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Prince Harry

Do you reckon Harry and Meghan had a wonderful 6 week holiday/Christmas in Canada.
When it was time to come home they had the post holiday/Christmas blues and sat around saying "wouldn't it be lovely if we could just stay here, not have to go home and back to work" as people do after a cracking holiday.
Then a lightbulb moment happened and they thought "hang on - we're rich! We can do what we fucking like".
I'm amazed by all the furore this is stirring up. All just for wanting something else for their lives and not just an endless series of official royal engagements and all the other bullshittery to be poured over and critiqued by the press.

They had that royal 'super fan' on telly the other day. That odd bloke who camps outside hospitals at royal births dressed in union jacks. You'd think someone had died ffs. He needs to get out more.
After my Nan died, my brother and I cleared out her house and it was full of Royal tat, We did joke about flipping coins and the loser gets it but ending up just leaving it for the house clearance firm on the grounds they could probably find someone daft enough to buy it.
The thing is she was the last one, The Q's are a huge family, Mrs Q and I are both one of four and we have/had loads of uncles and aunts. At my daughter's wedding the bride had over 70 of her relatives present. Amongst that huge tribe there is exactly one person who shows any interest in the Royal Family, which is my mother-in-law and she isn't British so she's probably fascinated by the weirdness of it all. My 17 year old thought that Harry was still 3rd in line to the throne because all of Billy's sprogs were girls (neither is true).
I don't think most people currently believe that the Royal Family should be abolished but there aren't many like this nut either, Most people are genuinely indifferent to them, I haven't found anyone in (my) real world who whilst not as pissed off as the average U75'er doesn't think this story is not a colossal waste of air time.
The more this crap gets flaunted, the more the public will ask what value we are getting from this shower who are damn near as numerous as the Q's and we (the Q's) pay in a damn sight more than we take out.
A lot are saying that this heralds the beginning of the demise of the royal family, whereas I think it's the exact opposite.
The fact its dominated the media and airwaves for a week now shows how much people still love the ongoing living soap opera.
And this is yet more grist for the mill.
The Crown on Netflix has so much to work with. There's so much material.
That's a weird sign off. Elizabeth Nxxxx Dxxxxx Saxe-Coburg and Gotha :confused:

It's her graf name. She's not bad...

Yeah, that's going to help:

The Duchess of Sussex’s father is prepared to testify against her over a claim that a tabloid newspaper unlawfully published one of her private letters to him.
Legal documents seen by The Telegraph have confirmed that Thomas Markle’s evidence will form part of the Mail on Sunday’s defence against the Duchess’s legal action for breach of privacy, copyright and data protection.
The court papers disclose text messages sent from Mr Markle to his daughter and lay bare the deteriorating relationship between the pair at the time of her wedding to Prince Harry.
The papers were filed at the High Court on Tuesday, a day after the Queen released a statement confirming the couple’s split from the Royal family....

The press in the UK is dominated by right wing hate rags. The centre right rags like the Guardian now fill with hate filled comments on discussions of race, Empire etc. Place is fucked.

Sorry, that's utter bollocks, or at the very least, vague and unclear.

You (maybe?) mean 'below the line' stuff I expect, and I'm sure it'll be there with Guardian online :mad:, so no excuses for that, but there are no 'hate-filled' (in this context) actual articles IME (I read the physical paper mainly, because I'm 57 ;) )

Afrua Hirsch is pretty damned sound and uncompromising about racism and Empire history for instance.

I pretty much always avoid defending the Guardian on here.
Loads of aspects about it and articles in it, especially in the op-ed pages, are crap :( :hmm:
And the Guardian thread here I've boycotted for about 5 years**.
But FFS, let's focus our ire on the really scumbag, right-wing, racist and out-and-out dog-whistle press -- Mail, Sun,. Express etc etc :mad: :hmm:

**and not because I 'uncritically worship' the fucking thing either, as I've many times and lyingly been accused in the past -- this note is for any absolute fucking cunts who might still be around and reading this :mad:
I can't make a distinction. Far right or centre right rags propping up the existing order. Feeding some pap to a middle class that's staring at the headlights as it's about to be run down.

And it's Afua Hirsch FFS.
I can't make a distinction. Far right or centre right rags propping up the existing order. Feeding some pap to a middle class that's staring at the headlights as it's about to be run down.

And it's Afua Hirsch FFS.

Yes, mine and others' steamrollering is imminent ;) :p

But if you really (?) are that incapable of making any distinction at all between the Guardian (for all its hugely many big faults) and the Mail/Express/Sun (for all their total absence of any non-shit-ness whatsoever :rolleyes: ), then you're no good at media analysis at all.

BUT! I digress and derail :oops: :oops: :(
Full apologies to you and to thread for that
(and for being needled into it ;) )
The guardian is shit William. You're a sucker.

Not saying it isn't -- sometimes, often, etc.

But Guardian really IS NOT the same or as bang-on awful and as out-and-out Tory as the Mail/Sun/Express.

Remember the comment I was previously (over)reacting to was claiming it was as fucking racist! :rolleyes:

If you claim Guardian is the same as those utterly Tory rags, , I don't believe you're really as thoughtless as to genuinely think so.

Maybe we'll have to "agree to disagree"**
;) ;)
**(inverteds are, as always, deliberate).
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Someone from the red tops fringe told me that HRH is in the departure lounge earlier this week. Not like gods waiting room obvs.im pretty sure this rumour has been kicking around for eons.
The cost per head for the monarchy is less than 70p a year.


So, you seem to have found (or recalled from a right-wing "newspaper") a calculation based on the value of the 2016-2017 Sovereign Grant (what they used to call "the civil list").
Not only has this been hiked greatly in the few years since, but it does not include security costs. I saw one estimate for Harry and Meghan alone which dwarfed this amount.

Then (and this depends whether you care about rentierism), there is the bulk of their income which basically comes from "owning lots of stuff". They are helping to contribute to the fuckedness of both the housing and commercial property situation.

Quantifying the cost of their infantilising effect on the nation is difficult, though the taking just one example, the cost of Brexit alone so far is estimated to have outstripped all of our contributions to the EU so far (I haven't dived into these figures).

Countering this, they do help fill a lot of column inches.

Incidentally, estimations of contributions to tourism are trivial compared to the UK's tourism revenue as a whole.
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I can't make a distinction. Far right or centre right rags propping up the existing order. Feeding some pap to a middle class that's staring at the headlights as it's about to be run down.

And it's Afua Hirsch FFS.

I don't think you can describe the Guardian as centre-right. Would you regard arch Corbynista Owen Jones as being centre-right? Or Frances Ryan for that matter?
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