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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Not that I don't have a great deal of ire to spare for the people who voted Boris and chums in, but directly insulting those who did and have already come to regret their decision and admit it publicly isn't a good look.

Boris is merely the political embodiment of the famous H. L. Mencken quote:
For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.

For people who don't closely follow politics, as a populist Boris does a good job of making it seem like there's a simple answer to any sufficiently complex question, and then just ignoring any events or information to the contrary because their ego won't let them admit they're wrong, and they don't understand the complexity themselves. Many politicians do the same thing, but Boris is a particularly good example because he's such a twat.

It would have bankrupted the country if only half of [Corbyn's] promises were carried out.

...as opposed to where we are now...?
(Apologies if someone has already posted a link to this)

I've not seen too many links on this thread to Boris Johnson being a complete cult ;), but Andrew Rawnsley wasn't too bad today (Observer) on possibilities of his cultleader's days being numbered ......

Observer headline said:
Like all cults, Borisology is detached from reality and destined to end badly

OK, some of that article is poor, but at least he's been keeping his eye open in Manchester this week .......
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