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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

The dull and simplistic media narrative about that which you are parroting is well known, yes, but is probably far from the whole story.

Agreed. I'm sure there was more to it than that, but the fact remains she was very close to Carrie and the timing of their fallout and her 'move' from Press Secretary does seem quite.. odd.

She may have very good judgement if it's all true, getting rid of Cummings and Stratton.
Yep blame the staff, deny deny deny, bluster through it, turn on the deflector and whataboutery shields on full strength, fire a couple of hapless civil servants and 'draw a line under the matter'. He's not known by some in the Tory Party as "the greased piglet" for nothing.

Keir Starmer is comically shit. His performance today made Jack Straw's notorious missed open goal against Michael Howard during the Derek Lewis scandal look magisterial, incisive & hard-hitting in comparison.

I mean we all knew that anyway, and unfortunately it's not funny as a Fascist Home Secretary is about to pass dictatorial powers on the cusp of a deadly new Covd variant wave and January restrictions returning. In this context the strategy of Being Tory With A Human Face and having the kind of argument with your deputy, more normally conducted in hissing tones between an unhappy married couple at breakfast in a run-down B&B, is fucking deranged.

Opposing a corrupt, venal and extreme right wing government with a clownshoes dick like Starmer is like facing the might of Real Madrid in their prime, with the back four of Cowdenbeath, and Frank Haffey (aged 83).
Douglas Ross flags Boris offside :D

Unfortunately the decision will be overturned by political VAR (VAR Ref: The Hon. Godfrey Dumbelfuck QC, ex-Eton, Cambridge & a Tory Donor)
Yeah, the laughing. At us. Reading accounts of people dying alone on the same day, or having months of isolation following the rules, or all those kind of things. That and then seeing that laugh and contempt.

Tearful resignation read out by Stratton outside her home just now.
For me, it's actually seeing them laugh at us; I know they were...but seeing it.
For me it's that nothing will come out of it, except a tad more shit sticking to johnson. It's what it says about the times we live in: A de facto breach of the law by the administration responsible for the Covid rules - check. Evidence they are taking the piss and, literally, laughing at us - check. All that should have been enough to at least generate a major crisis, probably resignations, in the past. It should also have seen the opposition way ahead in the polls.

Admittedly, there's a sense this one is perhaps creating a link between people's dissatisfaction in their own lives and what is going on at the elite level, the sort of thing that's been missing for a long time. It's the smaller human things that sometimes trip a government up. Just doesn't feel like enough groundwork has been done by Labour for this to slot into a bigger jigsaw of focused resentment i.e. to become part of something.
For me it's that nothing will come out of it, except a tad more shit sticking to johnson. It's what it says about the times we live in: A de facto breach of the law by the administration responsible for the Covid rules - check. Evidence they are taking the piss and, literally, laughing at us - check. All that should have been enough to at least generate a major crisis, probably resignations, in the past. It should also have seen the opposition way ahead in the polls.

Admittedly, there's a sense this one is perhaps creating a link between people's dissatisfaction in their own lives and what is going on at the elite level, the sort of thing that's been missing for a long time. It's the smaller human things that sometimes trip a government up. Just doesn't feel like enough groundwork has been done by Labour for this to slot into a bigger jigsaw of focused resentment i.e. to become part of something.

And the loyal opposition sitting opposite nodding and being politely angry. Fuck them too. Yeah, not much (if anything) will come of it.
It's coming to something when wee Dougie Ross (Conservative) is offering more opposition to the government on twitter than, er, the actual opposition. And when that pudgy whiny pufferfish Blackford is made to look statesmanlike in comparison to the "Leader" of the Opposition.
The silence from Johnson is deafening. He probably already has an advert out in the Telegraph for another Meuf.
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