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Prince Harry

You choose whether to watch though. It's pretty gross that any of you do.
Its not gross its fairly normal for people to be interested in them now and again I know I am at the moment and truly hope harry and meghan give that rag the financial kicking it deserves and then give half of the winning to charities in foreign country's just to twist the knife.
It says it all about the establishment that shes having to bring this case herself and that she's being berated even for that.

Well exactly. It isn't as if this is the usual stalky / unauthorised pictures thing either; she wrote her dad a letter pleading with him to stop talking to the Press because of what it was doing to her, and the MoS felt the need to put that letter on the front page.

Hope she wins loads of money off them and then employs someone to follow Piers Morgan around all day, reporting his movements and criticising everything about him on Twitter.
Via her dad, who they have worked with a lot
Lawyer on TV last night explained how the father was at liberty to sell the physical paper (that had been gifted to him) of the letter to whomever he chose. Just the composed words that are copyright.
He seem to be acting logically in his own material interests.
Steaming into the Scum and Mirror now an all

Prince Harry launches phone-hacking case against Sun and Mirror

Prince Harry launches phone-hacking case against Sun and Mirror

From that link...

The new cases mean that the royal couple are now pursuing active legal action against half the UK’s national print newspaper proprietors, with only the Telegraph, Guardian and Financial Times unaffected.

Pedant alert - they seem to have forgotten the 'i' newspaper (JPI Media), which out sells them, and I guess easily forgotten - The Morning Star & The New European.
Steaming into the Scum and Mirror now an all

Prince Harry launches phone-hacking case against Sun and Mirror

Prince Harry launches phone-hacking case against Sun and Mirror

This is really interesting - they’ve been settling all of these out of court up to now, to keep their execs out of court and to avoid making admissions of liability.

If the royals wants to crush the red tops - forcing them to admit commissioning crimes is interesting...

It’s not like the royals need the money or can’t afford the lawyers.

Papers' phone-hacking bill 'could reach £1bn'

Its not gross its fairly normal for people to be interested in them now and again I know I am at the moment and truly hope harry and meghan give that rag the financial kicking it deserves and then give half of the winning to charities in foreign country's just to twist the knife.
They should donate it to RNLI expressly for their overseas work.
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