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Is HRH Prince Philip STILL dead?

The Queen planted a rose yesterday, wearing normal clothes. Queen Victoria was in mourning for forty years after Albert died.


The Royal Family is obviously in decline because in 120 years the mourning period has declined from 40 years to 0.022 years. Following this trend beyond zero the family's party for Charles's demise should begin about now.
The Queen planted a rose yesterday, wearing normal clothes. Queen Victoria was in mourning for forty years after Albert died.

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The Royal Family is obviously in decline because in 120 years the mourning period has declined from 40 years to 0.022 years. Following this trend beyond zero the family's party for Charles's demise should begin about now.
I blame government cuts
Since the Govt is planning on naming a £200M boat after him, a rose isn't really here or there is it.
I believe the floated (see what I did there?) name is HMY The Duke of Edinburgh. it would be great if it was named something like HMY Phil The Greek or if it was put out to public suggestion again. It would be best of all if the damn thing was not built but I suspect our rulers no longer give a shit anymore. Apparently even Brenda isn't struck on the idea but if Boris is not paying attention to her, he isn't going to listen to the peasants.
I've got a bit of cramp in my leg. Some people would call this a dead leg.
A bit like Prince Philip and Thatcher, that.
"The Duke of Edinburgh Rose is deep pink, dappled with white lines and double-flowered. It's a commemorative rose for all the marvellous things that he did over his lifetime and for everyone to remember so much that he did."

Which is fitting as when the petals wilt and drop you're left with PrickPrickPrickPrickPrickPRICK.
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