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Possible vaccines/treatment(s) for Coronavirus

I've been thinking a bit about vaccine roll out and how they are going to stop (or if they are at all) the private clinics offering it at a cost. I know the government have already said there would no queue jumping in this way but money talks and wealthy people usually get their way.

It seems likely that some sort of requirement for a vaccination certificate will be common place when entering other countries so those who travel a lot will be very keen to get hold of one for their holidays and business travel. It also seems likely that there will be thriving private market for vaccination in many other countries.

The pressure on the government from business and their rich mates will be pretty intense. It'll also be dressed up as a means of relieving pressure on the NHS etc.
Yeah, good article. The thing I haven't seen articulated is how much delay there I'll be if additional trials are required. They don't normally happen quickly.
The difference would be that there have already been enough trials to work out there are no clear or significant side effects so it’s just a question of working out the right dosages. That will be much quicker, tho we’re looking at three months minimum.
I've not heard the government promise that, just the JCVI provisional advice list that had care home residents and staff as suggested first priority. The 'best' order is a bit disputed though, some younger people in the clinically extremely vulnerable category (shielding) have argued they should be higher up the list, and some countries are doing priority on quite a different way. If the first vaccine that became available was more efficacious in some groups (age for example) rather than others would make sense for those groups to get it first as well.

I think this change of it being NHS staff first is due ot the first vaccine being unable to be transported/moved and needing hospital conditions for the cold storage.
Sorry, belated reply as I've been largely offline a couple of days. Suppose I was really getting at the way the government have tended to push out some overly optimistic messages about the vaccine and life getting back to normal. In fact that's been just about their only political strategy this last fortnight or so, particularly as they battle with their own back benchers. I suspect some care home providers and probably residents and relatives were taking that as a sign they were close to getting the vaccine. That's certainly what a couple of providers were saying late last week. Suppose all I'm saying is the government should be a bit more careful with their messaging. I'd guess johnson is very close to coming out with some sort sort of Churchill, 'this may not be the beginning of the end...' type twaddle.
BREAKING NEWS - the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine has been approved for use in the UK, roll-out will start early next week.
Is that the we’ve got hardly any of until March?

Wish I had any faith in the government’s ability to organise the purchase, refrigeration, distribution, accurate 2-stage deployment and recording of such a vaccine. Under Zaharwi it will, of course, end up being a costly, out-sourced fiasco.
No, this is one of the half dozen or so vaccines that the UK pre-ordered, in this case 40m doses, enough for 20m people.

It's the Moderna one that wasn't on the pre-order list, so the order for 7m doses put in now will not arrive until March.
Ah, right:)

Just checked paper & it says maybe 10m doses this year, so 5m vaccinations, then?
Ah, right:)

Just checked paper & it says maybe 10m doses this year, so 5m vaccinations, then?

That sounds about right, and the rest as quick as they can provide them in the New Year.

Hancock said 50 hospitals are ready to accept delivery, I wonder if that's all that has freezers that can handle it, I know Worthing hospital has one, but didn't think to ask the SiS if they have one over at the Chichester site, nor if she knows how common these specialist freezers across the NHS.

They are also setting-up 'Nightingale' vaccination sites, which I think the army are organising.
None. And luckily the NHS and army are running the logistics so fingers crossed we should be OK.

NHS employs 1.5 million, but not all clinical, so probably enough for good percentage of clinical NHS staff in the next few weeks.

I’m very much looking forward to wife getting the vaccine but she’ll be at the end of nhs queue sadly. Only just starting to get regular testing.
Our doctors have just tweeted that our community probably won't be getting this vaccine. Probably too difficult to cold chain it into the northern countryside.

Vaccine for southern city dwellers only.

From my understanding, because of the logistics involved in storing this one, it'll be only available at some hospital and specialist vaccination sites across the UK. so not reserved for 'southern city dwellers' only.

They are waiting on the approval of the Oxford/Astrazeneca one for the roll-out to GPs, etc.
Am I right in thinking that rolling this vaccine out to NHS workers, coupled with the antigen testing for NHS staff, should also provide some useful data soon on how effective the vaccine is in reducing infectiousness/onward transmission of the virus?
Quick investi-Google puts the risk of an anaphylaxis with vaccine around 1 in every million vaccines given if anyone interested, or hear any idiots going on about that. And that's reactions, not deaths.
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I've been thinking a bit about vaccine roll out and how they are going to stop (or if they are at all) the private clinics offering it at a cost. I know the government have already said there would no queue jumping in this way but money talks and wealthy people usually get their way.

It seems likely that some sort of requirement for a vaccination certificate will be common place when entering other countries so those who travel a lot will be very keen to get hold of one for their holidays and business travel. It also seems likely that there will be thriving private market for vaccination in many other countries.

The pressure on the government from business and their rich mates will be pretty intense. It'll also be dressed up as a means of relieving pressure on the NHS etc.
Optimist's hat/ The UK govt has preordered shitloads of the Oxford one, which should be available in a couple of months, may be a bit more effective than first reported once they've tweaked the dosage, is a lot cheaper (couple of quid a dose), and can be kept in a fridge. By spring, it could be that regular GP surgeries are offering it to everyone.
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