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Prince Harry

I'm sure their heads would cost more than that. Public events like executions can be very expensive.

Like it or loath it, the monarchy will still be around when we are gone. (Well, me anyway, you may be a youngster).

Curious though, that the only European country that changed its system decided to have a monarchy. :)
The cost per head for the monarchy is less than 70p a year.
curious, so is that 70p per head for every living person or just working age people? , so if for example

full pop 0.70 x 66,000,000 = £ 46,200,000

working age people = 0.7 x 34,000,000 = £23,800,000

and thats just what they get from tax

is that value for money?

I am not disputing your figures or out for a bun fight , i just think we could halve that 70p and they would still have enough.
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The Sovereign Grant was in excess of £80million last year. And I don't think that includes the cost of police protection.
curious, so is that 70p per head for every living person or just working age people? , so if for example its every living person it equals

full pop 0.70 x 66,000,000 = £ 46,200,000

See my previous post - the best match is the 2016-2017 Sovereign Grant, which is not the full cost of the Royal family by a long shot. :)
I think the low figure 'per head' is worked out by the proportion of taxes that come from income tax divided by the number of people who pay income tax which doesn't make sense because income tax is a percentage.

I'd get rid of them for what they represent rather than any reason of cost but seizing the crown estates would be worth billions to the people of the UK and cleaned of their parasitic residents the Royal palaces could finally start earning some of those tourist dollars the monarchists are always on about.
Curious though, that the only European country that changed its system decided to have a monarchy. :)
I assume from the above you are referring to Spain. It was Franco who reintroduced Kingdom into Spain in, I think, 1947. He ruled the kingdom of Spain through a coalition of, again if I remember correctly, Carlistas. He also appointed the king to lead Spain from dictatorship to democracy once he'd died.

I'm a bit vague on the details, and am too lazy to check up at the moment, but others will be along soon to correct me where I'm wrong.
I assume from the above you are referring to Spain. It was Franco who reintroduced Kingdom into Spain in, I think, 1947. He ruled the kingdom of Spain through a coalition of, again if I remember correctly, Carlistas. He also appointed the king to lead Spain from dictatorship to democracy once he'd died.

I'm a bit vague on the details, and am too lazy to check up at the moment, but others will be along soon to correct me where I'm wrong.
He did not appoint the king to lead Spain from dictatorship to democracy. He appointed the king to lead Spain from dictatorship to dictatorship, and thought he'd succeeded when he died - 'todo atado y bien atado'.
Like it or loath it, the monarchy will still be around when we are gone. (Well, me anyway, you may be a youngster).

Curious though, that the only European country that changed its system decided to have a monarchy. :)
As for this, accepting a continuation of the monarchy in 1978 was a bitter pill for many in Spain to swallow, accepted to appease the Francoists and avert another civil war. I would be careful about using that as your example.
Like it or loath it, the monarchy will still be around when we are gone. (Well, me anyway, you may be a youngster).

Curious though, that the only European country that changed its system decided to have a monarchy. :)
Apart from those that decided via referendum (amongst many other popular means) to get rid - albania, greece, bulgaria, iceland, italy. And Spain's vote to restore had just as much legitimacy as referendums in nazi germnay modern day syria or nay other carried under conditions of authoritarian dictatorship where the dictator has made clear their wishes.

That said you have a belgium get out i suppose. Not that you did mean belgium, either now or in the past instances where you made this stupid point, with more overt reference to Spain. Of course, years later - even after being put right - you still spout the original nonsense all over again.
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In his Conversations with Stalin, Milovan Djilas recounts the long evenings he spent in Moscow trying to persuade Joe that the Yugoslavian monarchy was as dead as Dillinger, and that there was no need whatsoever to bring back the king as part of any post-war settlement.
Not this fucking Shite again. This isn’t about economics and never was. Stop

It is about money, £20 (or foreign equivalent) per show, pay-per-view guillotinings in Trafalgar Square. Phil first, lest the old racist croak before we can cash in. Then the minor royals, one a day as we build up to the Brenda special. Followed by 10 heads-a-show from Who's Who every Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday. The UK will be the richest country on earth :thumbs:
To me the cost of them has got little to do with keeping them, the question is what do they do? The tourism they supposedly bring in would almost certainly keep coming (I've been Versailles it's spectacular). And the claim they safeguard democracy is nonsense, there are plenty of stable democracies that don't have royalty (many of which are ex-monarchies).
I might be more tolerant of keeping them if they were a bit more like the Nordic ones who mostly support themselves whilst kinging is a sideline.
I'm not particularly in favour of getting rid of them ala 1789 or 1917 but we ought to be planning for phasing them out, this is the 21st century.
I would prefer it to be when Brenda carks but can't see it for a bit yet.
So sick of this racist shithole and garbage dump of a country. British racism is so insidious because of the denial that accompanies it. On the one hand you have the vermin media whose squealing goebbelsian and little eichmann functionaries fuse their racist propaganda with gaslighting denial and on the other you’ve got the thick-as-fuck ‘four legs good’ cunt public who are too fucking stupid to realise that their fusion of boot-licking pro-Monarchism combined with insane hatred of Merkel is the product of racist indoctrination.
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