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Possible vaccines/treatment(s) for Coronavirus

It will be fascinating to see how the differences between vaccines play out - eg cost, transportability.
Yes. Whether and at what point in the process anything like a free market starts to operate will be interesting. Everything is so up in the air and will depend on whether the various vaccines work and for how long. The various companies want to 'win' in this process and some will be better placed than others. But equally, the last thing they want is a free market with downward pressure on prices say in 12 months when/if the virus comes under some degree of control.
In this country, maybe, but I’m sure there will be a thriving trade in packages Switzerland or somewhere where for a few thousand pounds you can get done.

Not sure about that, governments from around the world have put in massive pre-orders with the various drug companies, why would they piddle around with what would be tiny orders in comparison, from the private sector, until the pre-orders have been delivered?
Not sure about that, governments from around the world have put in massive pre-orders with the various drug companies, why would they piddle around with what would be tiny orders in comparison, from the private sector, until the pre-orders have been delivered?

Because their margin will be much higher when selling private.
Not sure about that, governments from around the world have put in massive pre-orders with the various drug companies, why would they piddle around with what would be tiny orders in comparison, from the private sector, until the pre-orders have been delivered?
Know what you mean about mega bulk orders being where it's at. Same time, it's a guarantee that various private clinics are at this moment working on how they can get their hands on the vaccine(s), initially for the super rich and then the merely 'rich'. That won't be just about making profits vaccinating the elite, it will be about maintaining their position as companies who can queue jump for the elite.
Do we know how the symptoms compare for people who have had the vaccine but still contracted the virus compared with those who've not had the vaccine?
Old article but one of a few that came up when i googled just now thinking what happens next when all the countries with money are vying with eachother to buy these vaccines up.
It basically suggests that if you live in a poor country you might have to wait until 2024 before you get a chance of being vaccinated, once they are no longer the hot thing on the market.
Rich states' Covid deals 'may deprive poor of vaccine for years'

World bank has been anticipating the issue with a 12 billion pot for this but no idea what that looks like in relation to actual costs.
Likewise this, COVAX, a sort of collaborative effort where rich countries give some spare change to help make distribution more equitable, has raised 2bn so far.
So i suppose people will still be dealing with this in poor countries when we've all forgotten about the whole thing.
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Do we know how the symptoms compare for people who have had the vaccine but still contracted the virus compared with those who've not had the vaccine?
The moderna one had no serious cases, the Zeneca one didn’t provide any info.

Similarly, nothing about age groups on either.
I've got the flu vaccine on Wednesday - if they were going to be putting nanobots anywhere they'd be putting them in that.

I'll report back.
I'm having a Zoom piss up tonight - are there are any nano lads that can sort out a hangover? If so, I for one welcome my Tiny Overlords (Innerlords? Sanguinary Lords? Capilliary Captains? Aortic Overseers? Plasmic Presidents? Plateletic Premiers?).
Interesting. That seems like a blunt instrument - y/n/u - it's almost as if they are encouraging a strong U vote.
Useful for them to understand how many loons they have on the practice list I suppose. In the catchment area for the local trust there has been a lot of deaths - highest in the area - so hopefully people aren't that stupid, but sadly I doubt that. :(
Suppose it's (just about) fair enough for individual GPs to test the waters, but doing this doesn't fit into any kind of sensible NHS wide strategy, particularly given the extent of conspiraloonery that's around. And as LDC said, even sillier as we are miles away from mass vaccination.
One thing I wonder, since no one knows yet how long vaccine derived immunity lasts, hopefully a lot longer than 6 months. But if you're not in an at risk group and won't be getting one any time soon due to age, couldn't this effectively mean you never get one as by the time they've gone through everyone ahead of you, it will be time to re-vaccinate them again.

So you lot under 50, with no underlying health conditions making you especially vunrible, you're probably just gonna catch it at some point and acquire what natural immunity that may bring.

Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not begrudging being under 50 and sans a serious health condition (AFAIK.) Just pondering.
I do wonder about that - older people being more a priority might need a second dose before I can get my first and I'm OK with that.

Quite amused with some people I've seen online being all pissed off that 'old people will get to go out and do stuff' first but I don't think it will work quite like that!
I do wonder about that - older people being more a priority might need a second dose before I can get my first and I'm OK with that.

Quite amused with some people I've seen online being all pissed off that 'old people will get to go out and do stuff' first but I don't think it will work quite like that!

Those old people, living so long and then stealing our vaccines so they can go out raving and to the bingo. <shakes fist>
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