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Prince Harry

This is really interesting - they’ve been settling all of these out of court up to now, to keep their execs out of court and to avoid making admissions of liability.

If the royals wants to crush the red tops - forcing them to admit commissioning crimes is interesting...

It’s not like the royals need the money or can’t afford the lawyers.

Papers' phone-hacking bill 'could reach £1bn'


Thought that too - don’t think they can buy them off this time. Reckon the tabloids will double-down with the hostility. Interesting times...
Perusing the DM and DE stories on royals and there is not a lot of love for them in the comments. Surprised me TBH. Knee-jerk monarchism can no longer be assumed.
Thought that too - don’t think they can buy them off this time. Reckon the tabloids will double-down with the hostility. Interesting times...

I can’t imagine the royals doing this unless what they’ve got is absolutely rock solid.

Could make the pay outs up to now look small, plus it’d affect all subsequent pay outs and might cause previous ones to be reopened.

Could this lead to news international execs going to jail ?

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This one’s really making all the right-on lefty heads explode isn’t it.

Not really, if both parties concerned come off badly. By which I mean the Monarchy and the Press. A battle over who decides the narrative.

Harry and Meghan just represent this.

Both the winners and the losers, if there are any, will be weakened by the process. It's not going to be a PR coup either way.
Not really, if both parties concerned come off badly. By which I mean the Monarchy and the Press. A battle over who decides the narrative.

Harry and Meghan just represent this.

Both the winners and the losers, if there are any, will be weakened by the process. It's not going to be a PR coup either way.

The royals aren’t even going to have to give evidence all the evidence is all going to be technical and emails.

Harry is just going to have to give a statement about how much he has been damaged by the invasion of privacy, and about how appalling it all is.

Perusing the DM and DE stories on royals and there is not a lot of love for them in the comments. Surprised me TBH. Knee-jerk monarchism can no longer be assumed.

The DM and DE comments are only knee-jerk for whatever the DM and DE have said about something. They could put up an anniversary reappraisal of the "Hurrah for the Blackshirts" thing and I bet 90% of the comments would be "Good on you Mail, lets not pander to those leftard traitors any more, Moseley is our man" etc
DM comments are almost always moderated, or rather immoderated IYKWIM. You never really know what proportion of comments didn't toe the paper's line. I think they let through a tiny number of contrarian comments; the vast majority support them. It's rigged.

When mailwatchers sneaked something sarky past the moderation team, or when moderation was not turned on through some glitch and we all piled in, we got a surprising number of 'likes' and comments from people who got the joke.
Mailwatch Forum

if anyone's interested. I more or less gave it up because you had to read the Mail a lot, which corrodes.
(Although I do agree that being lectured on poverty by a woman whose engagement ring costs £370k and whose house refurbishments we kindly footed the bill for cost £30m is a bit, well, rich)

So Rich people can’t be concerned about poverty ?
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[QUOTE="D'wards, post: 16233969, member: 23586”](Although I do agree that being lectured on poverty by a woman whose engagement ring costs £370k and whose house refurbishments we kindly footed the bill for cost £30m is a bit, well, rich)

So Rich people can’t be concerned about poverty ?[/QUOTE]
In as much as it's intrinsic to their wealth, of course they can.
Regards Meghan, sorry I mean the Princess. Did her father pass the letter to the press? I'm no expert but when you pen a letter to somebody it becomes their property no matter how personal. You addressed it to them, you sent it to them. It''ll be interesting to see how this one holds up.
Regards Meghan, sorry I mean the Princess. Did her father pass the letter to the press? I'm no expert but when you pen a letter to somebody it becomes their property no matter how personal. You addressed it to them, you sent it to them. It''ll be interesting to see how this one holds up.

The physical letter yes, but not the content which is covered by copyright.
Regards Meghan, sorry I mean the Princess. Did her father pass the letter to the press? I'm no expert but when you pen a letter to somebody it becomes their property no matter how personal. You addressed it to them, you sent it to them. It''ll be interesting to see how this one holds up.

The copyright remains with the writer.
The physical letter yes, but not the content which is covered by copyright.
Tbh I think their argument as reported sounds a little thin, though I expect they are using some very high powered (priced) lawyers who have thought it out to a bit more detail than is seen here. In fact if it is on the basis of this copyright thing and it wins that would be a really awful precedent, that if someone sent you a letter you weren't allowed to publish what it said.
It's not as if the Mail isn't routinely full of racism and lies of course, but that has generally been about little people, and I don't see any indication that they would stop if they lost this case.
Tbh I think their argument as reported sounds a little thin, though I expect they are using some very high powered (priced) lawyers who have thought it out to a bit more detail than is seen here. In fact if it is on the basis of this copyright thing and it wins that would be a really awful precedent, that if someone sent you a letter you weren't allowed to publish what it said.

It wouldn't be precedent-setting though; this is by all accounts long-established law (and one that the Mail have fallen foul of in the past (edit: this last bit was pointed out here))
I have no interest in the royals, which royal has an odd dad, or who fucked whom, but a lot of people have very little in their sad lives so that pointless crap is wild and exciting to them - that means the mail and other potential harsh bog roll substitutes will print what sells.
The sad part here isn't the letter, the story, or the legal crap, it's that people care.
I've no sympathy for the Windsor brood at all, but it seems most such cases get paid off outside court. So I am taking some minor pleasure from knowing this is a case the papers won't be able to settle for money, due to a combination of this family not needing it, and the fact that he has a *lot* of emotional reasons to pursue issues of press intrusion to the bitter end in court. It would be sad if the rulings that come out only protect rich celebs and not normal people, but there may be the possibility of the rulings doing something to protect the innocent as well as the Windsors.
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