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Prince Andrew, Duke of York, named in underage 'sex slave' lawsuit

No need to charge him with anything. His knowledge of the south atlantic will prove invaluable in the development of the south atlantic industrial zone and now he's withdrawn from public life there is nothing to prevent him taking up a well-paid post (7 fish a week) overseeing the drainage of Falkland sound.
Too risky, he likes islands. Plus I recon an accident will occur around the new year, Andrew in coma etc...
Its really weird, but in '94 or '95 I am sure I spoke to that Maxwell person. It is at mid day at King Cross, I remember it because it was strange and odd conversation about trains and special services, and that needed to get a drink...she started listing off drinks, but each for each drink that's too sweet, that's too sour, by the time the person is el5 why she doesn't like or would never like kwiw juice or milkshakes
I walked away from the pair.
Proper pantomime baddies, the Royal Family, eh?


"We'll get you, my little pretty"
Revealed: Duke of York set up secret investment fund under assumed name 'Andrew Inverness'

:rolleyes: I had to check but its about a month and a half since Prince Andrew was explaining about his tendency of being too honourable

Interesting and wasn't aware of this. Looks like the Telegraph's piece is recycled from the Mail How Duke used pseudonym to set up secret firm with sports tycoon | Daily Mail Online

Companies House record is here NAPLES GOLD LIMITED - Officers (free information from Companies House)

And "Andrew Inverness"'s Director form is here https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/...c40389ba03e4c00b75e8fe4fe24e06f63dae9e1d9944a
Interesting and wasn't aware of this. Looks like the Telegraph's piece is recycled from the Mail How Duke used pseudonym to set up secret firm with sports tycoon | Daily Mail Online

Companies House record is here NAPLES GOLD LIMITED - Officers (free information from Companies House)

And "Andrew Inverness"'s Director form is here https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/document-api-images-live.ch.gov.uk/docs/4z-s8ErVIX9Z379NkcGrwvJnyTbZokldsp_dYZKkUGk/application-pdf?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Content-Sha256=UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD&X-Amz-Credential=ASIAWRGBDBV3MLAWY2ML/20191227/eu-west-2/s3/aws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20191227T145047Z&X-Amz-Expires=60&X-Amz-Security-Token=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&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=9bfda18e4099b69c903c40389ba03e4c00b75e8fe4fe24e06f63dae9e1d9944a
No idea about such matters...but is it OK to set up/register a company under an assumed name? Mind you, I'm assuming that the name is assumed...maybe the RF can call themselves what they like?
No idea about such matters...but is it OK to set up/register a company under an assumed name? Mind you, I'm assuming that the name is assumed...maybe the RF can call themselves what they like?

In English law anyone can pretty much call themselves whatever they like as long as it is not for a fraudulent purpose. The most obvious Fraud Act 2006 offences arising where there is a dishonest misrepresentation or a dishonest failure to provide information which is required. Fraud Act 2006

However, him using the address of his friend as his "usual residential address" on that form may be a productive line of attack.

It would be interesting to hear why Prince Andrew felt the details entered on that form, including his use of a non-standard name, complied with the Companies Act 2006 requirements.

Companies Act 2006
In English law anyone can pretty much call themselves whatever they like as long as it is not for a fraudulent purpose. The most obvious Fraud Act 2006 offences arising where there is a dishonest misrepresentation or a dishonest failure to provide information which is required. Fraud Act 2006

However, him using the address of his friend as his "usual residential address" on that form may be a productive line of attack.

It would be interesting to hear why Prince Andrew felt the details entered on that form, including his use of a non-standard name, complied with the Companies Act 2006 requirements.

Companies Act 2006
I'm sure he wouldn't do anything wrong, after all he is an honourable man, perhaps even too honourable.
In English law anyone can pretty much call themselves whatever they like as long as it is not for a fraudulent purpose. The most obvious Fraud Act 2006 offences arising where there is a dishonest misrepresentation or a dishonest failure to provide information which is required. Fraud Act 2006


However, him using the address of his friend as his "usual residential address" on that form may be a productive line of attack.

I wonder how they got hold of that information, Companies House doesn't make 'usual residential address' public, only a 'correspondence address', which if you don't want your home address published and have no businesses premises, it's usual to use that of your accountants or solicitors.

Although he used - 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, England, WC1N3AX - the home of British Monomarks, which acts as an accommodation address, well used by pirate radio stations back in the day, as if he didn't want to expose his accountants or solicitors. :hmm:

I wonder how they got hold of that information, Companies House doesn't make 'usual residential address' public, only a 'correspondence address', which if you don't want your home address published and have no businesses premises, it's usual to use that of your accountants or solicitors.

Although he used - 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, England, WC1N3AX - the home of British Monomarks, which acts as an accommodation address, well used by pirate radio stations back in the day, as if he didn't want to expose his accountants or solicitors. :hmm:

On the form linked to https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/...c40389ba03e4c00b75e8fe4fe24e06f63dae9e1d9944a he listed 21 South Audley Street as his usual residential address. I agree it is unusual to see that form uploaded on Companies House. It does happen occasionally with older listings. With more recent ones you tend to have electronic filings with truncated dates of birth and no signatures - partly to prevent people doing identify theft.
On the form linked to https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/document-api-images-live.ch.gov.uk/docs/4z-s8ErVIX9Z379NkcGrwvJnyTbZokldsp_dYZKkUGk/application-pdf?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Content-Sha256=UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD&X-Amz-Credential=ASIAWRGBDBV3MLAWY2ML/20191227/eu-west-2/s3/aws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20191227T145047Z&X-Amz-Expires=60&X-Amz-Security-Token=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&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=9bfda18e4099b69c903c40389ba03e4c00b75e8fe4fe24e06f63dae9e1d9944a he listed 21 South Audley Street as his usual residential address. I agree it is unusual to see that form uploaded on Companies House. It does happen occasionally with older listings. With more recent ones you tend to have electronic filings with truncated dates of birth and no signatures - partly to prevent people doing identify theft.

That link doesn't work for me, and doesn't start with the URL of Companies House. :hmm:
She’s a cheeky cunt, knows full well he fucked himself right over, but is trying to claim a bit of glory when it is clear that a strategically shaved monkey would have got the same response from the Dim Son.

Agreed, plus she’s trying to keep in favour with the twat and the Royals in general.
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