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Polish Nazis on the rise in the UK?

They called off their bristol meeting (or, the vicar who ran the place they were meeting told them they couldn't). A load of polish anti-fascist stickers appeared over the last few months over parts of east bristol as well. I sent them a badly translated message for info but got no reply.
On the rise "in the UK"? Can't comment on elsewhere, but I live in the middle of one of the heaviest concentrations of Polish immigrants in the UK, and there's not a sniff of fash AFAICT.

Lots of Polish immigrants where I live too and I agree with the above. Could be wrong of course.
Hard to go on anecdotal evidence and I have no idea of any sort of statistics or research....but I was absolutely shocked to come face to face with a shaven headed man in the full fash regalia including tattooed swastikas and lots of leather, doing his shopping in Asda, unconcerned as you like. I was too taken aback to scrutinise what was in his basket.
On the rise "in the UK"? Can't comment on elsewhere, but I live in the middle of one of the heaviest concentrations of Polish immigrants in the UK, and there's not a sniff of fash AFAICT.

There's a Polish family up the road with a St George's flag in the window. Not sure what to make of that.
Hard to go on anecdotal evidence and I have no idea of any sort of statistics or research....but I was absolutely shocked to come face to face with a shaven headed man in the full fash regalia including tattooed swastikas and lots of leather, doing his shopping in Asda, unconcerned as you like. I was too taken aback to scrutinise what was in his basket.

I dunno where you live but you'd not make it from one end of my street to the other looking like that.

Well, bits of you might I suppose. But you'd be in no position to make any further use of them.
There's a Polish family up the road with a St George's flag in the window. Not sure what to make of that.
Hard to know without asking them I guess. Could be a white-pride attitude - Northern European white nations united type of thing. But could merely be (possibly as an attempt to counter anti-immigrant sentiment) displaying an overt affection for their adopted homeland. Personally I'd err on assuming the latter tbh, simply because IME most people aren't racist arseholes.
On the rise "in the UK"? Can't comment on elsewhere, but I live in the middle of one of the heaviest concentrations of Polish immigrants in the UK, and there's not a sniff of fash AFAICT.

ive a mate who was heavily involved in fascism and extreme nationalism back in poland at one time. Polish nationalism is largely related solely to what goes on in poland. Being anti immigrant when your an immigrant is a bit silly, even for most fash . The level of extremist views amongst northern and eastern european immigrants cant be at all gauged from the rare open manifestations of such groups in Britain . The levels of support for extremist groups are best gauged in looking at the support they get in places like Poland or Lithuania, Hungary etc . Most immigrants whatever their outlook simply want to keep their heads down and earn some dosh and would have little interest in exporting their views to a society they regard as alien and temporary, even if thats wishful thinking on their behalf.
Hard to know without asking them I guess. Could be a white-pride attitude - Northern European white nations united type of thing. But could merely be an attempt to counter any anti-immigrant sentiment by displaying an overt affection for their adopted homeland. Personally I'd err on assuming the latter tbh, simply because IME most people aren't racist arseholes.

They live next door to a black family with whom they appear to get on famously. I'm definitely willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, fash-wise.
ive a mate who was heavily involved in fascism and extreme nationalism back in poland at one time. Polish nationalism is largely related solely to what goes on in poland. Being anti immigrant when your an immigrant is a bit silly, even for most fash . The level of extremist views amongst northern and eastern european immigrants cant be at all gauged from the rare open manifestations of such groups in Britain . The levels of support for extremist groups are best gauged in looking at the support they get in places like Poland or Lithuania, Hungary etc . Most immigrants whatever their outlook simply want to keep their heads down and earn some dosh and would have little interest in exporting their views to a society they regard as alien and temporary, even if thats wishful thinking on their behalf.
Out of interest, and from what you know from your mate, back in those countries is facism as 'rife' and 'on the rise' as is sometimes portrayed over here? It's hard to know from distance, as every report from any angle inevitably exaggerates the particular picture they've chosen to paint.
How are people defining Fascism here? Many Poles are certainly conservative, but the country isn't over run by goose steppers.
not really. a lot of them either send money back to poland or are saving up so they can take a big pot back with them.

It just doesn't strike me as being a nationalist thing to do. Sodding off abroad to seek your fortune instead of working to build up the mother land.
Out of interest, and from what you know from your mate, back in those countries is facism as 'rife' and 'on the rise' as is sometimes portrayed over here? It's hard to know from distance, as every report from any angle inevitably exaggerates the particular picture they've chosen to paint.

open fascism isnt, nationalism is pretty much as strong as its always been . On the other hand you have issues like polish gays hotfooting it over here ..Ireland..because theres less nonsense they have to put up with . And what Ive also found out is that theres absolutely loads of them . And that because the immigrant communities tned to be more tight knit and socialisng with each other previously bigotted poles can end up having their prejudices confronted by unavoidable social interaction , and at least softened .
Central and Eastern Europe is a big, diverse place and the strength of the far right varies from country to country. Strong in Hungary at the moment iirc.
open fascism isnt, nationalism is pretty much as strong as its always been . On the other hand you have issues like polish gays hotfooting it over here ..Ireland..because theres less nonsense they have to put up with . And what Ive also found out is that theres absolutely loads of them . And that because the immigrant communities tned to be more tight knit and socialisng with each other previously bigotted poles can end up having their prejudices confronted by unavoidable social interaction , and at least softened .
Ta. 'Liked' for the info - but not necessarily the content iykwim.
▲Ex pat mentality isnt one of the EDL founders poncing about in malta pretending to be a knight templar or something.
There's a Polish family up the road with a St George's flag in the window. Not sure what to make of that.

I think it's quite common for some immigrants to overtly adopt the nationalist symbols of their new home. It's something I think I noticed to some extent in London and is definitely true with South Americans in Madrid, usually in the form of a baseball cap or T-shirt with a Spanish flag on it. Some of the most Catalanista people in Barcelona are the Andalucian families who migrated in the '50s and '60s.
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