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Prince Andrew, Duke of York, named in underage 'sex slave' lawsuit

It's probably too late for him to say "I'm a sleazy entitled spoilt rich kid with blue blood who has had my fair share of totty crumpet over the years. All of it consensual from any number of young women who threw themselves at me. I never asked their ages and I could reasonably assume they were over18. The numbers probably are over 1000 and I couldn't be expected to remember every one of them. What Epstein and others did I was not privy to and they never shared anything with me other than sycophancy. I in hindsight deeply regret my actions and apologise if anybody was inadvertently hurt. I hope this draws a line under the affair and I, of course, remain willingly available to help any relevant authorities with their enquiries. Embassaremnt at the venality of my former life prevented me in being fully candid about my behaviour up till now. I hope this statement can go some way to start the healing for all concerned and allow everybody to move on. In light of this and without prejudice I have decided to make substantial payments to some of the complainants who in turn have asked for privacy at this difficult time. This is the last statement I will be making on this matter."
Yeah. Especially since an ex employee says he saw HRH grinding his crotch against a semi-naked seventeen year old girl in a swimming pool.

the Netflix doc is with the time, btw. Epstein was much nastier than I’d realised, and Maxwell was so heavily involved for so many years I can’t believe she’s avoiding jail.
Yeah. Especially since an ex employee says he saw HRH grinding his crotch against a semi-naked seventeen year old girl in a swimming pool.

the Netflix doc is with the time, btw. Epstein was much nastier than I’d realised, and Maxwell was so heavily involved for so many years I can’t believe she’s avoiding jail.
She's in hiding apparently, and lawsuits can't be served on her as she's refusing to let her lawyers accept on her behalf. Last seen in North America (Manchester by the sea) staying with a then boyfriend who appears to have severed his relationship with her when everything came to light.
She's in hiding apparently, and lawsuits can't be served on her as she's refusing to let her lawyers accept on her behalf. Last seen in North America (Manchester by the sea) staying with a then boyfriend who appears to have severed his relationship with her when everything came to light.

Probably has a new identity and face by now.
Careful what you say. Everyone's entitled to be considered innocent until such time as the prime minister accepts their ridiculous explanation.
I absolutely believe in innocence until proven guilty, it just seems that an awful lot of these public schoolboy types turn out to be nonces. I wonder why that might be.
I'll be very surprised if it isn't.
Sad isn't it.

Obviously he won't personally sweep it under the carpet. Feckless faux squaddie that he is. The Royal House will pull the strings.

Be nice to see a Tory get held to account if involved. Be even nice if the greedy little weasal spills his guts and implements some other cubts. The House of Commons does not have the clout of the royals to cover up.
Time to sweat Andy:
Here too

BBC News - Jeffrey Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell arrested by FBI

Ghislaine Maxwell arrested by FBI on charges related to Jeffrey Epstein

Here too

BBC News - Jeffrey Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell arrested by FBI

Ghislaine Maxwell arrested by FBI on charges related to Jeffrey Epstein

Will she end up with a sore throat like her boyfriend or go bob-bob-bobbing along like her dad did?

Was Robert Maxwell murdered?
It will be fucking brazen if she dies. I expect though given it's the FBI who nicked her they will coop her up somewhere safe whilst she sings.
Whether they act on the information rather depends on what it is and about whom.
If she names an ex president for instance they might bury it.
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