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Prince Andrew, Duke of York, named in underage 'sex slave' lawsuit

Was fish bones when they were trying to get rid of that fash Bowes-Lyon woman.
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My money would be on a helicopter crash. Notoriously dangerous, helicopters.
Ooh! :D Yes, they are. However, please can this helicopter crash NOT be upon the roof of a really good Glasgow pub? We only want Prince Andrew dead, not 10 people.

Of course I don't want him dead. Yet. I want him in a court. As do we all.

I wonder, though, if it might come to pass that the Royals and Powers That Be might end up finding that giving up Andrew to proper investigation would be a worthwhile move to preserve the rest of them.

Not going to happen, though.

How about a ski-ing accident?

Or a golf accident? He likes golf, doesn't he? So he could be unfortunately struck by lightning. But now I am remembering the "Father Ted" thing where the horribly boring priest was struck by lightning at the crazy golf. He survived. Obviously it would be better if Andrew was struck by lightning where no cameras were and the first people on the scene just made sure that nothing could be done to save him.
a surfeit of peaches and cider
But that sounds quite enjoyable really. I had never thought of the two together, but imagine on a really hot summer day to sit down with some proper cider and then cool and juicy peaches. Possibly then there could be some cold ham or cheese, a cool green salad, good bread ... really, this sounds very appealing.

Is there a reason why you would favour this over the traditional surfeit of lampreys? :D
Brenda is, but not the rest as far as I know.

That was my understanding, but looks like the rest are also immune in civil proceedings, but not criminal cases.

The monarch is immune from arrest in all cases; members of the royal household are immune from arrest in civil proceedings.[37] No arrest can be made "in the monarch's presence", or within the "verges" of a royal palace. When a royal palace is used as a residence (regardless of whether the monarch is actually living there at the time), judicial processes cannot be executed within that palace.[38]

The monarch's goods cannot be taken under a writ of execution, nor can distress be levied on land in their possession. Chattels owned by the Crown, but present on another's land, cannot be taken in execution or for distress. The Crown is not subject to foreclosure.[39]

Sovereign immunity - Wikipedia

But, no arrests can be made within a royal palace, so we could see him holed up, Assange style. :D
I've learned something today. What an awful way to die.
Well, if it makes you feel better, it is really unlikely to have happened. Bit of a myth, really. However, were the peasants and rebels of the time only killed in nice gentle painfree ways?

Anyway, it is such a long-time belief that everyone knows about it (apart from dessiato, I suppose), and without it, how would we ever had had "Edward II and the Red Hot Polkas"?
Edward II (band) - Wikipedia

But, no arrests can be made within a royal palace, so we could see him holed up, Assange style. :D
Ah! Good point there.

However, surely Assange style would tricky because it would depend upon some place agreeing to take him in.

I think, given that he is, after all a Royal person, something more in keeping with tradition should be done. I can think of a least one bottle dungeon and I am sure there are more.
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If it's all true, and I don't doubt it is, perhaps he could be "encouraged" to party himself to death. Although I find it hard to imagine anyone wanting to be seen to be partying with him now.
If it's all true, and I don't doubt it is, perhaps he could be "encouraged" to party himself to death. Although I find it hard to imagine anyone wanting to be seen to be partying with him now.
You could have hit on the right idea there. Keep giving him enough white powder, amounts you could ski on, then "oh dear, sudden heart attack" and "please do not discuss Prince Andrew at this very sad time for his family". Then a convenient new royal pregnancy.
Actually, on second thoughts, yes the convenient new pregnancy, BUT things more quickly to arrange - the Queen has got a new dog! with an amazing break from tradition, she has adopted a very sad little puppy from the local dog rescue place. It looks very nice and just look at those soulful brown eyes. Forget other things now!

But even more likely would be some announcement that the queen has some sort of health problem, bit of heart trouble, nothing serious but it means that all right-thinking good British people must not mention her son because of not wanting to stress the dear old queen.
He will attempt to redeem himself on the battlefield by leading a crowdfunded army of hoolies and ptsd'd raq'n'stan vets to recapture the falklands but will get simon westoned before even stepping foot on the beach.
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