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Prince Andrew, Duke of York, named in underage 'sex slave' lawsuit

I see that the "Daily Mail" is as wonderful as ever.

"The charges apply to incidents between 1994 and 1997 and involve three victims, "the youngest of which was 14 when Maxwell 'groomed' her ..."

The youngest of WHICH? .:confused: :hmm: Interestingly and worryingly horrible. Those young women are now suddenly mere things. Inanimate objects. It would have a very simple matter to say "the youngest of whom was 14 ..."
You are assuming a level of empathy of which the Mail has none.
Interesting. His people claim they’ve been in touch with the DoJ, but have not had a response.

I think he’s up to his neck in the shit and he thinks he’s a long way down to go yet.

The internet says "jiz-len" with a soft "J" like in "Je" in French.

I'd probably pronounce her name "nasty evil cunt" myself but that's just me.
Apparently hard g or soft g are both used. She seems to have used a hard g though there were at least three different pronunciations of the second syllable by different people in the Epstein doc on Netflix.
I was reading about Epstein's business career yesterday. He was well dodgy and to think of all the rich and famous people wanting hang out with him? Even without the pedophilia he was crook.

Liz Hurley’s ex and recently deceased Steve Bing was best mates with JE.

Liz Hurley’s ex and recently deceased Steve Bing was best mates with JE.

The late Steve Bing's late girlfriend, eh.

Certainly seems like many people associated with Epstein have died suddenly and in somewhat ambiguous circumstances...
It specifically says in that article that SB and JE weren't close so best mates is a bit of a stretch.
It specifically says that the gf's aunt, the source of the whole story, says they weren't close, though she may not necessarily know the extent of their closeness, and she may also not be 100% reliable.
The youngest of WHICH? .:confused: :hmm: Interestingly and worryingly horrible. Those young women are now suddenly mere things. Inanimate objects. It would have a very simple matter to say "the youngest of whom was 14 ..."

Is that not a correct usage? Got an inkling I've read similar various places.
Interesting. His people claim they’ve been in touch with the DoJ, but have not had a response.

I think he’s up to his neck in the shit and he thinks he’s a long way down to go yet.

Dredging through the murk of His Royal Nonceness's bullshit, it seems that he has offered to answer questions via email, or at most answer questions in person, so long as he is given the questions in advance of the meeting.
You might have seen it, but think it's bad grammar. Which for things, who (or whom) for people.

Fair enough, I wouldn't have picked up on this myself as an example of the Daily Mail's awfulness.
Though there is plenty more to choose from.
The home was bought last December by a “legal entity” created after the homeowner’s real estate agent balked at selling to an anonymous buyer, the agent said.

156 acre estate for one million dollars? :eek:

Let's move to New Hampshire.
The home was bought last December by a “legal entity” created after the homeowner’s real estate agent balked at selling to an anonymous buyer, the agent said.

Other records show the buyer was Granite Reality LLC, whose listed manager is a Boston lawyer named Jeffrey Roberts.

Roberts did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The web site of his firm, Nutter McClennen & Fish, says that Robertschairs Nutter’s Private Client Department and serves as a member of the firm’s Executive Committee.”
Nutter McClennen & Fish is a hell of a name :cool:
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