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Prince Harry

I genuinely don't think any of us have anything substantial to learn from someone so privileged, that we can't learn from just talking to each other. Acting as if we do in my view allows this one person's trauma to eclipse so many others' experience. Nearly all of us have pain and trauma, his is not worth more despite his profile - though you wouldn't know it (and I'm sure he believes it is). However we all act as if it does, by playing along with his exhibitionism - hence the acres of reflections on it by all and sundry (even me ffs).

I think you may be underestimating how massive a difference wealth makes to trauma - not to have to worry about your present or future, so you can focus entirely on your past. The freedom to choose your therapy, your therapist, to not have to wait for appointments, to talk for hours if you want because you can afford to pay them overtime. Most of us will never know this freedom, this absolute luxury. You're right, trauma itself is not a competition - but virtually everything else is. And any way you slice it, someone like Harry wins that. Is winning. Will always win.

I personally don't need pity or sorrow, living through pain has made me strong - I can't even imagine writing a book to reveal it all, at this point it's just part of who I am. I use it as power. I've always been called a weirdo, I consider that a compliment - not because it is, but what choice do I have? My son gets called weird at school, I told him too he should treat it as a compliment, and just say thanks and not worry about it. Not because that's best - but again, what choice does he have? Accept it and be unhappy and/or sad and/or lonely, as you put it? Of course not - live it, flaunt it, embrace it.

But neither I or he will ever have the life Harry Windsor has, and there's nothing for us (or, with respect, you or any of us here) to learn from this ex-duke.
What's worse is he's not an ex-duke
Its at the stage on social media where people comment about Kate praising her while comparing her to Meghan without even naming Meghan. Its that ingrained.
"Kate has such natural grace..she doesn't act all the time".
Or "Kate is so secure in herself ..she doesn't need to be holding Wills hand all the time when out...that's just so clingy or controlling".
Its at the stage on social media where people comment about Kate praising her while comparing her to Meghan without even naming Meghan. Its that ingrained.
"Kate has such natural grace..she doesn't act all the time".
Or "Kate is so secure in herself ..she doesn't need to be holding Wills hand all the time when out...that's just so clingy or controlling".
Yeah, it's pretty fucking disgusting. Kate is now being portrayed as "right for the monarchy" and good riddance to Meghan, but let's keep on demeaning her any way we can.

Compare the DM's tab on Meghan Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex - Latest news, views, gossip, photos and video | Daily Mail Online
With Kate's Kate Middleton: Latest news, views, gossip, photos and video on Duchess of Cornwall and Cambridge | Daily Mail Online

Yes, they have separate tabs - only Kate's is under the "Femail" section, Meghan's is in "News" next to Harry's. Once you start looking into how the media treats them (in particular tabloid media) it becomes quite apparent and shocking too.

This has been quite fascinating in terms of getting a better understanding on how the media works. I mean, I thought I knew it all, but oh, there's always more shit to be dug up.

+ The thing is the sort of media coverage emboldens hatred and racism, to the point that some people actually take matters into their own hands.
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Yeah, it's pretty fucking disgusting. Kate is now being portrayed as "right for the monarchy" and good riddance to Meghan, but let's keep on demeaning her any way we can.

Compare the DM's tab on Meghan Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex - Latest news, views, gossip, photos and video | Daily Mail Online
With Kate's Kate Middleton: Latest news, views, gossip, photos and video on Duchess of Cornwall and Cambridge | Daily Mail Online

Yes, they have separate tabs - only Kate's is under the "Femail" section, Meghan's is in "News" next to Harry's. Once you start looking into how the media treats them (in particular tabloid media) it becomes quite apparent and shocking too.

This has been quite fascinating in terms of getting a better understanding on how the media works. I mean, I thought I knew it all, but oh, there's always more shit to be dug up.

+ The thing is the sort of media coverage emboldens hatred and racism, to the point that some people actually take matters into their own hands.
When Kate was first linked with Willy, she was given a pretty nasty time by the press too. She was mocked for being "middle class" and not good enough for the royals and her family were given huge amounts of stick. Nothing compared to the truly horrific way Meghan has been treated though.
You seem to have overlooked the fact that the monarchy is comprised of individuals.

I don't hate the individuals who make up the monarchy (just think they're thicker than a whale sandwich and severely damaged); however I DO hate the institution. It shouldn't exist. It's an outdated, ridiculous, pointless, anachronism that serves no purpose and causes deep-seated mental issues for the people who are involved with it.

Is that clearer?

I don't hate the individuals who make up the monarchy (just think they're thicker than a whale sandwich and severely damaged); however I DO hate the institution. It shouldn't exist. It's an outdated, ridiculous, pointless, anachronism that serves no purpose and causes deep-seated mental issues for the people who are involved with it.

Is that clearer?
I find it hard to understand the venom of the anti-monarchists. If you don't like it, just ignore it. I have to do this with Starmer. :)
I find it hard to understand the venom of the anti-monarchists. If you don't like it, just ignore it. I have to do this with Starmer. :)
You can't ignore it, though, can you? It gets shoved down our fucking throats. I didn't give a fuck about the queen dying but that didn't stop the whole country from being put on hold because of it.

Meanwhile people are arrested for carrying blank placards. All very Vladimir Putin, but somehow when it happens here it's not the same. When push comes to shove, we're not actually allowed to be anti-monarchy. We are subjects not citizens.

I don't hate the individuals who make up the monarchy (just think they're thicker than a whale sandwich and severely damaged); however I DO hate the institution. It shouldn't exist. It's an outdated, ridiculous, pointless, anachronism that serves no purpose and causes deep-seated mental issues for the people who are involved with it.

Is that clearer?
I think more or less the same. It's extremely moderate and reasonable of us to think like this really, all things considered.

I do think it serves a purpose, though. It serves the purpose of reproducing privilege.
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I find it hard to understand the venom of the anti-monarchists. If you don't like it, just ignore it. I have to do this with Starmer. :)
Not sure what you mean here.

The monarchy can't really be ignored. It's thrust in our faces daily - on our currency, our postage stamps, on every official communication. It's in every Act of Parliament, everything done by government. The whole polity is built on the assumption it's a constitutional monarchy.

Anti-monarchists come in many varieties, from many different persuasions. Broadly, what's in common is a dislike of a system that perpetuates absurd hereditary privilege and encourages and expects the rest of the country to bend the knee to it. A system that purports, moreover, to represent the country abroad, and what the Empire did.

That dislike is more or less passionately held, depending on many variables including one's own privileges.
The egregious behaviour of certain members of the family exacerbates that dislike to a personal level.

I don't hate the individuals who make up the monarchy (just think they're thicker than a whale sandwich and severely damaged); however I DO hate the institution. It shouldn't exist. It's an outdated, ridiculous, pointless, anachronism that serves no purpose and causes deep-seated mental issues for the people who are involved with it.

Is that clearer?
you might have chosen a better analogy to indicate their stupidity as whale sandwiches, like bacon or reindeer or roast beef ones, are surprisingly not as large as the animal whose meat they contain.

as for not hating the individuals, institutions' popularity is affected by the individuals who comprise them. support for the monarchy doesn't ebb and flow based on analyses of the constitutional role of the monarch but the popularity of the individuals who make up the royal family, and stories of how they use their position for their own gain as detailed in the guardian's reports of how they've had laws changed in their favour, just as confidence in the police is not linked to their legal role but people's experiences of the police and their responses to stories of police in/competence and malfeasance.

no one looks back at eg louis xvi and marie antoinette and talks of how the monarchy's anachronistic role, they talk about how the bourbons were so out of touch with what was going on in france - 'let them eat cake' and so on. there was widespread discussion about how the death of elizabeth ii might mean the end of the monarchy because she was so well loved and charles, well, not so much. it's all about the individual members of the royal family - and while you might not hate the individuals who comprise that loathsome clan, it's their behaviour that really riles many, many people. it's something which the royal family themselves recognise, for example with the demotion of andrew. with the way that the coronation is supposed to be pared back in this time of the cost of living crisis to avoid aggravating anti-royal sentiment.
Not sure what you mean here.

The monarchy can't really be ignored. It's thrust in our faces daily - on our currency, our postage stamps, on every official communication. It's in every Act of Parliament, everything done by government. The whole polity is built on the assumption it's a constitutional monarchy.

Anti-monarchists come in many varieties, from many different persuasions. Broadly, what's in common is a dislike of a system that perpetuates absurd hereditary privilege and encourages and expects the rest of the country to bend the knee to it. A system that purports, moreover, to represent the country abroad, and what the Empire did.

That dislike is more or less passionately held, depending on many variables including one's own privileges.
The egregious behaviour of certain members of the family exacerbates that dislike to a personal level.
I think what Sasaferrato is actually trying to say is "shut up, doff that cap, tug that forelock, bow, scrape and with a stiff upper lip, just bloody well knuckle under, you seditious oiks" :thumbs:
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