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Prince Andrew, Duke of York, named in underage 'sex slave' lawsuit

No you don't because it didn't happen, although you and one or two others may have tried to spin it that way. What you remember are my posts regarding the admissability of the new evidence in the Ched Evans case.
I don't think I ever posted on the thread so no spin here. I read it though. You came off like you were defending him. Maybe it's the way you go about it; the way you interact with people on those/these threads. You can be right without being a cock about it. Particularly when you're talking about rape. The gleeful point scoring is pretty nauseating sometimes.

eta It appears I did post on that thread once - after half a dozen pages of you and Athos doing your thing:

Well done lads, great thread to be waving your cocks around on. Pages and pages of it. Have a fucking look at yourselves.
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Saul's right, that's not evidence. It's an uncorroborated allegation which is strongly denied and which isn't being pursued by the US authorities.

The photo (if real - Andy's lot say it's faked-) is only evidence that they met one time. Not that they had sex.

There is no criminal evidence against Randy Andy.
He denied even meeting her, the photo is proof (if real) that they did. I did not claim it was proof of sex.
I don't think I ever posted on the thread so no spin here. I read it though. You came off like you were defending him. Maybe it's the way you go about it; the way you interact with people on those/these threads. You can be right without being a cock about it. Particularly when you're talking about rape. The gleeful point scoring is pretty nauseating sometimes.
Fair enough but the trouble is, on these boards anyone looking into such subjects in slightly more depth than screaming "nonce" or "rapist" immediately gets branded a supporter of the said perp, which is quite obviously bollocks and deeply offensive. Not that I mind being deeply offended but what's good for the goose is good for the gander so if TopCat can lie about me being a 'nonce defender' I can lie about him being a goat-fucking, Werther's Original merchant who shags his mum.
She said she was 17 at the time so even she isn't claiming she was underage, she is claiming she was trafficked by Jeffrey Epstein. She accuses He Who Cannot Sweat of knowing that fact whereas he claims he never even met her and barely knew Epstein. There is however the famous photo of him stood next to her with his arm around her and there is loads of evidence that he and Epstein were in fact good buddies.
The Giuffre case is pretty much dead, Whilst his magnificent interview convinced people that he's a bit of a creep who sleeps with girls the age of his daughters and a shit liar to boot;
There is no evidence (at least in the public domain) that he has done anything outright criminal.
The DoJ/FBI aren't interested in talking to him about Virginia Guiffre (that case has been dismissed in the US) but what he knows about Epstein and his trade in supplyng underage girls to the rich and powerful. It is of course possible that His Royal Nonceness doesn't actually know anything about that but his unwillingness to co-operate and answer questions is convincing no-one.
The second criminal case was dismissed, primarily as Epstein was dead by that point. A number of civil cases between Guiffre and others have all been settled, including Ghislaine Maxwell. She and other defendants won in a case under the Crime Victims Rights Act, which determined victims rights had been violated in the first criminal case where Epstein was given a spectacular deal.
Fair enough but the trouble is, on these boards anyone looking into such subjects in slightly more depth than screaming "nonce" or "rapist" immediately gets branded a supporter of the said perp, which is quite obviously bollocks and deeply offensive. Not that I mind being deeply offended but what's good for the goose is good for the gander so if TopCat can lie about me being a 'nonce defender' I can lie about him being a goat-fucking, Werther's Original merchant who shags his mum.
You're a truth-seeking missile & there might be some collateral damage along the way :cool:

I get what you're saying. Anyway, it's your schtick; it's not going to change. Sometimes it works; other times (it looks like) you end up defending rapists; swings and roundabouts.

Say what you like about TC though; he's never stolen a dog's face and worn it to a party.
You're a truth-seeking missile & there might be some collateral damage along the way :cool:

I get what you're saying. Anyway, it's your schtick; it's not going to change. Sometimes it works; other times (it looks like) you end up defending rapists; swings and roundabouts.

Say what you like about TC though; he's never stolen a dog's face and worn it to a party.
Is this becoming a thing? 🤣
The second criminal case was dismissed, primarily as Epstein was dead by that point. A number of civil cases between Guiffre and others have all been settled, including Ghislaine Maxwell. She and other defendants won in a case under the Crime Victims Rights Act, which determined victims rights had been violated in the first criminal case where Epstein was given a spectacular deal.
I meant the case against He Who Cannot Sweat was dimissed, the US has already decided he has no case to answer. Guiffre is no doubt aggrieved against him but would I suspect be happy to settle for a heartfelt apology and an admission he wronged her. The question is what if anything did he know about what Epstein was doing, they were clearly good friends so even if they didn't sit around the fireside openly discussing it, it beggars belief that HWCS didn't at least suspect something.
Epstein's first trial was a farce, Even allowing for him being able to afford the best lawyers he was clearly being shielded by rich and powerful friends and it is a stain on the US legal system that it took so long (apparently due to a few FBI agents who wouldn't let it drop) for a second investigation to get anywhere.
I'm one of those who do think there is a good possibility that Epstein was killed, It doesn't take any great conspiracy or cover up to have done it.
In the circles he moved in the line between the legal and illegal is no doubt is very blurry. It only takes one of those rich and powerful ex-friends to decide they're better off with Epstein dead. Nor does it take much to make it happen, bribes for one or two people to look the other way and a single assassin to do the deed. This in a city in which official corruption is not exactly unknown. There's no need for loony theories like the CIA/Russians/Trump/Illuminati did it.
I meant the case against He Who Cannot Sweat was dimissed, the US has already decided he has no case to answer. Guiffre is no doubt aggrieved against him but would I suspect be happy to settle for a heartfelt apology and an admission he wronged her. The question is what if anything did he know about what Epstein was doing, they were clearly good friends so even if they didn't sit around the fireside openly discussing it, it beggars belief that HWCS didn't at least suspect something.
Epstein's first trial was a farce, Even allowing for him being able to afford the best lawyers he was clearly being shielded by rich and powerful friends and it is a stain on the US legal system that it took so long (apparently due to a few FBI agents who wouldn't let it drop) for a second investigation to get anywhere.
I'm one of those who do think there is a good possibility that Epstein was killed, It doesn't take any great conspiracy or cover up to have done it.
In the circles he moved in the line between the legal and illegal is no doubt is very blurry. It only takes one of those rich and powerful ex-friends to decide they're better off with Epstein dead. Nor does it take much to make it happen, bribes for one or two people to look the other way and a single assassin to do the deed. This in a city in which official corruption is not exactly unknown. There's no need for loony theories like the CIA/Russians/Trump/Illuminati did it.
So you say the same as me, you get a like and I get "nonce defender" :facepalm:
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