmatising what they perceive as "lower" levels.
It would be nice to see 'the liberal left' (whatever that means - probably traditional centre--centre right) in America learn from recent events in the UK about how not to react to a shock result that it has clearly brought on itself over the last couple of generations.

But it won't, will it? Just a lot of sneering at how the thick, racist drones will regret it when they're conscripted to fight in the next war and that kind of thing. Which is distasteful in its own right, and completely counterproductive because it's handing the other team the popular perception of the high ground. There'll be legal actions, shenanigans in Congress etc. comparable to what's gone on here since Brexit. And a little way down the line it will be easy for Trump's administration to portray it all as destructive sour grapes and, in fact, the reason the economy and global relations are fucked since he got in.
Half the fucking Democratic campaign was just rich white people and a handful of rich ethnic minorities saying 'fucking white ppl smdh' over and over on twitter. People who are too inept to see that that was not a winning strategy will never learn from their mistakes.
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Brexit provided a nice mechanism for a bunch of people of various flavours of politics to give another a bunch of people, loosely describable as liberals, a kicking, because the outcome was the masses rejecting their patronising conservatism in favour of revolt. You might argue that revolt was, say, racist, but there are some sound reasons why Brexit might be a good idea, so it's not a given.

The trouble with trying to reuse this theme with Trump is he explicitly is a racist. And all the rest. So this time if you laud it as a revolt against the elites, any kind of victory, you have to explicitly legitimise some kind of racism, and all the rest. And to boot, if you want to argue that it wasn't stupid, you need to show some way in which a Trump presidency isn't a universally terrible idea.

The only way out of the contortion that I can see is to patronise these people and say, well, it's not their fault they're racist, they were fed this stuff and it was the only option they had. Which brings us back to elites calling people stupid, only this time benevolently.
Less or more?

I'm pleased you have the consolation of slagging off liberals and soft lefties.

Those bigoted feminists and Hispanic people who think it is stupid to vote in a racist and misogynist. What are they like?
The thing is, the people that you mention, lefties, feminists, etc, are seeing their politics firmly rejected by electorates. The two biggest western political events this century have been won largely on anti-immigration/anti-lefty platforms. Left wing politicos will pretend that that wasn't the reason the UK voted to leave the union, but they've been wrong about everything else too.

There's no doubt what the yanks have just voted for.

Now would be a good time to stick £500 on Marine Le Pen for French president next year.

Times they are a changing. Massively.
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Again and again.

I want "The Left" to win.

Do you?

Yep, but this endless slagging off of moderate progressives is a road to nowhere. They are not stupid or nasty per se any more than those who chose Brexit. Why should they not find xenophobia appalling?

Need a bit less hate all round.
And all the rest. So this time if you laud it as a revolt against the elites, any kind of victory, you have to explicitly legitimise some kind of racism, and all the rest.
Who's lauding it? The OP isn't cheering this result it's pointing out that the strategy that centre-left parties have pursued over the few decades is only leading to losses.
Anyone who wants to get elected seriously needs to ditch any luvvie support that's for sure. Even Bruce couldn't swing it.
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